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pomoć kod poteškoća sa povlačenjem

 od Tataneddu
3.473 pregleda 7 odgovora |

Zdravo momci, pišem ovde jer sam otkrio da imam problem sa onlajn kazinom koji nije aams i savetovali su mi da vas kontaktiram. dobro. Ali nisam čitao kritike.

Onda je prvo iskustvo prošlo dobro, osvojio sam registrovani depozit i isplaćen mi je dobitak. nakon toga sam izgubio nekoliko novca, pa sam pre neki dan ponovo igrao, dobio sam i ne teraju me da podignem novac, tražeći fotografiju kreditne kartice koja je već bila verifikovana u prošlosti. Sada sam poslao sve što su me pitali, ali mi nisu odgovorili dva dana, navodim da su u prošlosti uvek bili veoma brzi i veoma brzi na mnoga druga pitanja i da su odgovarali na mejlove. U međuvremenu, što je možda trebalo da uradim ranije, čitam razne kritike i vidim da mnogi, previše, imaju isti problem ... pomozite ili se nadam da nije prevara ...

Automatski prevedeno:


it's great that you find us. I think it's good to know the casino, so can you name it, please? I'd like to check its reputation and complaints to get some basic insight.

In general, I can say that account verification may occur more than once, it just depends on the casino's approach. Always try to cooperate and give the casino some time to process it. We, for instance, allow casinos 14 full days to check the account and send the winnings to the player.

This KYC can take even a week in necessary so I would not say that 2 days is a disaster at this point.

The employees just need some time to go through all documents and probably compare these with the ones from the previous verification, it takes time. Some casinos allow players to see which documents are already accepted and which are not, sadly, it's not a common standard, but you can try to ask the live chat about it.

Kindly let me know the name 🙂.


Zdravo draga, nered u pitanju je Mistake.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello and thank you.

I'd say that according to our review, this casino is decent and when it comes to the "troubles with verification" or delayed payment, those are the most frequent issues according to the complaint database.

Two cases except for 2 were successfully resolved in the past and it makes me think that the casino is probably lacking better organization when staff is in hurry 🙂. It happens. Anyway, to make sure that everything will be in order, kindly update me frequently on how things go. If we get the feeling that something is wrong, there is always the complaint you can submit. 🤞

It's Friday, so I'll check on you on Monday, ok?


Dakle, ažuriraću pošto sam danas likvidiran. Juče sam uspeo da dobijem mejl kao odgovor na objavljivanje dokumentacije, tražili su od mene dalju dokumentaciju, srećom sve je bilo u redu, isto veče su autorizovali i dodatno verifikovali kreditnu karticu... Osećam se potpuno zadovoljan, osim razgovori koji nisu baš uverljivi zbog toga kako reaguju, mislim da je to dobar kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, that's great if I may say. 👍

Yet the winnings are on the way at the moment, right? Kindly let me know when arrives.

Providing a good, supportive, and cozy live chat is key to making customers satisfied I'd say, let's hope they knew that too 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora

za isplate su veoma brze, čak i prvi put sam bio iznenađen, cmk je juče u 21 sat podneo zahtev za povlačenje, nakon što je dobio ok od tima za proveru dokumenata, novac je stigao jutros... hajde da pričamo više više od 1500 evra

Automatski prevedeno:

That's an interesting showcase 🙂!

what payment option did you use, please?

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