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Powbet Casino - opšta diskusija

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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Powbet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 1 godinu

Napravio sam povlačenje od 215 evra na Povbet-u, nakon što su me nekoliko puta uverili razgovori uživo, na kraju su posle nedelju dana poništili povlačenje bez navođenja razloga, možete li mi pomoći? Prilažem snimke ekrana filefile

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pre 1 godinu


I'm sorry can't read the printscreen - I prefer the English language, you see.

Anyway, what seems to be the problem with the withdrawal? Have you passed the KYC verification already? Is your gaming history ok? Have you complied with all terms and conditions, please?

I'll wait for further information.

pre 1 godinu

Neko se povukao iz ovog kazina u Brazilu, jer sam tamo napravio depozit i dobio bonus i ispunio njihov rollover i zatražio povlačenje 8. aprila i još uvek nije pao i tražena su mi dokumenta koja sam već poslao prošle subote i nastavi u analizi, da li bi mi neko mogao pomoći?

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pre 1 godinu

Hello there.

I'd say you have not been verified yet - am I correct? When did you send the requested documents and more importantly, are you in contact with the casino?

Its score is quite good, but other players seem to be unhappy too, at some point. Browse the reviews.

pre 1 godinu

Dobro jutro! Da, još uvek sam u procesu verifikacije i već sam poslao nekoliko dokumenata i uvek na kraju traže nešto novo, ovo je već dve nedelje staro i ne mogu da oslobode povlačenje

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pre 1 godinu


Luckily for you, the complaint should help, I'd say. It's good you submitted it.

pre 1 godinu

Verifikacija je prihvaćena juče i čeka na uplatu i dato mi je 3 radna dana da završim. Čeka da uđe.

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pre 1 godinu

Hello there.

I replied in the second thread:

"Keeping aside the fact you started the verification a few weeks back, now it sounds quite alright to me. The scheduled time usually corresponds with the payment option you opted for.

So, let's what happens today! 🤞🤞"

pre 1 godinu

Napravio sam povlačenje na povbet 500€ prvo su mi rekli da je novac normalno poslat na moj račun i da će proći nekoliko dana da se pojavi i nakon nekog vremena bez razloga su me blokirali rekavši da sam počinio prevaru i ne vraćaju mi novac lažovi koje sam normalno osvojio bez ikakvog bonusa

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pre 1 godinu

Hello there!

At this point, I feel it would be good to mention the complaint. It was a good step to take, and we appreciate the opportunity to help you. It would also be great if you could share all relevant communications or updates. Preferably via complaint, at this moment Nick needs all of those first.

Can you provide additional info, please?

I would like to see the casino's explanation - for example.

pre 1 godinu


Evo nekoliko priznanica za koje kažu da će mi poslati novac normalno i onda su zatvorili moj račun a da ništa ne uradim, kontaktirajte kazino i uzmite moj novac

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pre 1 godinu

Thank you for those screenshots.

Now I better understand the matter, on the other hand, I quite understand the casino went silent. Once they are assured the player has committed any kind of fraud - which is not my statement just taking the rule no. 9.4 into consideration - no further explanations are given publically 🙁.

At this point it is crucial to update the complaint thread properly, so make sure all those screenshots are available there, Nick is going to need all relevant information to proceed further.

Could you do that, please?

pre 1 godinu

zatvorili su mi nalog zbog pravila 9.4 kako kažu, ali bez da su počinili bilo kakvu prevaru ili bilo šta i ne daju mi moj novac ja ću takođe postaviti neke fotografije dok mi normalno kažu da su ih poslali onda mi kažu da povlačiš je otkazan zbog prevare, ali nisam ništa uradio

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pre 1 godinu


pre 1 godinu

Ne znam kako da ih pošaljem da ih vidi i nadam se da ih Nik može videti i ovde

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pre 1 godinu

It's necessary to send it all to Nick directly - try to lead one at a time to the complaint. Or simply insert those posts there so he can understand the issue. Alternatively, use this email:

Nick is not going to find it here on the forum - I'll send him a note, but please update the complaint.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
pre 1 godinu

Postoji li ikakva šansa da vratim svoj novac iz kazina ili samo pokušavam

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pre 1 godinu

Not sure I follow. Untill the complaint hasn't closed, the chance is there. The casino is rated as "above the average" so, I expect them to provide cooperation if necessary.

I know the waiting sucks, but it's part of the process. I notified Nick about the current event, please give him time to respond properly.🙏

pre 1 godinu

Ok hoću li ikada dobiti odgovor, molim?

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