pre 2 godina
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Pinnacle Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
Dobro jutro, htio sam da mi pomognete oko verifikacije moje kreditne kartice. Već nekoliko dana šaljem dokumente o kartici i ne primaju me. Čini mi se da daju otpor pošto su moji podaci tačni, a ni tako mi ne daju rješenje. tjedan dana sa ovim problemom i pinnacle mi ne daje nikakvo rješenje, samo odbija moje dokumente
Good morning, I wanted you to help me with the verification of my credit card. I have been sending my card documents for several days and they do not accept me. It seems to me that they are putting up resistance since my data is true and even so, they do not give me a solution. a week with this problem and pinnacle does not give me any solution it just rejects my documents
Buen dia queria que me ayudaran con la verificacion de mi tarjeta de credito he estado enviando por varios dias mis documentos de mi tarjeta y no me aceptan, me parece que estan poniendo resistencia ya que mis datos son veridicos y aun asi no me dan solucion llevo una semana con este problema y pinnacle no me dan ninguna solucion solo rechaza mis documentos
Dobro jutro.
Mogu samo da nagađam u ovom trenutku, može biti mnogo razloga, ali iskreno, rekao bih da kazino treba da se pobrine da shvatite šta nije u redu i predloži neko rješenje.
Da li ste primili e-poštu o poništenju vaših dokumenata, molim? Možda ste koristili dokumente u pogrešnom formatu ili oni mogu biti zastarjeli.
Druga stvar je da u posljednje vrijeme priznajem značajne probleme sa korištenjem kreditnih/debitnih kartica, vjerovatno zbog strožih provjera od strane bankarskih organa. Kao rezultat toga, mnoga kazina jednostavno odbijaju ovaj način plaćanja i traže od igrača da izaberu drugi.
Trebalo bi pitati njihovu podršku, inače ne bismo znali sa sigurnošću - da li žele da daju neki konkretan odgovor.
Već ste podnijeli žalbu pa predlažem da tamo nešto naučimo.
Good morning.
I can only guess at this point, there can be plenty of reasons but honestly, I'd say that the casino should make sure you understand what's wrong and suggest some solution.
Have you received an email about your documents being canceled, please? Maybe you used documents in the wrong format or those can be outdated.
The other thing is that I acknowledge significant problems with credit/debit card usage recently, it's probably due to the stricter checks by banking authorities. As a result, a lot of casinos simply reject this payment method and ask players to pick another one.
You should ask their support, otherwise, we wouldn't know for sure - if they care to provide some concrete answer.
You have already submitted the complaint so I suggest we will learn something there.
Dobar dan Ova kompanija je izračunala dobitnu opkladu sa povraćajem, pozivajući se na neku tačku u pravilima, očigledno misle da sam ja kriv što su mi dozvolili da se kladim, neću im dati ni 1 cent za ništa, a pošto su ukrali 41 osvajanje evra od mene, učiniću sve što je moguće da pogoršam njihovu reputaciju i vratim svoj novac, nakon toga sam pisao njihovom korisniku licence, ali nisam dobio odgovor, mogu poslati snimak ekrana sa povraćajem ako je potrebno
Good afternoon This company calculated the winning bet with a refund, referring to some point in the rules, apparently they think that it’s my fault that they allowed me to bet, I won’t give them even 1 cent for nothing, and since they stole 41 winning euros from me, I’ll do everything possible to worsen their reputation and get my money back, after that I wrote to their licensee but did not receive a response, I can send a screenshot of the rate with a refund if necessary
Добрый день! Данная компания рассчитала выигрышную ставку возвратом ссылаясь на какой то пункт правил, по видимому они считают что я виноват в том что они дали поставить, я не отдам им и 1 цента просто так, а поскольку они украли у меня 41 выиграшных евро я сделаю все возможное чтобы ухудшить их репутацию и вернуть свои деньги, после этого я написал в их лицензиат но не получил ответа, скрин ставки с возвратом могу отправить если потребуется
Zdravo, koji je bio konkretan problem kada ste imali dobitnu opkladu, a kazino vam je samo vratio novac? Možete li da opišete situaciju koja se dogodila jer je ne razumem najbolje. Da li je došlo do tehničke greške ili ste igrali sa bonusom i premašili maksimalnu opkladu?
