Pa, zvuči kao da imate sve alate na raspolaganju da ih osvojite.
Njegov vremenski okvir je 45-60 dana.
Preko 120 dana je veoma teško, posebno ako su u pitanju banke poput ovih koje pominjete.
Rečeno mi je da podignem svoju na Revolut kao prevaru sa povraćajem sredstava? pa sam ih uradio 3 puta i dobio sam verifikaciju da su rekli da ih još niste uradili? Odustao sam od svoje druge banke, samo ih podižem sve za mene tako da oni uzimaju p**s. Rekao bih da ih otežavaju. Na kraju ću se vratiti na to, ali fokusiran na to da sve skupljene sada sredim, to je igra na čekanju
Rekao bih da bi ti svako ko ima srce do sada pomogao, to je sramota!
Sada sam zapravo više zabrinut oko toga da imam novac i kako ću se nositi sa njim ako sve ponovo dobijem na povraćaju sredstava. Trebalo bi da budem srećan, ali sam pomalo zabrinut, da, srećan, ali zabrinut, ali sesije terapije mi mnogo pomažu da razumeti to i moj um i dobiti pohvalu što nisam pao u iskušenje je sjajno.
Well it sounds like you have all the tools at your disposal to win them.
Its 45-60 days time frame.
Over 120 days its very hard especially if it is banks like the ones you mention.
I was told to raise mine on Revolut as chargeback fraud ? so I did them 3 times and got verification I had they said you have not done them yet ? I gave up my other bank just raise them all for me so they are taking the p**s I would say making it hard to do them I will go back to it eventually but focused on getting the raised ones sorted now its a waiting game
I would say anyone with a heart would have been helping you by now that is a disgrace !
I am actually more worried now about having the money and how I will cope with it if I win it all back again on the chargebacks I should be happy but im a bit worried yes happy but worried but the therapy sessions are helping me a lot to understand it and my mind and getting praise for not falling to temptation is great.
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