Zdravo Radka,
Ne slažem se jer je verovatno da kazino sa licencom Curacao nije dozvoljeno da radi u toj zemlji i da su dozvoljena samo kazina sa češkom licencom
Hi Radka,
I disagree as it is likely that the casino with a Curacao license is not allowed to operate in that country and only casinos with a Czech license are allowed
S druge strane, realnost je da igrači iz Češke mogu da igraju u kazinima na Kurasau. Poenta je u tome da su u stvarnom svetu igrači ti koji posećuju kazina van njihove jurisdikcije. Ovde govorim o stvarnosti, a ne o zakonima. Jer cela ova stvar pokazuje da igrač i dalje mora da preuzme odgovornost da prikupi informacije pre nego što odluči da se registruje. Na primer, mislim da će se i drugi složiti da svako dete u UK poznaje lokalni regulator, UKGC, i znaju da ne bi trebalo da se igraju negde drugde.
Pitanje koje je drugi igrač postavio odnosilo se na nešto drugo, iako se slažem da je povezano. Moja poenta je bila da objasnim da trenutno skoro svi operateri posluju pod licencom koja definiše pravila i obim samoisključenja. Štaviše, praktično svi operateri nude neku vrstu samoisključenja svojim igračima, čiji obim u velikoj meri zavisi od regulatornih zahteva i odluka pojedinačnih operatera.
Tako, na primer, kazino Curacao nije svestan samoisključenja preko bilo kog drugog nacionalnog regulatora. Igrač nikada ne treba da očekuje suprotno.
On the other hand, the reality is that players from the Czech Republic can play at Curacao casinos. The point is that in the actual world, players are the ones who visit casinos outside their jurisdictions. I'm talking about the reality here, not about the laws. Because this whole thing demonstrates that the player still has to take the responsibility to gather information before he decides to register. For example, I think the others will agree that every child in the UK knows the local regulator, the UKGC, and they know they are not supposed to play elsewhere.
The question the other player posted was about something else, though I agree it is connected. My point was to explain that currently, almost all operators operate under a license that defines the rules and scope of self-exclusion. Moreover, virtually all operators offer some sort of self-exclusion to their players, whose scope is highly dependent on regulatory requirements and decisions of individual operators.
Thus, for example, the Curacao casino is not aware of self-exclusion made through any other national regulator. The player should never expect the opposite.