Bonjour, Je reviens apres 2 ans pour vous faire part de la decision de la CEG pour un remboursement a mon egard de la part de Mr Bet.
Poštovani izvršni direktor i igrač,
Curacao eGaming („CEG") je pregledao svu dokumentaciju koju su podnijeli Igrač i Operater („Stranke") u vezi sa ovom pritužbom. CEG priznaje da je obema stranama dato dovoljno vremena da saopšte svoje izjave i pruže dokaze koji potkrepljuju svoje izjave.
U ovom slučaju, CEG odlučuje u korist Operatera jer:
Operater je, po mišljenju CEG-a, postupio u skladu sa javnom informacijom na svojoj veb stranici, na koju se Operator pozivao, kao i dao propratne izjave.
Operater je dostavio CEG-u relevantne dokaze koji pokazuju da postoji IP-konflikt i/ili korišćenje istog uređaja. To znači da više naloga koristi isti IP i/ili uređaj.
Iako je Operator dostavio CEG-u ubedljive dokaze potrebne za donošenje svoje odluke, u ovom konkretnom slučaju, nije odobrio da podeli ove dokaze u svrhu poverljivosti i/ili sprečavanja prevara.
CEG propisuje da će se spor između strana rešiti na sledeći način:
Operater da nadoknadi igračima iznos poslednjeg depozita.
Propust stranaka da se pridržavaju ove odluke može rezultirati disciplinskim merama CEG-a protiv bilo koje od stranaka.
Obe strane mogu podneti žalbu na ovu odluku u roku od sedam dana Komisiji za žalbe ADR-a. Žalbe koje nisu blagovremeno primljene ili ne sadrže odgovarajuću identifikaciju, nove dokaze i/ili motivaciju žalbe biće zanemarene.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Curacao eGaming | ADR Department
Curacao eGaming se obavezao na Kodeks ponašanja Odgovoran Gamin
g 2022 („CCRG 2022"). Opširnije.

Potvrdite da je ovaj imejl od Curacao eGaming („CEG") tako što ćete proveriti da li je adresa e-pošte: plai
Bonjour, Je reviens après 2 ans pour vous faire part de la décision de la CEG pour un remboursement a mon égard de la part de Mr Bet.
Dear Executive and Player,
Curaçao eGaming ("CEG") has reviewed all documentation that has been filed by the Player and the Operator (the: "Parties") in the matter of this complaint. CEG acknowledges that both parties have been granted ample time to communicate their statements and provide evidence, supporting their statements.
In this case, CEG rules in favour of the Operator because:
The Operator, in the view of CEG, has acted in accordance with the public information on its website, to which the Operator has referred to, as well as provided supporting statements.
The Operator has provided CEG with relevant evidence showing that there is IP-conflict and/or use of the same device. This means multiple accounts are using the same IP and/or device.
Although the Operator has provided CEG with convincing evidence required to make its ruling, in this specific case, it has not approved to share this evidence for confidentiality and/or fraud prevention purposes.
CEG rules that the dispute between parties shall be resolved as follows:
Operator to reimburse the Players last deposit amount.
Failure of parties to abide by this ruling may result in disciplinary action by CEG against any of the parties.
Both parties may file an appeal against this ruling within seven days with CEG’s ADR Appeals Commission. Appeals that have not been timely received or do not include proper identification, new evidence and/or motivation of the appeal shall be ignored.
Best regards,
Curaçao eGaming | ADR Department
Curaçao eGaming has committed to the Code of Conduct Responsible Gamin
g 2022 ("CCRG 2022"). Read more.

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