pre 3 meseci
Označio sam elegro (nikopft) i nekoliko drugih kazina/trgovaca u e-poruku danas i dodao sam timove za prevare i švedsko-estonske i nigerijske vlasti u e-poruku. Jedan kazino mi je vratio 690 funti, a elegro mi je rekao da su mi već vratili u oktobru (uopšte nisu), pa se nadam da su videli koga sam označio u imejlu i odlučili da mi vrate novac sada.
Tagged elegro (nikopft) and a few other casinos/ merchants into an email today and I also added fraud teams and Swedish- Estonian and Nigerian authorities in the email. I’ve had one casino refund me £690 and elegro saying they have already refunded me in October (they haven’t at all) so I’m hoping they’ve seen who I’ve tagged in the email and decided to refund me now.