Zdravo svima,
Pre svega, hvala @OP-u što je pokrenuo ovu temu, zaista je zlatna iz više razloga.
Primio sam preko 20 povraćaja sredstava u periodu od ~7 dana i želeo bih da podelim svoje „dobre prakse" sa svima ovde.
Čini se da sam uspostavio prilično dobar i jednostavan proces za dobijanje povraćaja. Delite ga u nastavku, zajedno sa tačnom formulacijom za e-poštu koja je veoma dobro funkcionisala.
1a) Kad god je moguće, prvo kontaktirajte trgovca direktno (pomerite se nadole za moj primer teksta).
1b) Ako nemate adresu e-pošte trgovca – ne brinite, vaše opcije su da kontaktirate kazino i/ili pokrenete povraćaj sredstava preko vaše banke.
2) Neka zvuči kao da ste to već prijavili banci, čineći da izgleda kao da trgovac ima samo dve opcije: 1) da pokrene povraćaj sredstava; ili 2) suočite se sa povraćajem sredstava i tako privučete mnogo neželjene pažnje.
Upamtite – to su uglavnom nasilne kompanije, to im je podsticaj da ostanu ispod radara.
3) Dajte im rok od ~7 dana da odgovore, ukazujući da će u suprotnom biti suočeni sa povraćajem sredstava.
4) Šaljite podsetnike svaki dan. Budi muka u guzici. Vaši podsetnici će se potencijalno koristiti za jačanje vašeg slučaja kasnije, ako završi kao povraćaj sredstava.
5) Ako ne odgovore u roku od 7 dana - slobodno kontaktirajte kazino, zahtevajući povraćaj novca, ili odmah podnesite povraćaj sredstava (nisam imao priliku da kontaktiram kazina - ovde ne mogu mnogo da kažem).
6) Revolut banka nema problema ako priznate da ste se kockali – nema potrebe da lažete kada podnosite povraćaj sredstava.
Formulacija e-pošte (trgovac):
Predmet: Zahtev za povraćaj sredstava: Pranje transakcija podleže povraćaju sredstava
Dragi time,
Moja banka je preporučila da vas kontaktiram u vezi sa povraćajem sredstava za sumnjive transakcije na mom bankovnom računu. Ovim zahtevam trenutni povraćaj novca za transakciju obavljenu preko vašeg sistema plaćanja, a koja je potom otišla na ilegalno funkcionisanje sajta za kockanje.
Ovo je protivno Mastercard/VISA pravilima i podleže povraćaju sredstava, jer je zaobišlo blokadu postavljenu na moju karticu i do danas nisam dobio nikakvu uslugu ili robu od vas.
Ovo su transakcije u pitanju:
*datum* *valuta* *iznos*
*datum* *valuta* *iznos*
Broj kartice: kkkk kk** **** kkkk
Moj bankovni izvod uključujući ove transakcije je u prilogu (*priložite svoj bankovni izvod*).
Ako vam treba još nešto od mene, javite mi.
U suprotnom, verujem da možemo da rešimo ovaj problem sporazumno bez učešća banke.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Tvoje ime
Ovo mi je dobro funkcionisalo.
Ako imate mnogo transakcija za koje biste želeli da vam budu vraćeni, preporučujem vam da napravite Ekcel tabelu za njihovo praćenje.
Evo kako moj izgleda:

Kada budem imao vremena sutra, želeo bih da napravim zajedničku tabelu za sve nas gde možemo da stavimo kontakt podatke za trgovce koje smo osnovali.
Uz to, mogu reći da sam uspeo da stupim u kontakt sa sledećim trgovcima:
Elegro (aka VinActive; Omicron; NikoTPF)
smartvallets.tech (Da Vincis)
Artefakt igara (Talin)
Ksboktime (Larnaka)
Dok ne napravim zajedničku tabelu, slobodno mi pošaljite poruku za kontakt podatke ovih trgovaca.
Takođe imam jaku sumnju da je Advertising Services Brisel: Kontakt - azerion (ipak to još nisam probao).
Hi everyone,
First of all, thank you to the @OP for initiating this topic, it's truly golden for numerous reasons.
I have received over 20 refunds in a span of ~7 days, and would like to share my 'good practices' with everyone here.
I seem to have established quite sound and simple process to getting the refunds. Sharing it below, together with the exact wording for the emails which has been working very well.
1a) Whenever possible, contact the merchant directly first (scroll down for my wording example).
1b) If you do not have the email address of the merchant - don't worry, your options are contacting casino and/or initiating chargeback via your bank.
2) Make it sound like you already reported it to the bank, making it seem like the merchant has two options only: 1) initiate a refund; or 2) face chargeback, and thus attract much unwanted attention.
Remember - these are mostly shell companies, it is their incentive to stay under the radar.
3) Give them a deadline of ~7 days to respond, indicating that otherwise they will be facing chargeback.
4) Send reminders every day. Be a pain in the ass. Your reminders will potentially be used to strenghten your case later on, if it ends up as chargeback.
5) If they do not respond in 7 days - feel free to contact the casino, requesting refunds, or file a chargeback straight away (I have not had a chance to contact casinos - can't say much here).
6) Revolut bank has no problem if you admit you have been gambling - no need to lie when filing a chargeback.
Email wording (merchant):
Subject: Refund request: Transaction laundering subject to chargeback
Dear Team,
My bank has recommended that I contact you with regards to a refund for suspicious transactions on my bank account. I hereby request an immediate refund on a transaction made through your payment system, that then went to an illegally operating gambling site.
This is against Mastercard/VISA rules and is subject to a chargeback, as it bypassed a block placed on my card and, to this day I have not received any service or goods from you.
These are the transactions in question:
*date* *currency* *amount*
*date* *currency* *amount*
Card number: xxxx xx** **** xxxx
My bank statement including these transactions is attached (*attach your bank statement*).
If there is anything else you would need from me, please let me know.
Otherwise, I trust we can resolve this matter amicably without the bank's involvement.
Kind regards,
Your name
This has been working very well for me.
If you have plenty of transactions which you would like to be refunded, I recommend creating an Excel spreadsheet for tracking these.
Here's how mine looks:

When I have time tomorrow, I would like to create a shared spreadsheet for us all where we can put contact details for merchants that we have founds.
With that said, I can say that I have managed to get in contact with following merchants:
Elegro (aka WynActive; Omicron; NikoTPF)
smartwallets.tech (Da Vincis)
Games Artifact (Talinn)
Xboxtime (Larnaca)
Until I create the shared spreadsheet, feel free to message me for contact details of these merchants.
I also have a strong suspicion that Advertising Services Brussels is: Contact - azerion (have not tried that yet, though).
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