NaslovnaForumKazinaQuickWin Casino - opšta diskusija

QuickWin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 14)

 od Radka
52.343 pregleda 298 odgovora |
1...13 14 1516

Dobro veče!

Igrao sam često mesec ili dva na KuickVin sajtu.

Širok izbor slotova i kazina uživo.

Deponovao sam 20, 50, 100 evra... čak 500 evra dnevno.

Nekad sam gubio, nekada sam dobijao, prema uputstvu za kockanje.

Nikada nisam imao problema sa deponovanjem novca.

UVEK sam imao problema sa isplatama, prvi put, drugi put, treći put i tako dalje. Naravno, moj nalog je verifikovan sa dokumentima i svime.

Pošto NIKAD nisam mogao da se povučem, sve mi je vraćeno. I pošto nisam mogao ništa da uradim u vezi povlačenja, takođe sam čekao danima ili nedeljama kada sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje, podizanja od 20, 100 evra, čak i do 500 evra povlačenja.

Pobedom na slotovima, naravno.

Sve mi je vraćeno. Pokušao sam da kontaktiram ili pošaljem imejlove, ali nisam dobio odgovor..

Samo sam želeo svoj pobednički novac...

Posle nekoliko meseci počinju da mi odgovaraju da ne mogu ništa da uradim povodom toga i vraćaju mi 20 € BONUS kredita.

Posle ukupno oko 2 HILjADE evra depozita sa moje strane, nešto više ili nešto manje od 2 HILjADE evra.

Želeo bih povraćaj novca ili bih želeo da prijavim sajt, da ne bi prevarili druge poput mene... ima onih koji mogu da nasele na to čak i više od mene.

Nikada nisam imao problema sa drugim sajtovima.

Možete li mi pomoći na bilo koji način? Hvala vam puno.

Čekam odgovore!

Srdačan pozdrav.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I don't see why the casino should cancel your withdrawals or why it should take so long if you say you are verified. Also, if they didn't give you any relevant answer, that's not right from my point of view. 

However, without them explaining why they did it in the first place, I don't think we'll get very far and it's a good thing you opened a complaint because our team will be looking into the case in depth and I'm really curious to see what they find out. They have quite a high safety index so I'm surprised at this treatment. 

But I hope we will know everything in the near future.

If you also have something new, could you please let me know? 



Ne razumem zašto je taj sajt uvek otkazivao moje zahteve za povlačenje... i podizanja od samo 50 evra i podizanja do 500 evra...

NIKAD nisam imao problema sa deponovanjem, transakcije su uvek išle dobro.

Podneo sam žalbu jer je to malo nepošteno ponašanje tog kazina.

I čitajući kritike toliko drugih ljudi, koji su imali iste probleme kao ja, želeo sam da otvorim žalbu i da imam minimum pravde po tom pitanju.

Ja sam čest onlajn igrač, imam nekoliko naloga za igre u drugim kockarnicama i NIKAD nisam imao problema u vezi sa tim.

Kvikvin nije mogao ni da odgovori zašto do povlačenja nikada nije došlo, odeljenje nije dalo ove „podatke"...

Vratili su mi 20 evra bonusa sa kojim zapravo ne radim ništa...

Takođe bih samo želeo odgovor zašto taj sajt ne dozvoljava ljudima da se povuku.

Ili jednostavno refundiranje.

Automatski prevedeno:

I would probably be looking for an answer to this question anyway, but the important thing is obviously to have it provided by the casino because we can only guess why that is. 

So by filing a complaint we will hopefully find out more and see why this happened. 

Did you withdraw using the same payment method as you deposited? 


Pokušavao sam ceo dan juče da nađem jedan ili više odgovora od njih, nisu mogli da mi daju konkretan odgovor.

Asistenti za ćaskanje.

Upravo sam dobio odgovor od njih da mi odeljenje ne može da odgovori.

Uvek sam vršio isplate na isti način kao i depozite. Kada ste u nedoumici, pokušao sam i drugačije da izvršim isplate, uvek čekajući dane transakcije, ali ništa.

Kazino je odgovorio tako što mi je dao samo 20 € u povraćaju bonusa.

A ovo je veoma čudna stvar.

Imajući takođe iskustvo na drugim sajtovima za igre.

Prvi put mi se ovo dešava sa njihovom brzom pobedom.

Nemaju čak ni sedište, a po mom mišljenju to nije ni provereni kazino sajt.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, that's why I mentioned that the development of the complaint will probably be the most important thing for you right now if you don't get a normal response from the casino. I don't understand that the department can't reply, I haven't come across that very often. Unless there is some kind of investigation of your account, but that is also just a guessing game on my part.

I would also recommend not to play with the bonus and leave it so that no further problems arise.

I believe that everything will be explained.  

Nadam se da će se nešto objasniti, da ne bih na kraju prijavio.

Čak bi mi bio dovoljan i samo konkretan odgovor bez čak i refundacije.

A ako ne mogu da mi odgovore, želeo bih i imam pravo na refundaciju. Čak i delimično vraćanje depozita koje sam dao.

Što se tiče salda bonusa, znam kako savršeno rade, imajući minimum iskustva u onlajn igranju.

U stvari, nisam uradio ništa sa njihovim refundiranjem od 20 € na BONUS saldu osim što sam igrao iz zadovoljstva.

