pre 8 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za NetBet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
Ja sam 3. aprila zatražio povlačenje za iznos od 17.000 i to su mi rekli. Tokom subote ujutru to je trebalo da se odrazi na mom nalogu i danas, subota, već je više od pola dana i nisam im poslao poruku i niko se ne javlja ni mejlom ni putem ćaskanja i nemaju telefon broj na koji mogu da pozovem imejl koji sam registrovao na tom nalogu je sledeći Molim vas da intervenišete da ubrzate moju isplatu jer je moguće da za depozite i dobiju ih odmah, ali za isplate traju večno i sva moja dokumentacija je uredna i sami su mi rekli da od danas nema problema sa dokumentacijom. jutro kada sam ih kontaktirao i kada sam dao komentar da mi daju odgovor o mom povlačenju, više mi nikako nisu odgovarali. Pokušavam da komuniciram više od 3 sata i služba za korisnike bi trebalo da bude od 7 do 22 sata svih 7 dana u nedelji
od 7 i ne mogu da uložim žalbu na ovoj stranici dobijam captcha grešku
On April 3, I requested my withdrawal for the amount of 17,000 and they told me that. During the course of Saturday morning it should have been reflected in my account and today, Saturday, it is already more than half a day and I have not sent them a message and no one answers either by email or by chat and they have no telephone number that I can call the email that I have registered in that account is the following Please could you intervene to expedite my payment as it is possible that for deposits and they receive them immediately but for withdrawals they take forever and all my documentation is in order and they themselves told me that there was no problem with the documentation as of today In the morning I contacted them and when I made the comment that they should give me a response about my withdrawal, they no longer answered me by any means. I have been trying to communicate for more than 3 hours and customer service is supposed to be from 7am to 10pm on all 7 Days of the week
out of 7 and I cannot make a complaint on this page I get a captcha error
El día 3 de abril solicite mi retiro por la cantidad de 17,000 y me dijeron que. En el transcurso de el día sábado por la mañana ya se tendría que ver reflejado en mi cuenta y ya el día de hoy sábado ya es más de medio día y nada les envío mensaje y nadie contesta ni por correo ni por chat y no tienen ningún número telefónico al cual pueda llamar el correo que tengo registrado en esa cuenta es el siguiente por favor podrían intervenir para que me agilizar mi pago como es posible que para los depósitos y los reciben inmediato pero para los retiros tardan una eternidad y toda mi documentación está en regla y ellos mismos me dijeron que no había ningún problema con la documentación desde hoy en la mañana me comunique con ellos y cuando le hice el comentario que me diera repuesta de mi retiro ya no me contestaron por ningún medio tengo más de 3 HRS tratando de comunicarme y se supone que el servicio al cliente de 7am a 10 PM los 7 días a la semana
de 7 y no puedo poner una queja en esta página me aparece error de captcha
Meni se to desilo za 100 dolara. Nisam mislio da su stali tako nisko, ali pretpostavljam da oni urade ono što ti možeš da uradiš je da se domognu odeljenja za prevare kao pod poslovima i BBB-a i bilo koje druge agencije, ali mora da postoji kao direktni nadzornik, bez obzira na broj telefona koji moraju da registruju taj posao, samo morate da ih uhvatite u ruke i vidite koji je proces da se plate neki nitkovi ono što oni rade je samo da vas odgurnu i mnogi ne prođu kroz proces tako da je to dobitak za njih, ali ako bi svi prijavili ove budale, morali bi da plate, oni vas samo guraju od sebe i ponekad sam spreman da odustanem, ali ja nikada ne radim ni za jedan dolar na tome da stavim neke reklame na svoj auto ime kazina koji me je spalio i budite sigurni da ću ih dobiti za mnogo više bez obzira da li ga vide ili ne oni su jedan od ovih tipova kazina na mreži, ali mislim da su svi oni isti, pa ću samo fokusirajte se na tako nešto na mreži
kazina pogrešno mesto za vim. Ili gde gubite čak i kada pobedite
