Imajte na umu da svaki put kada igrači podnesu svoje žalbe i žalba završi kao „nerešena", indeks bezbednosti pada.
Takođe, ako saznamo i imamo dokaz od igrača svakog kazina da se kazino ne pridržava roka za povlačenje koji obećavaju, recimo, obično stavimo upozorenje u pregledu ovog kazina.
Nažalost, to se dešava tek nakon što ovi igrači dođu kod nas, a znamo sigurno da je tako. Dakle, nije tako lako promeniti rejting kazina, znate, iako razumemo kako se igrač mora osećati i da to nije lako.
Please know that whenever players submit their complaints and the complaint finishes as "unresolved," the safety index goes donw.
Also, if we find out and have proof from players of each casino that the casino doesn't stick to the withdrawal period they promise, let's say, we usually put a warning in the review of this casino.
Unfortunately, this happens only after these players come to us, and we know for sure that it is like that. So, it is not that easy to change the rating of the casino, you know, even though we understand how a player must feel and that it is not easy.
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