pre 3 meseci
Ako su uplate nakon 7. oktobra, samo recite banci da ste prevareni da nekome pošaljete novac i da je to bila prevara i da ste izgubili pristup novcu, trebalo bi da vam vrate novac u roku od 5 dana, ako odbiju podsetite ih novih pravila koja su na snazi 7 . Prvo pročitajte na Google-u nova pravila da biste se upoznali.
If the payments are after the 7th of October just tell the bank you have been tricked into sending someone money and it ended up been a scam and you have lost access to the money , they should refund you within 5 days , if they refuse remind them of the new rules that were put in place on the 7th . Have a read up on Google about the new rules first to familiarise yourself .