To me it happened for 100 bucks I didn't think they stopped down that low but I guess they do what you can do is get a hold of dept of con as under affairs and the bbb and any other agency but there's got to be one like a direct overseer regardless of the phone number they got to have registered that business you just have to get as hold of them and see what's the process to getting paid some scoundrals what they do is just push you away and many don't go thru the process so that's a gain for them but if everybody would report these fools they would have to pay they are just pushing you away and sometimes id eady to let go but I never do not even for one dollar om working on putting some ads on my car the name of the casino that burnt me and rest assured that I will get them for s lot more whether they see it or not they are one of these types of casino online but I think their all the he same so I'm just gonna focus on online something like that
casinos wrong place to wim. Or where you loose even when you win
Ja sam 3. aprila zatražio povlačenje za iznos od 17.000 i to su mi rekli. Tokom subote ujutru to je trebalo da se odrazi na mom nalogu i danas, subota, već je više od pola dana i nisam im poslao poruku i niko se ne javlja ni mejlom ni putem ćaskanja i nemaju telefon broj na koji mogu da pozovem imejl koji sam registrovao na tom nalogu je sledeći Molim vas da intervenišete da ubrzate moju isplatu jer je moguće da za depozite i dobiju ih odmah, ali za isplate traju večno i sva moja dokumentacija je uredna i sami su mi rekli da od danas nema problema sa dokumentacijom. jutro kada sam ih kontaktirao i kada sam dao komentar da mi daju odgovor o mom povlačenju, više mi nikako nisu odgovarali. Pokušavam da komuniciram više od 3 sata i služba za korisnike bi trebalo da bude od 7 do 22 sata svih 7 dana u nedelji
od 7 i ne mogu da uložim žalbu na ovoj stranici dobijam captcha grešku
On April 3, I requested my withdrawal for the amount of 17,000 and they told me that. During the course of Saturday morning it should have been reflected in my account and today, Saturday, it is already more than half a day and I have not sent them a message and no one answers either by email or by chat and they have no telephone number that I can call the email that I have registered in that account is the following Please could you intervene to expedite my payment as it is possible that for deposits and they receive them immediately but for withdrawals they take forever and all my documentation is in order and they themselves told me that there was no problem with the documentation as of today In the morning I contacted them and when I made the comment that they should give me a response about my withdrawal, they no longer answered me by any means. I have been trying to communicate for more than 3 hours and customer service is supposed to be from 7am to 10pm on all 7 Days of the week
out of 7 and I cannot make a complaint on this page I get a captcha error
El día 3 de abril solicite mi retiro por la cantidad de 17,000 y me dijeron que. En el transcurso de el día sábado por la mañana ya se tendría que ver reflejado en mi cuenta y ya el día de hoy sábado ya es más de medio día y nada les envío mensaje y nadie contesta ni por correo ni por chat y no tienen ningún número telefónico al cual pueda llamar el correo que tengo registrado en esa cuenta es el siguiente por favor podrían intervenir para que me agilizar mi pago como es posible que para los depósitos y los reciben inmediato pero para los retiros tardan una eternidad y toda mi documentación está en regla y ellos mismos me dijeron que no había ningún problema con la documentación desde hoy en la mañana me comunique con ellos y cuando le hice el comentario que me diera repuesta de mi retiro ya no me contestaron por ningún medio tengo más de 3 HRS tratando de comunicarme y se supone que el servicio al cliente de 7am a 10 PM los 7 días a la semana
de 7 y no puedo poner una queja en esta página me aparece error de captcha
Možete li, molim vas, da dostavite bilo kakvo ažuriranje u vezi sa vašim povlačenjem, ako ga ima? Obično dajemo kazinima 14 punih dana da nastave sa isplatama, tako da, nažalost, nećemo moći da intervenišemo pre toga. Nadam se da ćete uskoro dobiti svoj novac i da nećete morati da podnesete žalbu. Ako smatrate da vam je potrebna naša pomoć, obavestite nas, sačekaćemo vaš odgovor.
Could you please provide any update regarding your withdrawal, if there is any? We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed the payments, so we won't be able to intervene before that, unfortunately. I hope you will get your money soon, and there won't be needed to submit a complaint. If you feel you need our help, please let us know, we'll wait for your reply.
