NaslovnaForumKazinaPowbet Casino - opšta diskusija

Powbet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 7)

pre 2 godina od vfranky
20.661 pregleda 138 odgovora |
1...6 7
pre 4 meseci

Hi, if you have entered the withdrawal just now, try to be patient and wait what will happen. The casino didn't ask you for any documents? Did you play here with the bonus or not? 

pre 4 meseci

This casino is probably paying for advertising to be rated as the most secure casino.

One of the worst casinos.

Issues with withdrawals, rude people in customer support, and on top of that, you wait up to an hour just for someone to give you a copy-paste response and then leave the chat.


pre 4 meseci

Greetings, according to what I saw in our review the casino should be closed. 

Do you play here normally? We didn't have a very good safety index and it was pretty low to be honest. 

Do you still have any money to withdraw? 

I have one question, I saw that you have a complaint against Powbet Casino and I have a little feeling that this post might be about that casino and not the one you are writing about. Is that by any chance the case and you just got your threads mixed up? 🤔

pre 4 meseci

Da, u pravu si. Prigovor se odnosi na Povbet kazino.. Povbet kazino je skandalozan, zaslužuje najoštriju osudu, zamolio bih vas da takvim kazinom ubuduće ne pravite najveću bezbednosnu ucenu, rušite svoju reputaciju i stvarate probleme nama igračima.

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pre 4 meseci

I see it has been dragging on with your withdrawal for quite a long time and it is certainly not pleasant. If the casino fails to resolve this complaint then the safety index will change but until then it probably won't. Despite the fact that it has been going on for an enormous amount of time, so far they have not had a single complaint that they have ignored and not resolved, so I expect the same in your case. I hope everything will be settled as soon as possible.

pre 3 meseci
  • Zdravo, ja sam korisnik iz Španije i pokušavam da podignem svoj dobitak sa Povbet-a, a oni samo šalju loptu i ne obrađuju moja povlačenja.
Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
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pre 3 meseci

Već je prošlo 3 i 5 radnih dana, koliko oni računaju da bi prihvatili povlačenje, a čitajući ovu veb stranicu vidim da svi imaju problema sa ovim kazinom da povuku svoje dobitke.

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pre 3 meseci


I'm sorry you did not come across this thread or even user feedback earlier. At least now you know that this casino pays the players out; it is still slow with the payments, according to others. Despite its higher score, players keep reporting delayed payments.

To calm you a bit, as far as we know, the casino will pay eventually; frankly, it takes longer than usual.

Try to be patient.

pre 1 meseca

Da li još uvek plaćaju ovaj kazino? Pokušavam da se povučem od 1. januara i sve vreme mi otkazuju povlačenje

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca


I want to give you a firm response, but it is not that easy, as you may have guessed. According to the Safety index, this casino pays out to players who follow the rules and win; however, players have been complaining about a very negative experience, which may include a longer withdrawal period and other issues.

Is there a chance the cancellation were caused by thechnical issues? I believe it is about good communication from the support. So, what did they tell you, please?

pre 1 meseca

Otkažu moja povlačenja i ne navode nikakav razlog, onda sam otišao da ih kontaktiram u ćaskanju i oni tvrde tehničke probleme i kažu mi da ponovo zatražim povlačenje, 4 povlačenja i 4 otkazana

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pre 1 meseca

When was the last time they cancelled your request?

Maybe it is time to file a complaint if they are not able to fix the issue themselves. What do you think?

I believe that our team can try to intervene and hopefully help get it done.

Just follow this link where you can do so. We'll wait for any updates from you.

pre 1 meseca

U petak su mi otkazali poslednje povlačenje i danas sam ponovo zatražio povlačenje, link mi kaže da sam igrao sa bonusom, mislim da svi kazina nude neki bonus dobrodošlice i igrao sam ga prošle godine i od tada nastavljam da igram sa pravi novac.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Okay. Let's see now how your complaint will unfold and if the intervention from our team will be needed.

pre 2 nedelja

poništene opklade i poništeno povlačenje!!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Have the casino provided any explanation for doing so, though?

pre 1 nedelje

U četu su rekli da im je žao što sam izgubio novac... Nisu ni razumeli moje pitanje. Zašto su mi uzeli pare a ne povukli... Pravili su se budale i to je to...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Did you receive any email from the support, perhaps?

Our team will surely investigate the whole matter in your complaint now, and hopefully we'll be able to find out the reason.

Please stay tuned and wait for the next steps.🙏

pre 1 nedelje

Uopšte ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog i nema odgovora, ništa, i nema novca od njih... jednostavno su mi poništili opklade i isplate i blokirali račun!

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pre 1 nedelje

So it really must be hard for you like this. Please try to hold on, and our team will do their best to help you out.

Unfortunately, with the high number of complaints we have to deal with, it is not possible to get back to you right away, so just watch the timer on your complaint.

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