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Podignite novac iz ice casina (strana 2)

 od ruisoares3
37.351 pregleda 93 odgovora |
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No, I didn't create 2 accounts when I created one, what I was saying is that I made the deposit to play at the casino of an account through a virtual credit card of the paysafecard genre, but then when I got the winnings the account I gave the data all is also mine I sent the documents all proving everything, do you understand? Ice casino is what makes life difficult for me, I don't know why! The account that I want the winnings to be transferred is mine I can send you everything to check as well, the payment method is a joint account of me and my girlfriend's but what does this have to do I just loaded the account later to withdraw the winnings I showed the whole documentation about iban bic etc. that refer to my account

Sorry, I'm not sure I follow you correctly. I read your complaint again, obviously the casino seems there are some irregularities in verification, but I have no chance to find out what exactly caused that you are being ask for additional documents.

I'm sure we need to get in touch with the casino and sort things out. Sadly it's not my part, so I will wait for the complaint team to come up with something.

There are no irregularities at all the casino is what implies because I uploaded to the casino website through the mbaway app which is a virtual credit card of the paysafecard type but this single purchase virtual card was through my account that they checked I have already sent an extract signed by the bank I have already sent the extract of the upload I made to the site I have already sent everything and they are always postponing etc etc etc. I do not understand why, I would like to have the help of the support of the casino guru

Vidio sam mnogo ljudi koji se žale da je kazino prevara

Automatski prevedeno:

There are no irregularities at all the casino is what implies because I uploaded to the casino website through the mbaway app which is a virtual credit card of the paysafecard type but this single purchase virtual card was through my account that they checked I have already sent an extract signed by the bank I have already sent the extract of the upload I made to the site I have already sent everything and they are always postponing etc etc etc. I do not understand why, I would like to have the help of the support of the casino guru


honestly, we have to be sure that everything is in order, for that we may need to cooperate with the casino. But this is definitely up to the Complaint Team to decide. I understand that you see this whole situation crystal clear, but we need to investigate first.

It's great that you cooperate with the casino the way you do, I would be probably less understanding being in your shoes.

Frankly, allow me to say that the whole team is extremely occupied. We're constantly experiencing a massive portion of new complaints. Hence I ask you kindly to be patient. Thank you.

Jedino sto me revoltira je sto sam nasjeo na prevaru i treba mi pare,neko to treba zaustaviti jer odnesu pare ljudima a ne placaju

Automatski prevedeno:

As I said, I understand your point of view but allow us to investigate, please.

Scams mean that casinos only accept deposits but players have no chance for withdrawal because those casinos don't intend to pay.

This is a serious matter and we need to look into the problem more deeply. Maybe the casino is short on staff, or the staff is not well trained. I know you are not concerned about it in general but those suggestions can be hardly seen as a scam, please take it as an example.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Uzet ću ovo za primjer, ali mi ne otključavaju račun, ne daju da uzmem pare i stalno odlažu, nije normalno! Osim toga, ovdje u Portugalu sam vidio dosta vijesti koje misle da je ice casino sumnjiv i da ne plaćaju ljudima, ne razumijem zašto sam poslao sve kako treba, sve sam uradio i varaju me traže sve i bilo šta i pošaljem im, bio sam iskren učitao sam račun u nadi da ću zaraditi osvojio sam a oni mi ne plaćaju

Automatski prevedeno:


as I mentioned earlier the casino was convinced that you used a 3rd party payment option (which is prohibited by the Terms and Conditions). This fact caused all trouble.

As Tomas wrote in your complaint, the moment the casino confirms that this is no longer the issue, your withdrawal should be processed accordingly.

Zdravo, ali sve sam ovo vec objasnio kazinu, vec sam poslao sve dokumente, i izgleda da to rade namerno pa nam ne placaju vec sam poslao sve korektno fotografije sve sam objasnio mislim da je lako razumeti, oni otežavaju život što je više moguće jer ako nikome ne plaćaju šta drugo mogu učiniti da otežavam život, vidio sam mnogo ljudi koji se žale na kazino i sve više vjerujem da sam prevaren, to moraju učiniti mnogim ljudima , mozes li mi pomoci!?

Automatski prevedeno:

Samo sam morao razgovarati sa operaterom i oni su mi to rekli file

Automatski prevedeno:

nisu shvatili ili ne žele da shvate da je račun koji završava na 6107 broj koji virtuelna kreditna kartica automatski kreira, ali da je ovaj račun povezan sa drugim računom koji završava na 512 poslao sam sve dokumente i ako žele oni mogu ovo da shvatim i dodji sta fali, ali sutra cu dobiti zadnji papir ako ne upali, to je zato sto je prevara, idem u banku po papir cak i potpisan od njih da je broj racuna koji se završava na 512 je moj! Ako ne, onda ne znam šta da radim, ali pomozite mi

Automatski prevedeno:



Ovo je ceo razgovor nadam se da razumete

Automatski prevedeno:

Good morning,

I do not want to repeat myself and you do not have to either.

The point is that we have to clarify with the casino, and discuss what the casino thinks is incorrect to make a progress.

Please wait for the next complaint update. I can't help with that, but I hope the casino's staff will understand.

Dakle, predlažete da sačekate?

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, till our Complaint Team does what is necessary to help you out.

Honestly, there is hardly anything else you can do right now.

The last resort would be to contact the licensing authority, but I would give your complaint a chance.

Onda ću pričekati još 2 ili 3 dana….ako ne odem do organa za izdavanje dozvola na portalu za žalbe u Portugalu stotine ljudi se žale na ovaj kazino

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, I was referring to your current complaint, kindly respect the timer please:


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