napisali su mi nešto ovako:
(14:52:14) Džesika: Iskreno rečeno, vaš depozit je vraćen i niste pretrpeli nikakav gubitak. Za razliku od nas.
njihov način razmišljanja je neverovatan, ne bih se iznenadio da ih je jednostavno provajder kladionica blokirao jer nisu platili.
nije bilo grešaka, ovaj provajder kladionica isporučuje opklade mnogim drugim kompanijama, u međuvremenu sam igrao iu drugoj kompaniji sa istim provajderom kladionica CasinoMega, a sva sredstva su povučena nakon jednog dana naloga za povlačenje.
u svakom slučaju njihov problem sa provajderom ne bi trebalo da se prebacuje na igrače, ja sam dobio poštena sredstva sa svojim pravim novcem a oni su ga samo uzeli i napisali da imaju problema sa provajderom, a šta mene briga za njihove probleme sa dobavljačem kladionica?
they wrote me something like this:
(14:52:14) Jessica: In all fairness, your deposit is returned and you haven't suffered any loss. Unlike us.
their way of thinking is amazing, I wouldn't be surprised if it was simply the sportsbook provider that blocked them because they didn't pay.
there were no errors, this sportsbook provider delivers bets to many other companies, in the meantime I also played at another company with the same sportsbook provider CasinoMega, and all funds were withdrawn after one day of the withdraw order.
anyway their problem with the provider shouldn't be passed on to the players, I won honest funds with my real money and they just took it and wrote that they had problems with the provider, and what do I care about their problems with the sportsbook provider?
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