Zdravo svima.
Pratio sam ovu temu prošle nedelje i smatrao da je od velike pomoći. Veoma cenim sve koji su podelili svoju priču/znanje.
Moj spor je sa GoldenBet trgovanjem pod TERRVERS - vidim da neki ljudi imaju isti problem.
Napravio sam im više od 90 transakcija u protekle 2 nedelje i trenutno sam u procesu spora sa svojom bankom.
Proces savetuje da se dozvoli 14 dana da kontaktiram trgovca, ali pošto nema informacija o TERRVERS-u, odmah sam podigao povraćaj sredstava „roba nije primljena" (rekao sam da ne mogu da ih kontaktiram jer nisam mogao da pronađem nikakve informacije o kompaniji) i danas, 5 radnih dana kasnije, neki od povraćaja sredstava su mi vraćeni. Podigao sam kategoriju sporne robe kao „Digitalna roba".
Pošto postoji mnogo transakcija, morao sam da pokrenem sporove u grupama od 15 jer je to bilo sve što je bankarska aplikacija dozvoljavala po slučaju. Neki od njih su uplaćeni na moj račun bez pitanja od strane banke – neki od njih su „privremeni krediti osim ako trgovac ne odgovori sa dodatnim detaljima", ali na većinu njih još uvek čekam odgovor.
Nadam se da je ovo početak da nadoknađujem svoja sredstva i nadam se da su i svi ostali uspešni - da se zna, nisam mogao da pronađem nikakve informacije o TERRVERS-u, poslao sam e-poruku GoldenBet-u bez pravog odgovora, ali izgleda da obećava da će moja banka u UK ovo rešiti odavde.
Savetovao bih svima koji imaju posla sa GoldenBet-om da prođu preko vaše banke gde je to moguće.
Hi all.
Been following this thread the past week and found it extremely helpful. Greatly appreciate everyone who has shared their story/knowledge.
My dispute is with GoldenBet trading under TERRVERS - I see some people have the same issue.
I made 90+ transactions to them over the past 2 weeks and am currently in the dispute process with my bank.
The process advises allowing 14 days to contact the merchant but as there is no info of TERRVERS I just immediately raised a "goods not received" chargeback (I said I could not contact them as I could not find any info on the company) and today 5 working days later some of the chargebacks are being refunded for me. I raised the disputed goods category as "Digital Goods".
As there are many transactions I had to raise disputes in batches of 15 as this was all the bank app allowed per case. Some of these have been credited into my account with no questions asked by the bank - some of them are "temporary credits unless the merchant replies with further details" but the majority of them I am still waiting for a response on.
I hope this is the start of me recouping my funds and hope everyone else is successful too - for the record I could not find any info on TERRVERS, I emailed GoldenBet with no real response but it’s looking promising my UK bank will sort this out from here.
Would advise anyone dealing with GoldenBet to go through your bank where possible.
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