Ovo ne izgleda u redu, i zaista razumem vašu frustraciju.
Dobro ste uradili što ste ovde podneli žalbu , a naš tim će pokušati da otkrije šta je razlog za sve ovo.
Molimo vas da što pre dobijete neke odgovore od Nika, vašeg rešavača pritužbi, kako bismo mogli da nastavimo sa vašim slučajem.
Dakle, ovo je vaš prvi zahtev za povlačenje nakon pre 2 godine, zar ne?
Nadam se da ćemo u svemu tome uspeti da dođemo do dna i rešimo situaciju na najbolji mogući način.
This doesn't seem right, and I truly understand your frustration.
You have done well to submit a complaint here, and our team will try to find out what the reason is for all this.
Please get some answers to Nick, your complaint resolver, as soon as possible so we can move forward with your case.
So, this is your first withdrawal request after 2 years ago, right?
I hope that we'll be able to get to the bottom of all this and solve the situation in the best way possible.