Meni se to desilo za 100 dolara. Nisam mislio da su stali tako nisko, ali pretpostavljam da oni urade ono što ti možeš da uradiš je da se domognu odeljenja za prevare kao pod poslovima i BBB-a i bilo koje druge agencije, ali mora da postoji kao direktni nadzornik, bez obzira na broj telefona koji moraju da registruju taj posao, samo morate da ih uhvatite u ruke i vidite koji je proces da se plate neki nitkovi ono što oni rade je samo da vas odgurnu i mnogi ne prođu kroz proces tako da je to dobitak za njih, ali ako bi svi prijavili ove budale, morali bi da plate, oni vas samo guraju od sebe i ponekad sam spreman da odustanem, ali ja nikada ne radim ni za jedan dolar na tome da stavim neke reklame na svoj auto ime kazina koji me je spalio i budite sigurni da ću ih dobiti za mnogo više bez obzira da li ga vide ili ne oni su jedan od ovih tipova kazina na mreži, ali mislim da su svi oni isti, pa ću samo fokusirajte se na tako nešto na mreži
kazina pogrešno mesto za vim. Ili gde gubite čak i kada pobedite
To me it happened for 100 bucks I didn't think they stopped down that low but I guess they do what you can do is get a hold of dept of con as under affairs and the bbb and any other agency but there's got to be one like a direct overseer regardless of the phone number they got to have registered that business you just have to get as hold of them and see what's the process to getting paid some scoundrals what they do is just push you away and many don't go thru the process so that's a gain for them but if everybody would report these fools they would have to pay they are just pushing you away and sometimes id eady to let go but I never do not even for one dollar om working on putting some ads on my car the name of the casino that burnt me and rest assured that I will get them for s lot more whether they see it or not they are one of these types of casino online but I think their all the he same so I'm just gonna focus on online something like that
casinos wrong place to wim. Or where you loose even when you win
Mogu li da pitam da li ste na kraju dobili svoj novac? Kada vam se to tačno dogodilo? Ako vam treba pomoć našeg tima za žalbe, obavestite nas.
May I ask if you got your money at the end? When exactly did this happened to you, actually? If you need any help from our complaint team, please let us know.
Ne sećam se imena, ali mogu da ga potražim. Osvojio sam oko 4000, ali mi je rečeno da mogu da povučem samo 100 i da će ostatak biti izbrisan, tako da ga je prilično ubilo, a onda pokušaj da povučem 200 je postao mučan što su tražili za id sve što zapravo nema mnogo smisla, mislim kada ih deponujete, nemojte ih stavljati na sve to, ali posle 3 ili 5 dana su mi onda rekli da moram da im dam 25 dlrs da me verifikuje. Upravo sam im dao kopiju vozačke dozvole zajedno sa selfijem i dokazom o adresi Počeo sam da mislim da apliciram za kredit, ali to se desilo i dodao sam da živim od svog auta, nemam novca i ako jesam, bi stavio benzin jer čak i platiti ga je na pregledu pa su rekli insinuirajući da uvek mogu da izaberu da ne plate ako sumnjaju u nešto i to je ono što su rekli moj imejl sa njima
A moj korisnik je razo
I don't remember the name but I can look it up I had won like 4000 but I was told I could only withdraw 100 and that the rest would be erased so that pretty much killed it then trying to withdraw the 200 became agonizing they asked for id everything which doesn't really make much sense I mean when you deposit them don't get put thru all of that but after 3 days or 5 they then said I needed to give them 25 dlrs to verify me I just gave them a copy of my driver's license along with a selfie and proof of address I was starting to think I was applying for a loan but that's what happened and I added I'm living out of my car I don't have money and if I did I would put gas cuz even paying it's up for review so they said insinuating they can always choose to not pay if they suspect something and that's what they said my email with them
And my user is razo
Da, dobro bi mi došla pomoć ako možete
Moje informacije uopšte
Efrain castaneda
Yes I could use some help if you may
My information in general
Efrain castaneda
Ne sećate se imena čega tačno? Ako smatrate da vam je potrebna pomoć oko ovog problema i da bi naš tim mogao da ga reši, pratite ovaj link 👈 i podnesite žalbu. Zaista se nadam da bi se rešenje za to moglo pronaći.🤞
You don't remember the name of what exactly? If you feel, that you need help with this issue, and that our team could be able to solve it, please follow this link 👈 and file a complaint. I really hope the solution to it could be found.🤞
Hej, mislio sam da je problem izvlačenje novca = povlačenje. U svakom slučaju, drago mi je da čujem da ste uspeli da to rešite!
Slobodno podelite sva dodatna iskustva koja ste imali u ovom kazinu.
Hey, I thought the problem was getting the money out = withdrawal. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you managed to resolve that!
Please feel free to share any additional experiences you have had in this casino.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Link će isteći za 72 časa.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.