Zdravo ponovo,
Samo ažuriranje: U ovom trenutku, izgleda da vas je operater za ćaskanje prevario - verovatno nenamerno.
Uslovi i odredbe drugačije objašnjavaju neaktivne naloge:
„3.6. Neaktivni/neaktivni nalozi
Rajabets će smatrati da je nalog neaktivan/neaktivan nakon 6 meseci od poslednjeg prijavljivanja na nalog. Rajabets će nastojati da kontaktira klijenta pre nego što odredi nalog kao neaktivan. U slučaju da se ne dobije odgovor od Klijenta u roku od 7 dana od datuma kada je Rajabets pokušao da kontaktira klijenta, nalog će biti označen kao Neaktivan. Kada vaš korisnički nalog bude određen kao neaktivni nalog, Rajabets će imati pravo da vam naplati mesečnu administrativnu naknadu od 5 evra (ili ekvivalentnu vrednost valute koju je korisnik izabrao) („Administrativna taksa"). Prva administrativna taksa će biti naplaćena. biti naplaćen na kraju 6. meseca nakon što je zabeležena poslednja prijava na nalog. Rajabets će prestati da odbija bilo kakvu administrativnu taksu ako se Korisnik prijavi na svoj nalog tokom perioda mirovanja."
Zbog toga smo svi poverovali da je operater ćaskanja upravo napravio lošu grešku.
Međutim, da bismo bili 100% sigurni, ponovo smo pitali kazino i čekamo odgovor.
Hello again,
Just an update: At the moment, it seems like the chat operator misled you - probably unintentionally.
The terms and conditions explain dormant accounts differently:
"3.6. Dormant / Inactive Accounts
Rajabets will consider an account to be dormant/inactive after 6 months since the last account login. Rajabets shall endeavor to contact the Customer before designating an account as a Dormant. In case no response is received from the Customer within 7 days of the date on which Rajabets has attempted to contact the Customer, the account will be designated as Dormant. Once your Customer Account has been designated as a Dormant account, Rajabets shall be entitled to charge you a monthly administration fee of €5 (or the equivalent value of the Customer's chosen currency) (the "Administrative Fee'). The first Administrative Fee will be charged at the end of the 6th month after the last account login was recorded. Rajabets will cease the deduction of any Administrative Fee if the Customer login into his account during the Dormancy period."
That made us all believe the chat operator just made a bad mistake.
To be 100% sure, however, we asked the casino again, and are waiting for a reply.
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