Javi mi.
Hi, what was the specific problem when you had a winning bet and the casino only gave you a refund ? Can you describe the situation that occurred because I don't understand it very well. Was there a technical error or were you playing with a bonus and you exceeded the max bet ?
Let me know.
Ovo objavljujem u ime svog prijatelja.
Došlo je do nepravedne i velike količine sredstava zaplenjene u Pinnacle-u, i mi bismo želeli da se preduzmu mere.
Postoji i fajl o procesu, ali sadrži lične podatke, pa da li je moguće da ih pojedinačno razmenjujemo?
Imao sam dovoljno sreće da osvojim veliku pobedu u tri dana 19. septembra 2022, 20. septembra 2022. i 21. septembra 2022.
Kada sam pokušao da izvršim povlačenje 22. septembra, pojavila se poruka ``Trenutno isplate nisu moguće. Molimo kontaktirajte nas.'' je prikazano, a kada sam pokušao da se kladim, poruka ``Trenutno se opklade ne mogu praviti. Molimo kontaktirajte nas.'' je prikazano. Ta.
9/22 11:10 Odmah sam ih kontaktirao. (Prilozi 1 i 2 sa slikama)
Dobio sam odgovor da će biti pregledan, i dok sam čekao odgovor, oko 2:00 23. septembra, dobio sam oko 200 mejlova da je moja opklada otkazana. (Prilozi 3 i 4 slike) Da, ali samo nekoliko. Dobio sam oko 200 mejlova.)
Nisam tačno izbrojao koliko sam opklada napravio, ali mislim da sam napravio oko 200 opklada u poslednja tri dana. Dobio sam i oko 200 mejlova. Zatim, 29. septembra, primio sam e-poštu u kojoj je pisalo da je moj nalog zatvoren i da više ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog. (U prilogu su slike 5 i 6) Piše da se radi o kršenju uslova, a čak i na moje pitanje o kakvom su kršenju uslova, nije bilo odgovora. U e-mailu koji me obaveštava o otkazivanju navedeno je da je opklada postavljena na nezakonit način, a u odgovoru na upit je navedeno da sam prekršio odredbe i uslove. (Prilozi 7 i 8)
Evo mojih misli. Mislim da se ilegalni metod verovatno odnosi na opklade sa odlaganjem (opklade napravljene nakon saznanja o ishodu).
bet365 je brz za rad, a opklade se potvrđuju tako brzo da se možete kladiti u trenutku kada osvojite poen i on prođe.
1kbet ima mnogo stavki za opklade, tako da možete da pravite kontradiktorne opklade (ne možete da izgubite), ili su kvote čudne na malom tržištu. Ovo se dešavalo nekoliko puta u prošlosti, ali sa Pinnacle-om, nema takvih stvari . Ovo više nije moguće. To je zato što postoje samo glavne utakmice i opklade. Mislim da je ovo isto mišljenje čak i ako pitate različite korisnike. Mislim da ne možete varati sa opkladama na odlaganje u Pinnacle-u.
Ovaj put sam uglavnom pobedio u tenisu. Glavna opklada je GAMEvin za tenis.
Ovo je opklada na to ko će pobediti. Kladio sam se uživo na ovo.
U suštini, možete se kladiti samo između poena, tako da se ne kladite nakon što se poeni odrede. I ne možete to da uradite na prvom mestu.
Takođe smo konsultovali eCogru u vezi sa ovim pitanjem.
Međutim, „Pošto je Pinnacle pod jurisdikcijom Curacao License, eCogra ne može biti predmet arbitraže. Molimo kontaktirajte Curacao License."
Nije bilo odgovora osim što sam ih kontaktirao.
Iznos je u milionima jena ili više, tako da bih vam bio zahvalan ako biste o tome razgovarali sa mnom.
Zdravo, pišem u ime svog prijatelja.
Objavljujem u ime svog prijatelja.
Došlo je do neopravdanog i velikog oduzimanja sredstava u Pinnacle-u i želeli bismo da odgovorite.
