Žao mi je što čujem da imate toliko problema. Da li ste proverili naš indeks bezbednosti kazina pre nego što ste krenuli da igrate? Za mene lično je prilično nizak, i zato bih izbegavao takva kazina.

Imam pitanje, da li ste igrali sa bonusom? Ako je tako, uvek treba da pročitate Odredbe i uslove kako biste izbegli kršenje pravila.
Vidim da ste položili KIC po svom opisu i deluje nepravedno što niste dobili nikakav odgovor. Međutim, prema našem pomenutom indeksu bezbednosti, ovaj kazino ima nepravedne uslove i odredbe i nisam iznenađen što se tako ponašaju. Ovde ubuduće možete proveriti da li je kazino u kojem želite da igrate bezbedan po nama: https: //casino.guru/kuickvin-casino-reviev#tab=js-tab-reputation
Mislim da bih vam u ovom slučaju preporučio da podnesete žalbu kod nas. Evo veze na kojoj možete da podnesete jedan: https: //casino.guru/complaints
Podnošenjem žalbe ćemo barem povećati šanse da drugi igrači saznaju za to i mislim da bi to moglo da se završi srećnim završetkom i za vas.
Šta misliš ? Javite nam šta odlučite.
I'm sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. Did you check our casino safety index before you went to play? For me personally it is quite low, and that's why I would avoid such casinos.

I have a question, did you play with the bonus? If so, you should always read the Terms and Conditions to avoid breaking any rules.
I see that you passed the KYC according to your description and it seems unfair that you did not get any answer. However, according to our aforementioned safety index, this casino has unfair Terms and Conditions, and I am not surprised that they act in such a way. You can check here in the future if the casino you want to play at is safe according to us: https://casino.guru/quickwin-casino-review#tab=js-tab-reputation
I think in this case I would recommend you to open a complaint with us. Here is a link where you can file one: https://casino.guru/complaints
By filing a complaint, we will at least increase the chances that other players will find out about it and I think it could end up with a happy ending for you as well.
What do you think ? Let us know what you decide.
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