Evo šta se desilo:
Pre nekoliko dana, položio sam otprilike 40 dolara preko Solana blok lanca na svoj Niivi Casino nalog. Transakcija je potvrđena na blokčejnu, ali je došlo do značajnog kašnjenja u pojavljivanju sredstava u mom kazino novčaniku. Zabrinut, kontaktirao sam podršku oko 19:55. Dnevnici ćaskanja pokazuju da sam ovo kašnjenje označio kao crvenu zastavicu i izrazio zabrinutost zbog budućih povlačenja. Njihova predstavnica Nina okrivila je privremeni problem sa transakcijama Solane i rekla da će se sredstva uskoro odraziti. Nakon nekih premotavanja, 40 dolara se konačno pojavilo, ali tek nakon što sam morao da ih jurim — nešto što nikada nisam iskusio ni u jednom drugom kazinu.
Kada su sredstva uplaćena, igrao sam slotove i krenuo u pobednički niz. S obzirom na probleme sa depozitom, testirao sam legitimnost kazina tako što sam zahtevao povlačenje 3 SOL. Ostao je na čekanju satima, a kada sam proverio sledećeg jutra, bio je otkazan, moj ceo balans je nestao, a ažuriranje ćaskanja mi je navelo da pošaljem podršku putem e-pošte.
Poslao sam im e-poštu i dobio odgovor u kojem se tvrdilo da su moji dobici poništeni jer je moj depozit „kreditiran dvaput" — jednom ručno od strane njihovog tima tokom kašnjenja i ponovo kada je blok lanac obrađen. Rekli su da moj dobitak dolazi iz ovog „drugog kredita", pa su sve otkazali. Ovo nema smisla iz ovih razloga:
1. Blockchain Dokaz: Ako sam jednom deponovao, mogu da obezbedim heš za transakciju. Blockchain ne dozvoljava duple depozite sa mog kraja — to je nemoguće. Svako duplo kreditiranje je bila njihova greška.
2. Ne koriste se dupla sredstva: Moja igra se nikada nije oslanjala na više od mog početnog stanja, legitimno sam pobedio. Njihova tvrdnja da sam „iskoristio depozit dvaput" je lažna.
3. Njihova greška, moja kazna: Ako mi je njihova podrška ručno pripisala kredit zbog kvara njihovog sistema, to je njihova greška. Ne bi trebalo da me kažnjavaju uzimajući moj dobitak i moj depozit.
Pritisnuo sam ih putem e-pošte da ovo objasnim i navedem njihove uslove i odredbe. Nejasno su mi odgovorili da sam „dva puta kreditirao stanje" i da „nije pripadalo meni", ali mi nisu pokazali neko konkretno pravilo koje sam prekršio. Više puta sam tražio tačne uslove, a oni su izbegavali. Blokčejn dokazuje da nisam duplirao depozit — bilo kakva greška je bila na njihovoj strani.
Ovo potvrđuje ono čega sam se plašio tokom kašnjenja depozita: da je plaćanje bilo ovako teško, izvlačenje novca bi bilo gore. Zadržali su moj početni depozit i sve moje dobitke bez opravdanja. U najmanju ruku, trebalo je da mi vrate depozit, ali su uzeli sve.
Imam punu evidenciju – evidencije ćaskanja, e-poštu i dokaze o blokčejnu – ovo mi se čini kao namerna taktika da se izbegne isplata.
Ovo je razgovor putem e-pošte
Juče sam dobio e-poruku u kojoj se kaže da su svi moji dobici poništeni jer se deponovani iznos dva puta odrazio na moj bilans.
Nije deponovano dva puta
Ovo je nemoguće korišćenjem blockchaina, transakcija je ovde. https://solscan.io/tk/REDACTED
ako se ovo dogodilo, ovo je bila vaša greška, a ne moja i trebalo bi da platite. Znao sam da će ova stranica biti teška jer je to jedini kazino koji sam morao pratiti da bih saznao gdje je moj depozit.
Minimum koji ste trebali da uradite je refundiranje mog početnog stanja, ali ste upravo odlučili da ukradete sve,
Zdravo, da, vaš dobitak je poništen jer kada je došlo do problema sa transakcijom, naša podrška vam je ručno naplatila, a onda kada je transakcija bila uspešna, ponovo je pripisana vašem saldu, što znači da ste koristili depozit dva puta, iznos koji ste očekivali da povučete je osvojen nakon druge transakcije, pa je otkazan.
To još uvek ne objašnjava zašto ste odlučili da ukradete dobitak od mene jer je to bila vaša greška, a ne moja.
Ni u jednom trenutku ništa od ovoga nije bila moja greška i ni u jednom trenutku nisam pao ispod duplog iznosa svog početnog depozita, vi očigledno ovo koristite kao izgovor da ne isplatite.
