NaslovnaForumKazinaQuickWin Casino - opšta diskusija

QuickWin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 10)

 od Radka
51.921 pregleda 287 odgovora |
1...9 10 11...15

Razumem, ali bio sam uznemiren i uznemiren, već sam razgovarao sa podrškom i rekli su mi da će mi vratiti novac, možda nisam imao najbolji stav, ali takođe nisu bili u pravu prema meni jer su me blokirali bez dozvole znam da nisam u pravu i da bi me blokirali, mislim da je nalog verifikovan, čekam uplatu, inače možeš da proveriš šta hoćeš, uradio sam sve kako treba

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm glad to hear that you found a reasonable word with the casino and therefore you should get the money. I understand that you were probably frustrated in that situation, but sometimes it's good to keep a cool head so you don't make it worse. The bottom line is that you should get the money. 

So if it would be possible, feel free to update us and especially your complaint when it happens. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will be as soon as possible. 🙂

Dobro veče društvu!!!

Hteo bih da pitam neke stvari.

Pošto neko može da napravi depozit, kako onda ne može da izvrši povlačenje?

Kada napravite depozit, kako onda aplicirate za povlačenje?

Ovaj konkretni kazino ima ograničenje povlačenja po danu i ovo se povećava u zavisnosti od iznosa koji igrate!!!

Početna faza je do 500€ po danu!!!

Ovo pitam jer ja lično nikada nemam problema sa isplatama i u roku od najviše 3 dana novac je na mom računu!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, are you waiting longer than three days for the withdrawal now ? I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out this process, so if you are just starting out, I wouldn't be negative right away. Have you been able to verify with the casino yet ? Did the casino tell you why they are taking a little longer ?

Let me know. 👍

U ponedeljak sam dobio mejl u kome me traže detalje o transferu jer kažu da će proći tri radna dana kada će novac biti na računu i za sada ništa

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that the casino told you that it should send you money and still nothing has changed. Have you contacted them what's going on if they haven't sent you the money by the time they mentioned ? Did they tell you anything? 

Nisu mi dali datume ni rokove za transfer, samo su me tražili podatke o banci, ime iban itd., ali ništa o datumima, nisu mi rekli da li su već obavili transakciju ili ne, oni nisu mi čak ni rekli kada će to učiniti.

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand. Despite all this, we will probably just have to wait as you have an open complaint and therefore if the casino fails to resolve this situation our team will investigate further and contact them. 

If they didn't give you any timeframe, I get it because it doesn't happen often so they don't mislead you unnecessarily. I don't know what it takes for them to enter a withdrawal manually, but like I said, if they don't respond and you don't get your money, we'll be here to try and help you sort it out. 

Problem je što sam umoran od postavljanja pitanja i ne dobijam odgovore.

Automatski prevedeno:

I sympathize with you completely in your situation. Reassurance would be useful from the casino and would certainly make it easier to breathe, but if they don't know what to tell you, it's difficult. 

That's why I'm glad you have an open complaint, and as I said, our team will try to do what they can to help you, so there you go. 😉


Automatski prevedeno:

Dobar dan, nekoliko dana radim isplatu i uvek se na kraju poništi, žaliću se preko ćaskanja, uvek je isti odgovor, uradiće ručno podizanje, tužno je kada je vreme da se nešto povuče , uvek je komplikacija

Automatski prevedeno:

Is your account fully verified at this casino, or you haven't passed the process yet? When exactly did you requested the withdrawal?

Our team has already started to work on your complaint, just always try to give them all the relevant answers they need, please, so your case can get solved as soon as possible.

Zdravo dobro jutro, tražio sam informaciju da li je potrebno izvršiti verifikaciju, odgovor je bio da nema potrebe da se vrši nikakva verifikacija, samo isplate vršite na način na koji je uplaćen depozit

Automatski prevedeno:

This is exactly the point when I really wonder whether it would be better to simply verify the player as usual and proceed with the standard withdrawal process. The way I understand KYC-free withdrawal, delay is exactly the opposite goal.

Frankly, it seems we won't learn more unless someone from the casino explains the problem.

I want you to know that the casino has 14 full days to carry out all procedures leading to the resolution of your withdrawal issue, but only after the Team intervenes. Thus, it's important to mention when exactly the withdrawal request was submitted.

As said, please update the complaint, so our specialist will work on that. 🙏

Zdravo, problem je u tome što sam kazino nema ništa gde mogu da postavim svoja dokumenta...

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, in this case, as you said, the verification is not necessary, so that could be the reason they haven't got a section for uploading documents.🤷‍♀️

U ovom slučaju, koji je najbolji način da se reši problem?

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, since verification is not necessary yet, then we will have to be patient and wait for the casino to manage to send the money to your account within the mentioned 14 days. 

If they fail to do so, our team will contact the casino, but for now there is nothing more to do. 

However, are you in contact with them to find out what's going on with your withdrawal and why there is a delay ? 

Ok, sačekajmo i vidimo šta će se desiti! Hvala za slušanje

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you. 

In addition, my questions were also whether you are in contact with the casino and they told you why you have a delay in your withdrawal. Did you ask them ? 

Dobro jutro, da, svaki dan ću ćaskati i pitati! Njihov odgovor je da se leči

Automatski prevedeno:
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