Zdravo, slobodno podelite i ovakva iskustva, nikad se ne zna kada bi to moglo da pomogne drugim igračima.
U svakom slučaju, da li ste pitali kazino zašto niste dobili te bonuse? Ponekad, na žalost, kazino možda neće dati igraču bonuse iz administrativnih razloga, na primer. To je prilično uobičajeno. Ali želeo bih da znam da li su vam dali konkretan razlog.
Takođe čvrsto verujem da ćete dobiti novac i da će sve biti u redu.
Slobodno delite informacije kada se nešto promeni.
Hi, feel free to share experiences of this nature as well, you never know when it might help other players.
Anyway, did you ask the casino why you didn't get those bonuses? Sometimes, unfortunately, a casino may not give a player bonuses for administrative reasons, for example. That's pretty common. But I would like to know if they gave you a specific reason.
I also firmly believe that you will get the money and everything will be fine.
Feel free to share information when something changes.
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