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Rabona Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 13)

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Kako vam je pomogao Casino Guru?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Ako su mi tražili sve 3 duga meseca, pogledaj dalje u temi ima kolega koji odlično opisuje kakva je verifikacija a ja ti kažem da koriste mnoge trikove da produže verifikaciju i plaćanje

Ovde sam podneo žalbu i kazino guru mi je pomogao.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I da li su vam platili? Neće mi dozvoliti da napravim žalbu, ne znam zašto.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Pitati za koje stvari, koja dokumenta tačno?

Ako ih isporučite kako je traženo, da li ćete na kraju biti plaćeni?

@casinoguru Treba mi pomoć i informacije.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Front and back of a document (the application will use your cell phone camera to take these photos)

Photo of your face, live with your cell phone camera, in the same application, at the time you sent the document mentioned above

Proof of address in PDF form, from an official public service or issued by a bank app, credit card, bank account. Only in official PDF

Deposit receipt. If you used a bank account, they will ask you for several months' worth of bank statements, without omitting anything, directly issued by the bank. Everything in pdf generated by the bank. If you used a virtual wallet, such as Neteller or Skrill, they will ask you for a lot of history, they will want to see all the transactions you have already made, who you sent money to, who you received it from. If you used cryptocurrency, they will do a lot more bureaucracy too

Basically these 5 steps above. This last one is the one that will delay the situation the most, taking days, weeks, months, until they accept it. They will look for something to justify blocking you or stealing your money. Even without finding anything wrong, as is my case, it may be delayed. I've been waiting for 20 days and being ignored, no email has been answered and chatting is useless, it's just responses from people with no access to anything in the company and giving standard ready-made messages

pre 4 meseci

3 dana za njih su 3 meseca, to se desilo u mom slučaju, zahvaljujući kazino guruu koji su mi platili. Najgore u svemu ovome je što oni koji upravljaju Rabonom imaju više od 20 kazina i u svima rade isto. Ako otvorite onlajn ćaskanje, isti agent vam odgovara u jednom ili drugom kazinu, ako vam oduzmu promocije u jednom kazinu, već su vam oduzeli promocije u svima, iako u nekima nikada niste igrali, u ćaskanja ne daju objašnjenja i samo izbegavaju odgovore i ponekad ono što odgovore nema veze sa onim što pitate i kažu vam da im pošaljete mejl za više pitanja i nikada ne odgovaraju na mejlove, ovi prevaranti bi trebalo da budu iza rešetaka sa doživotne kazne ako ne i gore

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

True friend. Do you have a list of their sister sites?

pre 4 meseci

Sačekaću da stigne ili bude zatražen.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Pitati za koje stvari, koja dokumenta tačno?

Ako ih isporučite kako je traženo, da li ćete na kraju biti plaćeni?

@casinoguru Treba mi pomoć i informacije.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hello. What kind of information do you need, if I may ask?

I have seen your complaint where Nick explained the current situation: they need to wait 14 full days before intervening, so until then, please keep us informed about any updates regarding your withdrawal. We'll wait for your reply.

pre 4 meseci

Šta da radite ako vam u Raboni kažu da je odeljenje za finansije kasnilo sa isplatom zbog velikog obima zahteva?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Be a little patient, and hopefully you will get a solution soon.

pre 4 meseci

Be a little patient, and hopefully you will get a solution soon.

pre 4 meseci

Hello, @Romi, friend. My account is verified there, 100¨%, fully verified

But still, I didn't get any payment. Support remains the same. Rabona continues to give robot-like responses in the chat, telling us to wait, wait, wait. They just apologize for the delay, promise to pay the next day and that day never happens.

I've been reading lies, excuses, saying they're sorry for the delay, the inconvenience, the frustration for more than 20 days. Promises saying that my payment is close to completion, which will happen soon, at the same time that no email is answered by support

Now, we have arrived on another Friday, the site does not work on Saturday and Sunday. In other words, there goes another 3 days on hold, without my payment.

I just need them to pay my 3 outstanding payments and my entire remaining balance, in full, straight to my bank account. @7StarsPartners @Rabona can you resolve this today? If it is easier to pay by cryptocurrency, I can send my Bitcoin wallet address if this is faster than sending it to my bank account



Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
pre 4 meseci

Otkazao sam podizanje 470 i sa tim zaradio 1.700€, sad moram 500 po 500 i koliko ovi iz finasije traju samo se molim da stignu makar kasnili ali stignu.

Zatražio sam od ćaskanja da verifikujem svoj nalog i rečeno mi je da u ovom trenutku moj nalog ne zahteva verifikaciju.

Tako da još uvek čekam svoj novac.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Istina je i da sam proverio da isplate čekaju više od 3 radna dana, čak i više od 5, to je teško razumeti, a oni se samo pravdaju velikim brojem zahteva, što je neobjašnjivo, jer bi sve trebalo da bude automatski i trenutno, kao u drugim kladionicama. Ne znam šta hoće.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hello, @Romi, friend. My account is verified there, 100¨%, fully verified

But still, I didn't get any payment. Support remains the same. Rabona continues to give robot-like responses in the chat, telling us to wait, wait, wait. They just apologize for the delay, promise to pay the next day and that day never happens.

I've been reading lies, excuses, saying they're sorry for the delay, the inconvenience, the frustration for more than 20 days. Promises saying that my payment is close to completion, which will happen soon, at the same time that no email is answered by support

Now, we have arrived on another Friday, the site does not work on Saturday and Sunday. In other words, there goes another 3 days on hold, without my payment.

