NaslovnaForumKazinaRocketpot Casino - opšta diskusija

Rocketpot Casino - opšta diskusija

 od mishkattk
6.057 pregleda 32 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Rocketpot Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Kazino je velika prevara

daju vam minimalne bonuse u poređenju sa depozitom. Slotovi ne daju skoro nikakve nagrade. Dosadi ti igranje. Online pažnja 24/7. To je laž. Ne daju uvek na raspolaganje. ne preporučujem

Automatski prevedeno:

to je bio vip, njihova laž. To je beskorisno. Samo da dobijem novac od tebe. Ne igraju. Užasno je, povrh toga ako igrate turnire plaćaju vam bonuse. Nekoliko prskanja. loši prevaranti. ni ne pomišljaj na igru

Automatski prevedeno:

Imam račun u ovom kazinu koji nisam koristio mesecima, samo sam jednom uplatio i u pravu ste kada kažete da su bonusi minimalni, nema pravog podsticaja da igram tamo, zatvoriću svoj nalog jer Čuo sam mnogo pritužbi o sporom povlačenju i igraču iz UK koji nije dobio 190 hiljada svog novca

Automatski prevedeno:

Već sam ga zatvorio. To je loš kazino. Na kraju ti dosade. Prvo su mi davali bonuse, sad mi kažu da ne mogu ni ako sam VIP i uplaćujem svaki dan. Daju mi besplatne okrete. Užasno. Ne igram više

Automatski prevedeno:

I pogledajte rezultat koji vam daje kazino guru, nisam video taj rezultat pre registracije, da sam ga video nikada se ne bih registrovao, i pogledajte žalbe: mnogo nerešenih slučajeva i mnogo izgubljenog novca

Automatski prevedeno:

Morali bi da ga zatvore. Ne razumem zašto vlasnik licence ne poništi licencu. ako prevare ljude

Morali biste da nestanete, to zasenjuje dobra kazina koja poštuju kada igraju

Automatski prevedeno:

Just a note:

Licensing authorities, as the name suggests, provide licenses - casinos buy those, so it's a business.

The authorities can strip the license off, if the casino violates the terms, though closing a casino is quite a different case. Casinos are companies, so it requires legal action at least.

Contact the licensing authority, and let your voice be heard.

Ako nemaju licencu, ne mogu legalno da rade. Čak i da je u pitanju posao, oni koji daju dozvole morali bi više da vrše reviziju, jer se nepravilnosti vide golim okom. Ovom konkretnom kazinu nedostaje nešto fundamentalno poput politike kompulzivnog kockanja. Mi koji igramo znamo da je to vrlo tanka granica i da se može preći u svakom trenutku. Zato vlasti troše bogatstvo srebra u kampanje i odgovorno kockanje. Ovde se to ne vidi. Ako se odjavim 10 puta i zatražim da me ponovo odblokiram. Nešto se dešava

Automatski prevedeno:

So why did you close the complaint by saying "I do not care anymore?"

Does not make much sense to me.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Ima smisla. Pravim mnogo transfera dnevno

u vreme kada ih šaljem ovim kazino prevarantima koje branite

Da li znate šta se desilo??? Ništa. Zato što mi nisu odgovorili kao uvek

Za mene je to bilo jako malo novca. Ono što mi je smetalo je to što stalno obmanjuju ljude.

Zato moraju da zatvore ove platforme da sve što rade je da imaju program i to je to. Oni zarađuju mnogo i ako postoji problem ništa se ne dešava. Apsolutno ih niko ne reguliše.

Automatski prevedeno:

I think we share the same point of view.

If you are still bothered ask the complaint to be reopened, and let others know you tried. Does not seem cool to keep repeating how bad the casino is, once the complaint was closed per your request.

Do you truly think that casinos earn their profits by stealing low winnings? I don't think so.

If you're still missing your winnings, reopen the complaint.

Checked Rocketpot licence validity and its invalid on Antillephone BV and Curaçao eGaming.

But they are showing the Antillephone BV logo on their website... beware!!!


The validity looks ok to me:


But when it comes to the reputation, well it's worst!

This is the actual website for validation checks and it shows that the licence is invalid.


I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that. The URL chain has been broken, so all the blank information is missing


Logically, it gives feedback as "invalid" only.

The seal only works properly while placed on the website it evaluates. Can't work separately. This is what you get correctly:


Can you see the difference?


They are fraud not verified after scamming me and cheating me for many rounds of games the legit and fair losses I accept but the ones they cheated and scammed me for which it’s nit even 2 percent of the losses and the money they gained off of me I had 1 with drawl and they didn’t even request for verification was $1800 the withdrawal and after I complained to caino guru about the games and seeing their nit even licenced or legit they got the nerve to seek to gain my personal identity and verify me for what to steal my identity they are not even verified or legit


This casino is scam and fraud don’t u provide them with Kyc verification they are not even legit or verified casino or licensed don’t be a victim of their fraud and identity theft file

I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that. The URL chain has been broken, so all the blank information is missing


Logically, it gives feedback as "invalid" only.

The seal only works properly while placed on the website it evaluates. Can't work separately. This is what you get correctly:


Can you see the difference?

fileit can’t get any logical more than this

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