NaslovnaForumKazinaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 75)

pre 1 godinu od kirekin
1.305.839 pregleda 10.279 odgovora |
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pre 9 meseci

Just going through old statements.. don't suppose anyone knows of any of these?


BT Estonia Est

stoneplayweb DNIPRO UKR 

games-glass DNIPRO UKR

gemplaystore DNIPRO UKR 

gamesplay-website DNIPRO UKR




flwdroidru BAKU AZE

cldstellarru BAKU AZE

pre 9 meseci

Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you to the @OP for initiating this topic, it's truly golden for numerous reasons.

I have received over 20 refunds in a span of ~7 days, and would like to share my 'good practices' with everyone here.

I seem to have established quite sound and simple process to getting the refunds. Sharing it below, together with the exact wording for the emails which has been working very well.



1a) Whenever possible, contact the merchant directly first (scroll down for my wording example).

1b) If you do not have the email address of the merchant - don't worry, your options are contacting casino and/or initiating chargeback via your bank.

2) Make it sound like you already reported it to the bank, making it seem like the merchant has two options only: 1) initiate a refund; or 2) face chargeback, and thus attract much unwanted attention.

Remember - these are mostly shell companies, it is their incentive to stay under the radar.

3) Give them a deadline of ~7 days to respond, indicating that otherwise they will be facing chargeback.

4) Send reminders every day. Be a pain in the ass. Your reminders will potentially be used to strenghten your case later on, if it ends up as chargeback.

5) If they do not respond in 7 days - feel free to contact the casino, requesting refunds, or file a chargeback straight away (I have not had a chance to contact casinos - can't say much here).

6) Revolut bank has no problem if you admit you have been gambling - no need to lie when filing a chargeback.


Email wording (merchant):

Subject: Refund request: Transaction laundering subject to chargeback

Dear Team,

My bank has recommended that I contact you with regards to a refund for suspicious transactions on my bank account. I hereby request an immediate refund on a transaction made through your payment system, that then went to an illegally operating gambling site.

This is against Mastercard/VISA rules and is subject to a chargeback, as it bypassed a block placed on my card and, to this day I have not received any service or goods from you.

These are the transactions in question:

*date* *currency* *amount*

*date* *currency* *amount*

Card number: xxxx xx** **** xxxx

My bank statement including these transactions is attached (*attach your bank statement*).

If there is anything else you would need from me, please let me know.

Otherwise, I trust we can resolve this matter amicably without the bank's involvement.

Kind regards,

Your name


This has been working very well for me.

If you have plenty of transactions which you would like to be refunded, I recommend creating an Excel spreadsheet for tracking these.

Here's how mine looks:



When I have time tomorrow, I would like to create a shared spreadsheet for us all where we can put contact details for merchants that we have founds.

With that said, I can say that I have managed to get in contact with following merchants:

Elegro (aka WynActive; Omicron; NikoTPF)

wintermads (Da Vincis)


Games Artifact (Talinn)

Xboxtime (Larnaca)


Until I create the shared spreadsheet, feel free to message me for contact details of these merchants.

I also have a strong suspicion that Advertising Services Brussels is: Contact - azerion (have not tried that yet, though).


Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
pre 9 meseci

Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you to the @OP for initiating this topic, it's truly golden for numerous reasons.

I have received over 20 refunds in a span of ~7 days, and would like to share my 'good practices' with everyone here.

I seem to have established quite sound and simple process to getting the refunds. Sharing it below, together with the exact wording for the emails which has been working very well.



1a) Whenever possible, contact the merchant directly first (scroll down for my wording example).

1b) If you do not have the email address of the merchant - don't worry, your options are contacting casino and/or initiating chargeback via your bank.

2) Make it sound like you already reported it to the bank, making it seem like the merchant has two options only: 1) initiate a refund; or 2) face chargeback, and thus attract much unwanted attention.

Remember - these are mostly shell companies, it is their incentive to stay under the radar.

3) Give them a deadline of ~7 days to respond, indicating that otherwise they will be facing chargeback.

4) Send reminders every day. Be a pain in the ass. Your reminders will potentially be used to strenghten your case later on, if it ends up as chargeback.

5) If they do not respond in 7 days - feel free to contact the casino, requesting refunds, or file a chargeback straight away (I have not had a chance to contact casinos - can't say much here).

6) Revolut bank has no problem if you admit you have been gambling - no need to lie when filing a chargeback.


Email wording (merchant):

Subject: Refund request: Transaction laundering subject to chargeback

Dear Team,

My bank has recommended that I contact you with regards to a refund for suspicious transactions on my bank account. I hereby request an immediate refund on a transaction made through your payment system, that then went to an illegally operating gambling site.