I just need them to pay my 3 outstanding payments and my entire remaining balance, in full, straight to my bank account. @7StarsPartners @Rabona can you resolve this today? If it is easier to pay by cryptocurrency, I can send my Bitcoin wallet address if this is faster than sending it to my bank account



pre 4 meseci

I am really sorry for this long-standing situation. Our complaint team is working on your case and unfortunately, there is nothing much we can do right now but wait for the resolution of your case. Whenever you have some new information, please let us know.

pre 4 meseci

As you know from your complaint, our team has to wait 14 days before they can intervene. I hope everything will go well and your case will be solved soon. Please come forward with any news from the casino, we'll be here waiting for your reply.

pre 4 meseci

Hello, I came back here to inform you that, despite all the delay, the company Rabona started making my payments, I have already received some withdrawals this week.

Despite the delay, they do pay (they claimed to be experiencing some difficulties and a high volume of services)

Yes, I had a lot of headaches, I complained in some places (like here), but in about 20 days I received the first payment. I don't know if it will be like this with all customers, or just some, or if it will happen again with someone. I don't know if it depends on the payment method (I use a bank account), I don't know if crypto and virtual wallets aren't faster or not, I don't know if they paid just because I exposed them on review sites and forums.

However, just the fact that they paid means a good thing. For those who don't have an account there, I recommend that you create an account and play, because if it was a dishonest site you wouldn't have paid. And at least here, on Casino Guru, in previous complaints, they appear and resolve the vast majority of cases (obviously, if the customer is honest and does everything correctly, sends all the information they ask for). Just be prepared to possibly need a little more or a little less patience

Now, I want to thank all the forum admins and readers here

Thank you very much Kristina, Romi, Jaro and all team Casino Guru!

Good luck for all in your games too!

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
pre 4 meseci

I meni se desilo isto, proći će još nekoliko dana pa će vam reći da je potrebno da se vaš nalog verifikuje za obradu uplate itd.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Drago mi je što ste primili svoj novac, ali moram da pojasnim da nisu ozbiljni, druge platforme plaćaju odmah i ove traju onoliko dugo koliko žele da plate, plus drugi verifikuje vaš nalog pre, a ne samo kada želite da povučete.

Takođe sam video na drugom forumu da postoji oko 60 kazina istog formata, iste igre, iste kvote za sport, iste promocije itd. Najverovatnije je da sva ova kazina imaju isto upravljanje i neka od njih Proverio sam.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Drago mi je što ste primili svoj novac, ali moram da pojasnim da nisu ozbiljni, druge platforme plaćaju odmah i ove traju onoliko dugo koliko žele da plate, plus drugi verifikuje vaš nalog pre, a ne samo kada želite da povučete.

Takođe sam video na drugom forumu da postoji oko 60 kazina istog formata, iste igre, iste kvote za sport, iste promocije itd. Najverovatnije je da sva ova kazina imaju isto upravljanje i neka od njih Proverio sam.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

That's true, friend. Generally, sites are part of some groups that encompass several sites within. However, sites within a group do not always belong to the same owner, they generally "rent" a site within the platform. With this, they share things in common with the entire group, the entire platform, such as support, which are the same people, the financial sector, account verification sector, anti-fraud system and other things, although the owner of each of these sites is different from each other. For example, look at the VBET website, they own and own the BETCONSTRUCT platform. And there are thousands of sites in the world that use Betconstruct as a platform, you have certainly seen several sites with the same look, the same layout, the same odds, they are really a very large platform, and each of the sites within it belong to a person. For example, you and I can create a betting, casino, poker website right now, all we need to do is hire (rent) this service from Betconstruct. They do everything, we just need money (and it doesn't cost little, it's expensive) to maintain our website

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
pre 4 meseci

Hello, I came back here to inform you that, despite all the delay, the company Rabona started making my payments, I have already received some withdrawals this week.

Despite the delay, they do pay (they claimed to be experiencing some difficulties and a high volume of services)

Yes, I had a lot of headaches, I complained in some places (like here), but in about 20 days I received the first payment. I don't know if it will be like this with all customers, or just some, or if it will happen again with someone. I don't know if it depends on the payment method (I use a bank account), I don't know if crypto and virtual wallets aren't faster or not, I don't know if they paid just because I exposed them on review sites and forums.

However, just the fact that they paid means a good thing. For those who don't have an account there, I recommend that you create an account and play, because if it was a dishonest site you wouldn't have paid. And at least here, on Casino Guru, in previous complaints, they appear and resolve the vast majority of cases (obviously, if the customer is honest and does everything correctly, sends all the information they ask for). Just be prepared to possibly need a little more or a little less patience

Now, I want to thank all the forum admins and readers here

Thank you very much Kristina, Romi, Jaro and all team Casino Guru!

Good luck for all in your games too!

pre 4 meseci

Hey, that is great, and thank you for the update. We are always glad if we can somehow help and then receive this kind of news. Please let us know when you receive all your money. Keep spreading the positive vibes.

pre 4 meseci

Ova kompanija Rabidi ima više od 60 sličnih stranica ali sa različitim nazivima i ne znam da li su iznajmljene ili je isti lopov, stvar je u tome što sam probao nekoliko ovih i na svima je ista administracija i isti ljudi u ćaskanju, Isti odgovori, ponekad izgledaju kao automatizovani odgovori, pre 3 dana sam otvorio nalog u Librabetu i pitao kako napreduje bonus dobrodošlice i on mi kaže da moram da uplatim, a zatim se kladim na deponovani iznos a onda mi daju bonus dobrodošlice. Deponovao sam, kladio se na uplaćeni iznos i danas mi u ćaskanju kaže ovo: Hvala što ste čekali! Istražio sam vaš zahtev i sa žaljenjem vas moram obavestiti da za vaš nalog nema dostupnih bonusa zbog odluke Administracije sajta.

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