Nadam se da razumete moje tekstove. ovi su pisani sa prevodiocem.
Mislim da Revoulut vodi istočni Evropljanin, mislim Rus. Ako kopate malo dublje, brzo ćete shvatiti da su skoro sva kazina u vlasništvu istočnih Evropljana, ne svi, ali mnogi.
Problem sa povraćajem sredstava je sledeći:
Ako je uplata verifikovana putem 3D Secure-a, banka je odgovorna u slučaju povraćaja sredstava. Ako transakcija nije verifikovana, onda je trgovac odgovoran. Takođe vam je potreban dokaz o kupovini ili faktura za proces povraćaja sredstava jer oni ne postoje u transakcijama kockanja, nemate sreće 😉
Banke vam ne odobravaju novac jer bi ostale sa gubitkom ako se povraćaj novca izgubi. Dakle, možete definitivno reći: Revolut drži svoju ruku nad pružaocima usluga igara.
Ko može preduzeti mere protiv zabranjenih operatera
Vaše vlasti u toj zemlji, ali ovo je teško ....
Licenca je obično Antilefonska ili Curacao licenca, operateri obično imaju samo kompaniju za poštansko sanduče u Curacao, ili kompanija nema pravo sjedište do kojeg se može doći i tamo se može dostavljati pošta... Isto važi i za kompanije koje pojavljuju se na izvodu kreditne kartice gde je kod promenjen.
I hope you can understand my texts. these were written with a translator.
I think Revoulut is run by an Eastern European, I think a Russian. If you dig a little deeper, you'll quickly realize that almost all of the casinos are owned by Eastern Europeans, not all, but many.
The problem with a chargeback is this:
If a payment is verified via 3D Secure, the bank is liable in the event of a chargeback. If a transaction is not verified then the merchant is liable.You also need proof of purchase or an invoice for the chargeback process since these don't exist in gambling transactions, you're out of luck 😉
The banks don't credit you with the money because they would be left with the loss if the chargeback was lost. So you can definitely say: Revolut holds its hand over the gaming service providers.
Who can take action against the banned operators
Your authorities in the respective country, but this is difficult ....
The license is usually an Antillephone or Curacao license, the operators usually only have a mailbox company in Curacao, or the company does not have a real headquarters that can be reached and mail can be delivered there... The same applies to the companies that appear on the credit card statement where the code was changed.
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