This is against Mastercard/VISA rules and is subject to a chargeback, as it bypassed a block placed on my card and, to this day I have not received any service or goods from you.

These are the transactions in question:

*date* *currency* *amount*

*date* *currency* *amount*

Card number: xxxx xx** **** xxxx

My bank statement including these transactions is attached (*attach your bank statement*).

If there is anything else you would need from me, please let me know.

Otherwise, I trust we can resolve this matter amicably without the bank's involvement.

Kind regards,

Your name


This has been working very well for me.

If you have plenty of transactions which you would like to be refunded, I recommend creating an Excel spreadsheet for tracking these.

Here's how mine looks:



When I have time tomorrow, I would like to create a shared spreadsheet for us all where we can put contact details for merchants that we have founds.

With that said, I can say that I have managed to get in contact with following merchants:

Elegro (aka WynActive; Omicron; NikoTPF)

wintermads (Da Vincis)


Games Artifact (Talinn)

Xboxtime (Larnaca)


Until I create the shared spreadsheet, feel free to message me for contact details of these merchants.

I also have a strong suspicion that Advertising Services Brussels is: Contact - azerion (have not tried that yet, though).


pre 9 meseci

Hi! Would love to get contact details on Tsinda, all i find is "Tsindagamers" i emailed a week ago and no response at all, thanks!

pre 9 meseci

pre 9 meseci

No worries mate, we're all in this shit together, so might just as well utilize teamwork and knowledge sharing.

pre 9 meseci

Please pm me or email me at:

I cannot share links here, due to being new to forum.

I think I've found three of those - please pm me.

With two of them you'd need to hope for the best, by contacting them via contact form on their websites.

I recommend this wording if you're contacting via contact form:

Dear Team,

My bank has recommended that I contact you with regards to a refund for a suspicious transaction on my account. I hereby request an immediate refund on a transaction made through your payment system, that then went to an illegally operating gambling site.

This is against Mastercard rules and is subject to a chargeback, as it bypassed a block placed on my card and, to this day I have not received any service or goods from you.

This is the transaction in question:


Card number: 1234 56** **** 1111

I am unable to attach my bank statement, due to technical constraints of the contact form.

Please contact me as soon as possible on this email address, so I can attach the bank statement for your verification, allowing you to initiate the refund.

If I am not contacted within 7 days, I will be initiating a chargeback via my bank.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
pre 9 meseci

Has anyone had any transactions from Fatamp Warszawa through Mobilum Pay?

pre 9 meseci


Jebi me.

Upravo sam dobio povrat od 10.000 od Enigme!!!

Dakle, ukupno 16.000 od kojih je 10.000 sa ENigme i 6.000 sa

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Yes. I contacted Mobilum three days ago here:

So far no reply, though.

pre 9 meseci

Ne znam da li ovo pomaže, ali imam i nekoliko uplata za Advertising Services Brisel, povezao sam uplate sa 7bets io casino. Ponovo sam se registrovao u kazinu 7bets da proverim brokera usluga plaćanja koji je bio Betilus (nema odgovora od njih, lažni sajt?) Pokušao sam da izvršim uplatu od 25e da proverim kom trgovcu ide, a trgovac je bio Goldlining Limited.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Lol screw you ❤ Wonderful news, mate! Happy for you!

Would you be so kind to share the email address of Enigma?

pre 9 meseci
Post od Anonymized609 je obrisan
pre 9 meseci

I sent the email to both of these addresses (first one I found on a website but it looks like a typo):

So far no luck with the reply, but it's only been a couple of days. Keep sending reminders in strong wording, keep repeating you have not dealt with them in any way and received no service/goods. It can serve as grounds for a chargeback later.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
pre 9 meseci


Do sada sam dobijao povraćaj sredstava od & Enigma.

Adresa e-pošte za ovo je:

Sada čekam povraćaj novca od





KeiGo London (kontakt podaci za ovo?)

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci
Post od emil_erikzon je obrisan
pre 9 meseci

Happy to help!

I contacted smartwallet (aka Da Vincis) at these addresses only ~2 days ago:

I did not receive an automated undelivered message, so assuming it went through.

So far I have not received any reply from them. Same situation for mobilumpay (

Keep sending reminders in strong wording, keep repeating you have not dealt with them in any way and received no service/goods. It can serve as grounds for a chargeback later.

pre 9 meseci

Uzgred sam dobio ovo iz banke:

Kupovine koje oglašavate se vrše putem interneta i završavaju se sa ID-om vaše mobilne banke.

Prilikom kupovine korišćeni su broj vaše kartice i cvc kod i transakcije su

verifikovan sa vašim ID-om mobilne banke nakon što dobijete informacije o kompaniji koja prodaje i iznosu.

