NaslovnaForumKazinaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 189)

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Update on my case: the ombudsman is in contact with chase, they're asking them for details, and have asked me for my details on the situation, still awaiting a reply from mastercard, but they have escalated it to their relevant team. chase bank were pretty much no help as they took days to send me email addresses etc to send over evidence then rejected my initial dispute then when i reopened it they rejected it again within an hour despite the evidence taking a lot longer to get through, just seemed like they wanted it off their desk so to speak.

they used third party vendors and miscoded their transactions as MCC 5816. DIGITAL GOODS: GAMES instead of MCC 7995 which is gambling, on top of not paying out because i'm not in their jurisdiction(they're prohibited from operating to UK customers), despite them letting me sign up and approving the KYC.

(my dispute is with goldenbet/santeda international b.v.)

I'm interested to see how this pans out! I am thinking of contacting an ombudsman myself. To get everything I can back from all santeda casinos. I only ever managed wintermdse from goldenbet. Keep us all updated with what is going on 🙂


i’ve contacted the ombudsman. I’ve sent all the casino "Receipts" which i got from the casino support. He wrote that i will get the answer in 30 days.

it was 30.07.2024, should i wait or its better to write to him? Or should it be 30 work days? 😅

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Post od Howdydowdy je obrisan
Post od carsix79 je obrisan

I didnt, it is thru my bank

Post od carsix79 je obrisan

Does anyone have a template to send to your bank/credit card company explaining your gambling addiction and also incorrect merchant codes er


I think this link has the templates on:


Mnogi veruju da su u ombudsmanu našli veliku „sreću" i da će on sada za njih da se pobrine za sve ostalo, ali nije tako.

Ombudsman proverava da li je banka pogrešila; banka nije u obavezi da izvrši povraćaj sredstava. Ovo važi samo ako su detalji kartice poznati trećim licima, u kom slučaju banka mora da reaguje; u svim ostalim slučajevima nema obaveze. Često citirana tačka 12.8 iz VISA-e bi možda mogla da funkcioniše, ali vidim šansu od 20%.

Bilo bi sjajno kada bih mogao da učestvujem u ilegalnom kockanju sa lažnim kodovima i onda ih jednostavno vratim, kockajući se bez ikakvog rizika.

Ombudsman će proveriti da li su transakcije verifikovane; ako jeste, banka je izvršila svoju dužnost.

Sve ostalo je privatni spor, a banka to ne mora da nadgleda. Čak i ako je ombudsman rekao da banka mora da izvrši povraćaj sredstava, ne mora to da uradi, ombudsman nije pravno obavezujući. I nisu mi poznate odluke raznih zemalja koje idu u korist igrača; imaju tendenciju da odlučuju protiv igrača.

Igrač je odgovoran za svoja plaćanja karticom, a ne banka. I šta više, prikrivanje MCC-a je pomalo siva zona. Do sada nijedan sud nije doneo odluku o tome, prema VISA-i je to očigledno zabranjeno, a Mastercard ovo nije komentarisao, samo u štampi.

Ne znam ko je to napisao, ali neko je pokušao da kontaktira Mastercard. Ne očekujte mnogo, Mastercard ne komunicira sa vlasnicima kartica, ovo je samo poruka koju šalju iz ljubaznosti, na odgovor možete čekati večno. Oni ovo ne komentarišu.

Bolje je uložiti svoju energiju da se oslobodite kockanja nego da smetate ombudsmanu. Čak i da vam je odgovorio, to nikako nije „dobar znak" – ombudsman radi svoj posao. Verovatno je već obradio još 234 slučaja u vezi sa kockanjem i samo čeka odgovor banke, ako do njega uopšte dođe 😉

Ne napadam nikoga ovim postom, samo opisujem svoje gledište, zasnovano na sopstvenom iskustvu i istraživanju.

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Automatski prevedeno:

There are many false statements here.. I would try and avoid making statements like this unless you have done all of the necessary research across the various jurisdictions you're referring to.


In the UK credit card transactions used for gambling are banned. So the wrong MCC is vital in whether a transactions is let through or blocked. It's not the banks fault that it has been let through, however it is within their customer protection to raise a chargeback in this case and I urge people to go to the Ombudsman if their bank is refusing the chargeback.

As well as this, it is illegal for a casino operating without a UK-issued gambling license to accept UK players.


