Hej tamo!
Moram da kažem da sam samo zbunjen time što ste pokazali neznanje optužujući nas da nanosimo štetu igračima.
Da budemo jasni – ne podržavamo kazina ako smo uvereni da se ne ponašaju u skladu sa Casino Guu Fair Gambling Codek – preporučujem da ga pročitate.
Dozvolite mi da kažem da Discord kanal nije na vrhu zvaničnih uslova i odredbi kazina, i da ga treba smatrati dodatnom informacijom. Telegram, Discord i društveni mediji uopšte su puni nepoštenja i senke.
Ipak, zanimljivo mi je da, prema našim poslednjim informacijama, igračima iz Kanade je dozvoljeno da igraju tamo, ali izgleda da je tako:
Proverio sam uslove i odredbe da saznam da je Kanada dozvoljena dok SAD nisu:

Mogu li da znam gde živite i gde ste građanin? Ja lično ne razumem u potpunosti zašto bi neko prebacio VPN u nepodržanu zemlju.
Da li je možda nešto drugo u pokretu iza vašeg problema? Zato što bih želeo da ti pomognem, znaš?
Postoji funkcija - besplatna za sve igrače koju nudimo preko Casino Guru centra za rešavanje pod nazivom žalbe.
Ako ste zainteresovani, pročitajte ovaj vodič da biste saznali više o tome:
Cilj nam je da pomognemo, ali nećemo trošiti energiju i resurse na vulgarnosti, nadam se da je ovo jasno.
Štaviše, bilo bi najbolje da izbegavate sajtove sa tako niskim rejtingom u budućnosti. Pitam se, jeste li videli datu ocenu?
Da li je to ono što nazivate podržavanjem kazina?
U svakom slučaju, hajde da se za sada fokusiramo na problem VPN-a.
Čekaću vaš odgovor, ali budite upozoreni - još jedan uvredljiv post i vaš nalog će biti trajno zatvoren.
Pošto su vaši prethodni nalozi bili trajno zabranjeni zbog kršenja uslova i uslova foruma, ovaj i svaki drugi nalog koji ćete pokušati da kreirate u budućnosti takođe će biti zabranjen.
Hey there!
I must say I'm solely confused by the display of ignorance you showed by accusing us of harming players.
Let's be straight - we do not support casinos if we are convinced they don't act with accordance to Casino Guu Fair Gambling Codex - I recommend reading it.
Allow me to say that the Discord channel is not atop official casino Terms and Conditions, and should be considered as additional info. Telegram, Discord, and social media in general are all full of dishonesty and shadiness.
Nevertheless, I find it interesting that according to our latest information, players from Canada are allowed to play there, but it seems to be so:
I checked out the Terms and Conditions to find out Canada is allowed while the US is not:

May I know where you live and where you are a citizen? I personally do not fully comprehend why anyone would switch the VPN to an unsupported country.
Is there anything else in motion behind your issue, perhaps? Because I would like to help you out, you know?
There is a feature - free to all players we offer through Casino Guru Resolution Center called complaints.
If you are interested, read this guide to find out more about it:
We aim to help, but we won't waste our energy and resources on vulgarities, I hope this is clear.
Furthermore, it would be best to avoid sites with such a low rating in the future. I wonder, have you seen the rating given?
Is this what you call supporting casinos?
Anyway, let's focus on the VPN issue for now.
I'll wait for your reply, yet be warned - another abusive post and your account will be closed permanently.
Since your previous accounts were permanently banned for breaking the forum's T&Cs, this account and any other you'll attempt to create in the future will be banned as well.
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