Pošto su transakcije verifikovane pomoću vašeg Mobile BankID-a, banka vrši tu procenu

da su oni ovlašćeni i da ste vi odgovorni za plaćanje oglašenog iznosa

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci
Post od Dt100 je obrisan
pre 9 meseci

I just found it in less than 30 seconds, and here's how:

  1. I googled "Mydates london" (I know these from my bank statements)
  2. Found this:
  3. Scrolled down to the bottom of this page to see this: "Boranu Online B.V., Frans Erensstraat 14A, 5921VG Venlo, Netherlands"
  4. Googled "Boranu Online BV"
  5. Checked every hyperlink on their site - found this under "Imprint" button:

Looks promising to me, good luck!

pre 9 meseci

Uzgred sam dobio ovo iz banke:

Kupovine koje oglašavate se vrše putem interneta i završavaju se sa ID-om vaše mobilne banke.

Prilikom kupovine korišćeni su broj vaše kartice i cvc kod i transakcije su

verifikovan sa vašim ID-om mobilne banke nakon što dobijete informacije o kompaniji koja prodaje i iznosu.

Pošto su transakcije verifikovane pomoću vašeg Mobile BankID-a, banka vrši tu procenu

da su oni ovlašćeni i da ste vi odgovorni za plaćanje oglašenog iznosa

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

I would say this was expected - it seems that you argued that a transaction was fraudulent, but if you authorize these transactions in your bank app, this proves otherwise.

Do not argue that the transaction was fraudulent. Argue that you have not received anything from the merchant you paid.

I recommend full transparency with your bank, which is what I do, and I was able to get them to file chargebacks for multiple transactions (still pending resolution of these chargebacks, but I can confirm that the bank has decided to submit them):

I am writing to formally request a chargeback for recent transactions processed on my account. The details of the transaction are as follows.

Date of Transaction: [Date of Transaction]

Amount: [Transaction Amount]

Merchant Name: [Merchant Name]

As someone struggling with gambling addiction, I had placed a gambling block on my account several years ago to prevent any gambling-related transactions. Unfortunately, I recently relapsed and used my funds to play at an online casino. Despite the gambling block in place, the casino employed a fraudulent merchant to disguise the true nature of the transaction, thereby bypassing the block by using an incorrect Merchant Category Code (MCC).

This practice, known as "transaction laundering," is in direct violation of Mastercard regulations and qualifies the transaction for a chargeback. The casino's intentional use of a fraudulent merchant to circumvent the gambling block is a clear breach of Mastercard rules. If the MCC had been correctly set, the transaction would not have been authorized.

I took the proactive step of setting up restrictive measures to avoid gambling, but the purposeful and illegal practice of transaction laundering exploited a vulnerability in the system, facilitating this transaction despite the block.

Although I authorized the transaction, I did not receive any goods or services from this merchant. The funds were directed to the online casino, which used this merchant to bypass the gambling restrictions on my account. The expected delivery date for any goods or services, if applicable, would be the same as the transaction date. However, since no goods or services were provided by the merchant, I am requesting a chargeback.

In light of these circumstances, I kindly request that you process a chargeback for the full amount of the transaction. I appreciate your understanding and prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you for your assistance.

*I bank with Revolut

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
pre 9 meseci

How do you get a bankstatement from Revolut?

I tried to do chargeback on my transactions before and told them exactly how it was with the casino, they just reject transactions after transactions and didnt seem helpful at all in my case, Thanks.

Tried to contact all these but with no results:


Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
pre 9 meseci

Uzgred sam dobio ovo iz banke:

Kupovine koje oglašavate se vrše putem interneta i završavaju se sa ID-om vaše mobilne banke.

Prilikom kupovine korišćeni su broj vaše kartice i cvc kod i transakcije su

verifikovan sa vašim ID-om mobilne banke nakon što dobijete informacije o kompaniji koja prodaje i iznosu.

Pošto su transakcije verifikovane pomoću vašeg Mobile BankID-a, banka vrši tu procenu

da su oni ovlašćeni i da ste vi odgovorni za plaćanje oglašenog iznosa

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Da li to znači da zatvaraju slučaj. Niste negirali da ste odgovorni za plaćanje

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

I've just created a site (not indexed by Google) to streamline our collaboration. What's included:

  • My recommendations for requesting refunds
  • Bank chargeback request template (confirmed to work with Revolut - they initiated chargebacks based on this!)
  • Merchant refund request template
  • Email addresses of known merchants

Feel free to have a look: (link is safe)

I will be happy to keep updating the table, if you send me confirmed details of merchants to this email:

Any suggestions for improvements are most welcome!

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
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