pre 7 meseci
Samo da napomenem da sam uspeo da konačno dobijem refundiranje dosta toga od coresbite-a i sitekcraft-a preko transactvorld-a. Nisu mi poslali e-poštu, ali bilo je mnogo e-poruka od njih bez odgovora, samo su se preokrenuli.
danas primio novac.
još uvek čekam da elegro igra loptu dok oni stalno insistiraju da moja banka pokrene zahtev.
Just to note i managed to finally get refunded a lot of it from coresbyte and sitexcraft via transactworld. They didnt email me but there was loads of emails from them no-reply just reversing.
received money today.
still waiting on elegro to play ball as they keep insisting that my bank initiate the request.