Evo odgovora zašto kazino ima rejting koji ima. Pogledao sam i njihove žalbe i imaju samo nekoliko nerešenih.

Takođe sam video da su pre neki dan rešili i problem sa odloženim plaćanjem, tako da čvrsto verujem da će to biti slučaj i sa drugim igračima.
Međutim, ako igrač osvoji tako veliki iznos, to obično podleže nekim proverama i tako dalje, pa zato dajemo kazinima 14 dana da imaju dovoljno vremena da sve završe i pošalju novac. Mora se uzeti u obzir sve važno i ponekad se ne radi samo o tome da igrač podiže novac i ima novac na računu. U nekim slučajevima to može biti i verifikacija naloga ili provajder može da se uključi i tako dalje, tako da svaki slučaj može biti individualan.
Takođe, ako želite da vidite kako naš tim pregleda kazina, samo kliknite na ovu vezu . Takođe možete dobiti dodatne informacije o ovom procesu.
Here is the answer why the casino has the rating it has. I've also looked at their complaints and they have only a couple unresolved.

I also saw that the other day they also resolved a delayed payment issue, so I firmly believe that this will be the case with other player as well.
However, if a player wins such a large amount, it is usually subject to some checks and so on, so that's why we give casinos 14 days to have enough time to get it all done and send the money. Everything important has to be considered and sometimes it's not just about the player making a withdrawal and having the money in the account. In some cases it can also be a verification of the account or the provider can get involved and so on, so each case can be individual.
Also if you would like to see how our team review casinos just click on this link. You may also get further information about this process.
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