Dobio sam osećaj iz potere da su samo želeli da ga odbiju i izbace, poslao sam gomilu dokaza ranije u svom prvobitnom zahtevu za povraćaj sredstava i oni su ga odbili u roku od 50 minuta od slanja, uprkos tome što je bilo više od sat vremena dokaza za prođite, ovaj put sam ih pogledao iz novog ugla i zamolio ih da to objasne sa svoje strane, oni tek treba da odgovore tako da sada mislim da su zapravo morali da istraže, a ne pošaljite mi unapred pismeni odgovor, shvataju nešto što ranije nisu pogledali. Ako mi se vrate i odbiju, imam dovoljno tamo gde osećam da će FOS stati na moju stranu.
Got the feeling from chase they just wanted to reject it and get it out the way, i sent a tonne of evidence before in my initial chargeback claim and they rejected it within 50 minutes of sending, despite there being well over an hour of evidence to get through, i've gone at them from a new angle this time and asked them to explain it from their end, they've yet to reply so i'm thinking now they've actually had to investigate rather than send me a pre written reply, they're picking up on something they didn't look at before. If they do come back at me and reject it i've got enough where i feel the FOS will side with me.
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