pre 8 meseci
Pozdrav. To je lepo za vas i hvala na ažuriranju. Nažalost, naš tim ima mnogo pritužbi koje treba da rešavaju svakog dana. Oni moraju pažljivo da istraže svaki od njih kako bi pružili svu pomoć koja je igračima potrebna. Nadam se da razumete, da zbog toga nisu u stanju da odgovaraju svaki dan. Sačekajmo i nadamo se najboljem rezultatu, držaću fige.🤞
Hello there. That is nice for you, and thanks for the update. Unfortunately our team has a lot of complaints to go thru every day. They have to investigate every and each of those carefully to provide all the help the players need. Hope you can understand, that this is why they are not able to answer every day. Let's just wait and hope for the best result, I will keep my fingers crossed.🤞