DRN-4400536 and DRN-4443965

Google them before making incorrect statement's.

The issue is banks are saying they won’t chargeback which is false, when chargeback is initiated then the chances of these companies coming back is very low.

Many UK banks are/were refusing to act and the ombudsman is telling them to act now or be liable themselves as per these decisions.

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He is still helping me even after getting loads of them back as he wants me to get it all back so maybe just your luck who you get maybe ?


Bez nagazivanja na prste uvek imate jednostran pogled, drugi zakoni dolaze u obzir. Imate tunelsku viziju bez fokusiranja na druge činjenice. Ako ima mnogo lažnih izjava, zašto se ombudsman uvek odlučuje protiv igrača ili banke odbijaju povraćaj sredstava?

  • Ako davalac usluga kockanja nudi svoje usluge nelegalno, nezakonito je i učešće, moguće kršenje zakona zbog učešća u ilegalnom kockanju. Možete izgubiti sva prava zbog sopstvenih nezakonitih radnji, svesno ili nesvesno.

  • Pranje novca: Sva plaćanja, bez obzira da li je šifra zamagljena ili ne, su nezakonita. Možete izgubiti sva prava sopstvenim nezakonitim radnjama, svesno ili ne.

  • Mastercard/VISA isključuje povraćaje sredstava u vezi sa kockanjem bez obzira da li je kod bio sakriven ili ne. Uplata primljena u kazinu, sredstva su kreditirana. Odbijanje čak i sa netačnim kodom

  • Poštujte odredbe i uslove banaka; nezakonite svrhe su obično zabranjene, kao i plaćanja vezana za kockanje. Zabranjeno je i pranje novca.

  • Pridržavajte se važećih zakona: Zakon o pružaocima platnih usluga koji se odnosi na ovlašćena plaćanja, ovlašćena plaćanja su obično neopoziva plaćanja kreditnom karticom i bankovnim transferima, sa izuzetkom plaćanja karticama. Povrat samo u slučaju očigledne prevare, špijuniranja podataka o kartici, usluga nije pružena (veoma upitno u slučaju kockanja pod lažnim kodom)

  • Kreditne kartice služe kao zamena za gotovinu; kada bi uplate mogle da se ponavljaju tako lako, ceo sistem plaćanja bi bio beskoristan.

Ne branim provajdere, ali provajderi i dalje postoje jer ih svi plaćamo. Neki to rade iako znaju da je to nezakonito jer su već imali iskustva, drugi to rade nesvesno.

A za neke je postao nacionalni sport da se kockaju u kazinu, a zatim naplaćuju nazad uplate modifikovanim kodom jer nisu pobedili.

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Automatski prevedeno:

The bank told me the money was not even going to a company but one persons account ! its fake sites no chance of winning and if you do win big they do not pay out !


These illegal casinos are preying on people with issues. If lots of people on here didn't have issues in the first place they wouldn't have been depositing to these sites, because they would use UK based casinos, but obviously we have all used blocks to make sure we cannot deposit to these sites and these offshore casinos are just mopping up the problem gamblers by exploiting flaws in the finance system.

I'm sure 99% of people on here would admit they probably have/had an gambling issue, but they've tried to put measures in place to make sure that they cannot gamble...


My view is not one-sided as I have not put forth a view.

I merely stated you were making misleading false statements, which you were.

e.g. Ombudsman is not legally binding - yes here in the UK it is.


The bank said they were not going to q casino site but someones personal account its fake sites with rigged games and if you do win big they do not pay out only small wins to rope you in !

There are multiple considerations:

If the correct codes were used then either the gambling block or gambling ban in the case of a UK credit card would stop it.

Using incorrect code to bypass the UK laws is transaction laundering, the issue is two fold, bank refuses chargeback, ombudsman says you shouldn’t refuse to.

Next part chargeback started but then disputed by the merchant, this is where the ombudsman may say not my problem, but the key point missing is just to even get some banks to authorise the chargeback is the problem.

Also these are not gambling transactions as per the code so the point around Visa/mastercard saying cannot dispute gambling transactions is false, maybe if they used the correct code and you tried chargeback it would apply.

Wintermads have come back to me saying they need 2-3 weeks to investigate. Did others have to wait this long? I might just dispute with my bank.

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