Imam fajl sa osnovnim informacijama, ali sadrži lične podatke, pa sam se pitao da li bi bilo moguće komunicirati sa vama pojedinačno.
19. septembra 2022., 20. septembra 2022. i 21. septembra 2022. imao sam sreće i osvojio mnogo novca.
Kada sam pokušao da izvršim povlačenje 22. septembra, rečeno mi je „Povlačenje nije dostupno u ovom trenutku. Kontaktirajte nas. Kada sam pokušao da stavim opkladu, dobio sam poruku u kojoj je pisalo: „U ovom trenutku nema dostupnih opklada. Molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate. Molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate.
9/22 11:10 Odmah sam ih kontaktirao. (Prilozi 1 i 2 sa slikama)
Dobio sam odgovor da će pregledati moju opkladu, i dok sam čekao odgovor, dobio sam oko 200 mejlova oko 2:00 23. 9., u kojima se navodi da je moja opklada otkazana (prilozi 3 i 4, sa slikama. (Prilozi 3 i 4, sa slikama, samo su deo priče. Dobio sam oko 200 ovih mejlova).
Nisam tačno izbrojao koliko sam opklada stavio, ali mislim da sam dao oko 200 opklada u poslednja 3 dana. Dobio sam i oko 200 mejlova. Zatim, 29. septembra, primio sam e-poštu da je moj nalog zatvoren i da više ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog. (Pitao sam ih u čemu je kršenje, ali nisu odgovorili i sada sam tu. U mejlu u kojem me je obavještavalo o opozivu stajalo je da je opklada postavljena na neovlašten način, a u odgovoru na moj upit je navedeno da sam prekršio uslove ugovora (prilozi 7 i 8)
Evo mojih zapažanja. Mislim da se nezakonit način verovatno naziva klađenjem na odlaganje (klađenje nakon saznanja ishoda).
Bet365 radi prebrzo, opklade se prebrzo potvrđuju, klađenje u trenutku kada je tačka postavljena i prođe, itd.
1kbet ima mnogo opklada, tako da možete da pravite opklade koje su nedosledne (ne mogu da izgube), ili su kvote pogrešne na manjim tržištima, itd. Bilo je nekoliko puta u prošlosti, ali ništa slično nije moguće sa Pinnacle. Pinnacle-u to nije dozvoljeno, jer imaju samo glavne igre i opklade. Mislim da je ovo isto mišljenje raznih korisnika. Mislim da ne možete varati u Pinnacleu, kao što su opklade na odlaganje.
Ovaj put sam pobedio uglavnom na tenisu. Glavna opklada je bila pobeda GAME na tenisu.
Ovo je opklada na to ko će pobediti u IGRI. Kladio sam se uživo na ovo.
U suštini, možete se kladiti samo između poena, tako da se nisam kladio nakon što je poen odlučen. I ne možete to da uradite na prvom mestu.
Takođe smo konsultovali eCogru o ovom pitanju.
Međutim, rečeno nam je: „Pinnacle je sada pod jurisdikcijom Curacao Licensing, tako da eCogra nije u mogućnosti da arbitrira. Kontaktirajte Curacao Licensing.
Slučaj nije nastavljen.
Iznos je u jedinicama od nekoliko miliona jena ili više, a mi se pitamo da li biste se mogli nekako konsultovati sa nama.
I am posting this on behalf of my friend.
There has been an unfair and large amount of funds confiscated at Pinnacle, and we would like to see action taken.
There is also a file about the process, but it contains personal information, so is it possible for us to exchange it individually?
I was lucky enough to win big over the three days of September 19, 2022, September 20, 2022, and September 21, 2022.
When I tried to make a withdrawal on September 22nd, the message ``Currently, withdrawals are not possible. Please contact us.'' was displayed, and when I tried to bet, the message ``Currently, bets cannot be made. Please contact us.'' was displayed. Ta.
9/22 11:10 I immediately contacted them. (Attachments 1 and 2 with images)
I received a reply that it would be reviewed, and while I was waiting for a reply, around 2:00 on September 23, I received about 200 emails saying that my bet had been cancelled.(Attachments 3 and 4 Images) Yes, but only a few. I received about 200 emails.)