Niste čak ni ponudili da mi vratite početni iznos, napravili ste grešku i kažnjen sam zbog toga, znao sam kada sam položio depozit da ću imati problema sa vašim kazinom jer sam imao problema da ubacim novac u novčanik i rekao sam 'ako budem imao problema sa uplatom, onda nemam šanse da izvadim novac.
Srećom, zadržao sam sve evidencije i moraćemo da nastavimo ovu debatu na javnom forumu koji ću rado iskoristiti u najvećoj meri da razotkrijem činjenicu da samo želite da ne plaćate svojim klijentima.
Obavestite me u svojim uslovima i odredbama gde je došlo do kršenja
Prekršaj je bio što ste dva puta kreditirali stanje, po pravilima nije pripadalo vama
Nisam kreditirao račun dva puta, imam blokčejn zapis.
Pokaži mi uslove i odredbe
Sada su prekinuli svaku komunikaciju.
Here’s what happened:
A few days ago, I deposited approximately $40 via Solana blockchain to my Niyvi Casino account. The transaction was confirmed on the blockchain but there was a significant delay in the funds appearing in my casino wallet. Concerned, I contacted support around 07:55 PM. The chat logs show I flagged this delay as a red flag and expressed worry about future withdrawals. Their representative, Nina, blamed a temporary issue with Solana transactions and said the funds would reflect soon. After some back-and-forth, the $40 finally appeared, but only after I had to chase them—something I’ve never experienced with any other casino.
Once the funds were credited, I played slots and went on a winning streak. Given the deposit trouble, I tested the casino’s legitimacy by requesting a 3 SOL withdrawal. It stayed pending for hours, and when I checked the next morning, it was canceled, my entire balance was gone, and a chat update told me to email support.
I emailed them and got a response claiming my winnings were voided because my deposit was "credited twice"—once manually by their team during the delay and again when the blockchain was processed. They said my winnings came from this "second credit," so they canceled everything. This makes no sense for these reasons:
1. Blockchain Proof: If I deposited once, I can provide the hash for the transaction. Blockchain doesn’t allow duplicate deposits from my end—it’s impossible. Any double crediting was their mistake.
2. No Double Funds Used: My gameplay never relied on more than my initial balance, I won legitimately. Their claim I "used the deposit twice" is false.
3. Their Error, My Penalty: If their support manually credited me due to their system’s failure, that’s their fault. They shouldn’t punish me by taking my winnings and my deposit.
I pressed them via email to explain this and cite their terms and conditions. They vaguely replied that I "credited the balance twice" and it "didn’t belong to me," but they haven’t shown me any specific rule I broke. I’ve asked repeatedly for the exact terms, and they’ve dodged it. The blockchain proves I didn’t double-deposit—any error was on their side.
This confirms what I feared during the deposit delay: if paying in was this hard, getting money out would be worse. They’ve kept my initial deposit and all my winnings without justification. At the very least, they should’ve refunded my deposit, but they’ve taken everything.
I’ve got full records—chat logs, emails, and blockchain evidence—This feels like a deliberate tactic to avoid paying out.
This is the email conversation
I got an email yesterday saying that all of my winnings have been cancelled because the deposited amount had reflected in my balance twice.
It didn’t deposit twice
This is impossible using the blockchain, the transaction is here. https://solscan.io/tx/REDACTED
if this has happened this was your error and not mine and you should pay up. I knew this site was going to be difficult as it’s the only casino I’ve had to follow up with to find out where my deposit was.
The minimum you should have done was refunded my initial balance but you just chose to steal everything,
Hello, yes, your winnings were canceled because when there was a problem with the transaction, our support manually charged you, then when the transaction was successful, it was credited to your balance again, meaning you used the deposit twice, the amount you were expecting to withdraw was won after the second transaction, so it was canceled.
That still doesn’t explain why you decided to steal the winnings from me as it was your mistake and not mine.
At no point was any of this my fault and at no point did I go under double my initial deposit, you’re clearly using this as an excuse not to pay out.
You haven’t even offered to refund my initial balance, you’ve made a mistake and I’m being punished for it, I knew when I deposited that I would have problems with your casino as I had trouble getting money in to the wallet and I said ‘if I struggle paying in then I’ve got no chance of getting money out.
Thankfully I’ve kept all the logs and we will have to continue this debate on a public forum which I will gladly use to its fullest extent to expose the fact that you just want to get out of paying your customers.
Let me know in your terms and conditions where the violation was
The violation was that you credited the balance twice, according to the rules it did not belong to you
I did not credit the account twice, I have the blockchain record.
Show me the terms and conditions
They have now ceased all communication.
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