Oni navode da nemaju, ali imaju pristup informacijama, plus moraju da komuniciraju sa obrađivačem kako bi odredili sredstva za dodavanje na račune, tako da je to laž sa njihove strane da pokušaju da odbiju bilo kakvu zakonsku odgovornost, oni su u stvari odgovorni jer uprkos tome što je nezakonito koristiti treća lica za obradu ovih plaćanja u nekim jurisdikcijama, oni imaju odgovornost da se uvere da treća lica deluju na zakonit način, što oni definitivno nisu. Ne dostiže pošto je transakcija na kraju obavljena sa njima, njihova je odgovornost da se postaraju da je obavljena na bezbedan i legalan način, oni to ne rade jer koriste treća lica bez prethodnog znanja klijenata, što je GDPR problem, onda trgovci koriste pogrešne MCC-ove da zaobiđu blokove za kockanje itd. Lično, verujem da su ovi procesori trećih strana samo dimna zavesa i da su sama kazina peru novac preko lažnih kompanija, na primer, video sam najmanje 8 različitih NikoTPF varijacija samo na ovom forumu u vezi sa Santedom, onda imate Falcoru itd. koje su koristile, zašto bi legitimna kompanija koristila toliko različiti procesori? To je za pranje novca.
They state they don't but have access to the information, plus have to interact with the processor to determine the funds to add to the accounts, so that's a lie from their side to attempt to deflect any legal responsibility, they are in fact liable as despite it being illegal to use third parties to process these payments in some jurisdictions, they have a responsibility to make sure the third parties are acting in a legal manner, which they most definitely aren't. It's not reaching as the transaction was made with them ultimately, it's their responsibility to make sure it's made in a safe and legal way, they aren't doing that as they're using third parties without the customers having prior knowledge, which is a GDPR issue, then the merchants are using incorrect MCC's to bypass gambling blocks etc. Personally, i believe these third party processors are just a smokescreen, and that the casinos themselves are laundering the money through shell companies, for example i've seen at least 8 different NikoTPF variations on this forum alone in reference to Santeda, then you've got Falcora etc that they've used, why would a legitimate company use so many different processors? It's to money launder.
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