I haven't counted exactly how many bets I made, but I think I made about 200 bets in the last three days. I also received about 200 emails. Then, on September 29th, I received an email saying that my account had been closed, and I was no longer able to log into my account. (There are attached images 5 and 6) It says that it is a violation of the terms and conditions, and even when I asked what kind of violation the terms and conditions were, there was no reply. The email notifying me of the cancellation stated that the bet had been placed in an illegal manner, and the response to the inquiry stated that I had violated the terms and conditions. (Attachments 7 and 8)
Here are my thoughts. I think the illegal method is probably referring to delay bets (bets made after knowing the outcome).
bet365 is fast to operate, and bets are confirmed so quickly that you can bet the moment you score a point and it goes through.
1xbet has a lot of bet items, so you can make contradictory bets (you can't lose), or the odds are strange in the minor market.This has happened several times in the past, but with Pinnacle, there are no such things. This is no longer possible. This is because there are only major matches and bets. I think this is the same opinion even if you ask various users. I don't think you can cheat with delay bets at Pinnacle.
This time I mainly won at tennis. The main bet is GAMEwin for tennis.
This is a bet on who will win the game. I placed a live bet on this.
Basically, you could only bet between points, so you don't bet after the points are determined. And you can't do that in the first place.
We also consulted eCogra regarding this matter.
However, "Since Pinnacle is under the jurisdiction of Curacao License, eCogra cannot be arbitrated. Please contact Curacao License."
There was no response except for contacting them.
The amount is in the millions of yen or more, so I would appreciate it if you could discuss this with me.
Hello, I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine.
I am posting on behalf of a friend of mine.
There has been an unjustified and large forfeiture of funds at Pinnacle and we would like your response.
I have a file with background information, but it contains personal information, so I was wondering if it would be possible to communicate with you individually.
On September 19, 2022, September 20, 2022, and September 21, 2022, I was lucky and won a lot of money.
When I tried to make a withdrawal on September 22, I was told "Withdrawals are not available at this time. Please contact us. When I tried to place a bet, I got a message that said, "No bets available at this time. Please contact us. Please contact us.
9/22 11:10 I immediately contacted them. (Attachments 1 and 2 with images)
I received a response that they would review my bet, and while I was waiting for a response, I received about 200 emails around 2:00am on 9/23, stating that my bet had been canceled (Attachments 3 and 4, with images. (Attachments 3 and 4, with images, are just a part of the story. I received about 200 of these emails).
I have not counted exactly how many bets I placed, but I think I placed about 200 bets in the last 3 days. I also received about 200 e-mails. Then, on 9/29, I received an email saying that my account was closed and I could no longer log in to my account. (I asked them what the violation was, but they did not reply, and now I am here. The email notifying me of the revocation stated that the bet was placed in an unauthorized manner , and the response to my inquiry stated that I had violated the terms and conditions of the agreement. (Attachments 7 and 8)
Here are my observations. I think the illegal way is probably being referred to as delay betting (betting after knowing the outcome).
Bet365 operates too fast, bets are confirmed too fast, betting at the moment the point is made and it goes through, etc.
1xbet has a lot of bets, so you can make bets that are inconsistent (can't lose), or the odds are wrong on minor markets, etc. There have been a few times in the past, but nothing like that is possible with Pinnacle. Pinnacle is not allowed to do that, because they only have the major games and bets. I think this is the same opinion of various users. I don't think you can cheat at Pinnacle, such as delay bets.
This time I won mainly on tennis. The main bet was a GAMEwin on tennis.
This is a bet on who will win the GAME. I made a Live bet on this.
Basically, you can only bet between points, so I didn't bet after the point was decided. And you can't do that in the first place.
We also consulted eCogra about this matter.
However, we were told, "Pinnacle is now under the jurisdiction of Curacao Licensing, so eCogra is unable to arbitrate. Please contact Curacao Licensing.
The case did not proceed.
The amount is in units of several million yen or more, and we are wondering if you could somehow consult with us.
