NaslovnaForumKazinaNinlay Casino - opšta diskusija

Ninlay Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Glykeria
2.305 pregleda 40 odgovora |
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Bilo da se ja borim sa njom ili ti pričaš gluposti... ali nisi odgovorio na gornje snimke ekrana. Nisam tačno razumeo kakvu mi pomoć nudiš.. tako što mi kažeš kako je moguće da želim da napravim limit od 1.000€ dok nisam u vip-u a ja ti kažem da jesam. Kažem ti da me velike sume izbacuju, poslao sam ti snimak ekrana... A ti pričaš kao da si podrška iz kazina....

Automatski prevedeno:

Ninlai Casino jer ne poriče gore navedeno... zašto ne zauzima poziciju...

Automatski prevedeno:

Da, zanimalo bi me...

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne mogu da shvatim iskreno... to je ipak velika prevara... Opet sam pobedio kada su hteli da mi stave pare i zato što sam sustigao i slikao... Opet 1000€ kažu da nije kompatibilan sa kazinom u Grčkoj... žalba ide EEEP???

Automatski prevedeno:

I will post the link where you can file a complaint here again. Only this way will our team be able to investigate the matter and get in touch with the casino. Hopefully they will communicate with us so this issue you're experiencing can be solved.

So what do you say? Are you going to submit a complaint now?

Dobro veče, koliko dana je potrebno da se izvrši povlačenje?

Automatski prevedeno:

Good day.

I believe this question is the best to ask the support of the casino.

It always depends on if your account has been verified or not, as well, I believe.

When exactly have you requested the withdrawal, if I may ask, though?

Kazino me je blokirao..zatvorio mi rač je to

Automatski prevedeno:

What was the reason, though?

I can see that you haven't filed a complaint yet, so we are unable to help you out this way, unfortunately. 🤷‍♀️

Čekam..sutra je treći dan..nadam se da će sutra novac biti na kartici.

Automatski prevedeno:

Surely let us know, please.

Is this your first withdrawal at this casino?

Već sam podneo žalbu EEEP-u...

Da li je ova stranica na crnoj listi?

Automatski prevedeno:

Please inform us how it goes then.

Velika prevara...razlog...ugasili su mi nalog, šaljem poruke, ništa...jedan odgovor je bio da su uslovi koji imaju da mogu da stave u koju zemlju žele i mogu da ih uklone kad god žele iz kazino...i tako dalje. Novac se zadržava

Automatski prevedeno:

I am sorry, you were not able to solve your issue.

Unfortunately, as you didn't give a chance to our complaint team to look at it either, we can be of any more help here.

Hi All,

I am waiting to be paid 126 euros. I have the pictures tomorrow is 72hours and 3 business days since I applied. Lets see if I get paid. I have the pictures if I am not paid please help me Romi to see why I played sports betting and with no bonus.



Is your account fully verified at this casino? Which payment method did you use, please?

I am not sure if we'll be able to help as we don't deal with sports betting, but surely keep us updated regarding the withdrawal.

We give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment though, so we'll wait for the news.

They went through with the payment thanks in 3 days exactly. Consider the issue resolved

Ažurirano od strane autora

Great! I'm glad.

Did you have to verify your account as well?

No I didnt.

Ažurirano od strane autora
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