Pa, kockanje znači gubitak. Što duže igrate, veće su šanse da izgubite. Ovo je najobičnije stanje stvari, to je zapravo matematika.
Nadajmo se da ćete imati više sreće negde drugde!
Dozvolite mi da vam se zahvalim što ste preneli i ostale detalje, veoma cenim.
Imajte na umu da u skoro svakom kazinu morate da uložite svaki depozit barem jednom - to se zove AML politika, standardno pravilo, da budemo iskreni.
Dalji uzbudljivi saveti su besplatno dostupni u e-kursu fokusiranom na „verifikaciju iGaming igrača i AML" – pridružite se ovde !
Pokušajte da pogledate ovo iz druge perspektive: Kazina nisu banke, tako da ne možete ulagati i isplaćivati novac pod vašim uslovima. 🙂
Well, gambling means losing. The longer you play, the higher your chance to lose. This is the most usual state of things, it's actually math.
Let's hope you'll be luckier somewhere else!
Allow me to thank you for passing on the rest details as well, much appreciated.
Just mind that in almost every casino, you must wager each deposit at least once -it is called AML policy, standard rule, to be honest.
Further exciting hints are freely available in e-course focused on "iGaming Player Verification and AML" - join here!
Try to look at this from another perspective: Casinos are not banks, so you can't put money in and out under your conditions. 🙂