9/22 11:10 すぐに問い合わせをしました。(添付1、2 画像あり)
審査しますという回答が来て、返答を待っていると9/23 2:00頃に約200件ものメールが来て、私のベットが取り消されましたいう内容でした(添付3、4 画像あり。ほんの一部です。このメールが約200通来ました。)
正確に私がベットした数を数えていないのですがこの3日間で200回くらいはベットしたと思います。メールも約200通来てました。そして、9/29 アカウント閉鎖というメールが来て、アカウントにログインもできなくなりました。(添付5、6画像あり)規約違反と書いてあり、なんの規約違反か聞いても返信がなく、今に至っております。取り消しを通知したメールには不正な方法でベットされたと書いてあり、問い合わせの回答では規約違反をしたと書いてありました。(添付7、8)
Hello, I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine.
I am posting on behalf of a friend of mine.
There has been an unjustified and large forfeiture of funds at Pinnacle and we would like your response.
I have a file with background information, but it contains personal information, so I was wondering if it would be possible to communicate with you individually.
On September 19, 2022, September 20, 2022, and September 21, 2022, I was lucky and won a lot of money.
When I tried to make a withdrawal on September 22, I was told "Withdrawals are not available at this time. Please contact us. When I tried to place a bet, I got a message that said, "No bets available at this time. Please contact us. Please contact us.
9/22 11:10 I immediately contacted them. (Attachments 1 and 2 with images)
I received a response that they would review my bet, and while I was waiting for a response, I received about 200 emails around 2:00am on 9/23, stating that my bet had been cancelled (Attachments 3 and 4, with images. (Attachments 3 and 4, with images, are just a part of the story. I received about 200 of these emails).
I have not counted exactly how many bets I placed, but I think I placed about 200 bets in the last 3 days. I also received about 200 e-mails. Then, on 9/29, I received an email saying that my account was closed and I could no longer log in to my account. (I asked them what the violation was, but they did not reply, and now I am here. The email notifying me of the revocation stated that the bet was placed in an unauthorized manner, and the response to my inquiry stated that I had violated the terms and conditions of the agreement. (Attachments 7 and 8)
Here are my observations. I think the illegal way is probably being referred to as delay betting (betting after knowing the outcome).
Bet365 operates too fast, bets are confirmed too fast, betting at the moment the point is made and it goes through, etc.
1xbet has a lot of bets, so you can make bets that are inconsistent (can't lose), or the odds are wrong on minor markets, etc. There have been a few times in the past, but nothing like that is possible with Pinnacle. Pinnacle is not allowed to do that, because they only have the major games and bets. I think this is the same opinion of various users. I don't think you can cheat at Pinnacle, such as delay bets.
This time I won mainly on tennis. The main bet was a GAMEwin on tennis.
This is a bet on who will win the GAME. I made a Live bet on this.
Basically, you can only bet between points, so I didn't bet after the point was decided. And you can't do that in the first place.
We also consulted eCogra about this matter.
However, we were told, "Pinnacle is now under the jurisdiction of Curacao Licensing, so eCogra is unable to arbitrate. Please contact Curacao Licensing.
The case did not proceed.
The amount is in units of several million yen or more, and we are wondering if you could somehow consult with us.
Hvala vam na postu, i zaista je lepo od vas, što pokušavate da pomognete svom prijatelju po ovom pitanju. Nažalost, nećemo moći da vam pomognemo samo zato što je problem koji ste opisali vezan za sportsko klađenje. Još uvek nemamo ogranak koji se bavi sportskim klađenjem, ali mogu da predložim tri veb stranice koje to rade:
Vaš prijatelj bi trebalo da pokuša da kontaktira ove sajtove i nadam se da će moći da pomogne. Obavestite nas kad god budete imali napredak u ovom slučaju.
Thank you for your post, and it is really nice of you, that you are trying to help your friend with this matter. Unfortunately we won't be able to help you out, just because the issue you have described is related to the sport bets. We don't have a branch dealing with sports betting yet, but I can suggest three websites that do:
Your friend should try to contact these sites, and I hope they will be able to help. Please let us know, whenever you have any progress in this case.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.