Međutim, govorimo o nešto više ili nešto manje od 2.000 € depozita... sa SVI zahtevi za povlačenje neuspešni.

Ne depozit od 100€..

Nadam se da ću učiniti nešto po tom pitanju

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro veče, kao što sam malopre pomenuo, ja lično nikada nisam imao problema sa isplatama, za 2-3-5 dana novac ide na moj račun...

Sada neki ljudi ne dobijaju novac, ja to ne mogu da razumem.

Jedina stvar koju sam primetio u poslednje vreme je da se pragmatične igre ne ažuriraju.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

Even though here on the forum we may have run out of ideas or comments, the most important things are about to come in the complaint. We will be here if you need someone to talk to, but if I have any idea at all, I'd say you deserve a cool, stress-free weekend. Update the complaint here and now 👈 and then try not to think about the casino at least for the next couple of days. What do you think?

Let us resume on Monday or as soon as the complaint provides additional information. You deserve a break, in my opinion.

Dobro veče, kao što sam malopre pomenuo, ja lično nikada nisam imao problema sa isplatama, za 2-3-5 dana novac ide na moj račun...

Sada neki ljudi ne dobijaju novac, ja to ne mogu da razumem.

Jedina stvar koju sam primetio u poslednje vreme je da se pragmatične igre ne ažuriraju.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the update. We're great that everything goes well with the withdrawals.

And when it comes to updating the games, I reckon you try to ask the support if there will be any update, perhaps.

Will you try that? Surely let us know what you find out then.

The Quickwin casino sent me an e-mail: "I have got 200% bonus if i deposit"

I deposited, i get the 200% bonus, and i won on slots some money! BUT, while i played, and wagered, suddenly the total bonus amount is dissapaerd! The casino said: "administration decision" Absolutely not correct, they send me e-mail, and i deposited, and get bonus, and while i won, and wagered, they delete the total bonus amount!


This really doesn't look fair at all. Have you finished the wagering of the bonus?

Did they say anything specific or just that it was an "administration decision"?


Not, i didnt/couldnet finish the wagering! I got 75 eur bonus for the deposit, my bonus amount was 170 eur when the casino just deleted that (while i played/wagered) without any explain! Nothing specific, just "administartion decision"!

I played only on eligible slots with bonus under 5 eur / spin! (I know his T and C)


That is really a shame. They should at least explain it well.

Try to ask for some other bonus for your deposit then, at least.

What do you say?

And maybe write about your experience in a user review for this casino. It surely is important information for others.

Nikome ne bih savetovao da igra u ovom kazinu! Kažu da je potrebno 72 sata za obradu povlačenja, ali moj je na čekanju već 15 dana! Čet nikada ne želi da zna, uvek daje isti automatski odgovor... Želeo bih da znam kako kazino guru može ovom kazinu dati ocenu 9,8!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, sometimes it happens that the casino pays a player longer than necessary and I can see that this is the case. I was going to ask you if there was a reason for that, but I see that you didn't get one and it's probably the same song all the time. What did they tell you? 

We give casinos exactly two weeks so it's good that you lodged a complaint and we will try to help you. Players usually get money from this casino but sometimes it's probably later than they would expect. So if nothing changes, then we will contact the casino. 


Ovaj kazino je razočaranje! Uvek govore isto, a odgovor je uvek automatski, ne mogu ni da razgovaraju sa mnom lično. Svakodnevno kopiraju istu poruku...kažu da uplata kasni,ali da ne brine da su već kontaktirali odeljenje da ubrzaju situaciju...prošlo je 16 dana i ništa...veliko razočarani...

Automatski prevedeno:

I sympathize with you and I hate to say it but we will have to wait and see how it goes. There is nothing else to do and by the time we contact the casino I believe you will have the money by then. 

But I don't want to make any promises because I don't know when they plan to send you the money. 

Hopefully you will have an update next week.


Istina je da je prošlo 19 dana i ništa ... žalio sam se ovde i kazino guru je rekao da može da pomogne tek nakon 14 dana ... čim je prošlo 14 dana ažurirao sam svoju žalbu da ga obavestim da je rok prošao ... čak i tako, 19 dana kasnije i još uvek niko nije došao da mi pomogne sa mojom žalbom. Bez pomoći kazino gurua nikada neću videti svoj novac, jer ovaj Kuickvin kazino nije verodostojan... Samo pitam, pošto ima mnogo slučajeva kao što je moj, kako to da dajete bezbednosnu ocenu 9,8... Svi askgamblers sistem, trustpilot Kuickvin kazino ima jako jako jako lošu bezbednosnu ocenu, pun loših kritika... Odlučio sam da igram jer je ovde imao 9,8 bezbednosnu ocenu.

Automatski prevedeno:

It's just that we also have certain procedures that we follow. It's been 14 days and I agree with you, although weekends and holidays don't count to be honest. 

Anyway, if you file a complaint on the 14th day when you are waiting for money, we have to find out something from you too. When our team finds out what it needs, that's when they contact the casino. We can't go and contact them as soon as you file a complaint because you're waiting 14 days. I know that's quite a lot, but we have to go in there with something in hand to make a case. 

Besides, your complaint is not the only one and we have several hundred or even thousands of them. So it's not possible to answer every player right away. That's why I said you'll have to wait and be patient.

But still, I saw that you have already received the money, which makes me happy. I hope that everything will only get better from now on.

Take care.

1...13 14 1516
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