NaslovnaForumKazinaRokuBet Casino - opšta diskusija

RokuBet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

 od Pabli40
25.920 pregleda 87 odgovora |
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filefile Dobro jutro, Kazino je rekao da je isplata na čekanju, ali želi da bude, čeka se od 28. novembra 2022, račun je verifikovan, nije normalno. Mislim da više ne vidim novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Good morning 🙂,

Well, I can see that the withdrawal is pending, when was your account verified, please?

I truly think that now you have to wait a bit.

Moj je već verifikovan 28. novembra 2022, a povlačenje nije ni potvrđeno. A ne mogu ni da otkažem. Kliknem na otkaži i ništa se ne dešava

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello ruipintoamt, today it's only been one week since you requested the withdrawal. I would stay patient now and wait how things will develop. It's possible that the casino can have some short technical issue etc. In case you waiting more than two weeks, don't hesitate to contact us again. Have a good day.

Moj je već verifikovan 28. novembra 2022, a povlačenje nije ni potvrđeno. A ne mogu ni da otkažem. Kliknem na otkaži i ništa se ne dešava

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there,

allow me just one more question: Did you take any bonus in the meantime?

Usually, the casinos don't allow players to submit the withdrawal when some bonus is active and the same sometimes goes for the cancelation, just an idea, though.

I would ask the casino regularly - let's say once per day - about the progress, be kind, but persistent.


Nema aktivnih bonusa, niti sam ih ikada aktivirao.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ok, I thought as much, still felt it would be good to ask.

Any progress with the reply? I guess that you've tried this already:



Poslao sam preko 20 e-poruka i bez odgovora.

Automatski prevedeno:

I checked your most recent complaint reply and found the answer to my previous question. The casino wanted you to change the withdrawal method hence you were asked to cancel the withdrawal.

That is truly unfortunate that you can't do that on your own. 🤯

Sadly, if the casino stays silent, we can only wait now.

Napravio sam zahtev za povlačenje 1000€ 28.11.2022, istog dana sam dobio mejl sa informacijom da moram da pošaljem dokumente, poslao sam ga i sledećeg dana sam dobio još jedan mejl da je račun je bio aktivan, kao da nikad više nisam dobio iznos Kontaktirao sam podršku koja mi je rekla da ću dobiti iznos u roku od 2 do 3 dana i za sada ništa, ne odgovaraju na mejlove i u ćaskanju na upit spuštaju slušalicu.

Već sam ranije bez problema uzimao druge vrednosti.

To je smešno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kontaktirati njihovu podršku nema koristi jer oni ne reaguju ni na šta.

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe čekam da dobijem 1000€ od 28-11-2022 i sa verifikovanim računom.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello LuisNunes, I can understand that this waiting time is unpleasant and endless, but it will be necessary to arm yourself with patience now. I see you have already submitted the complaint. I hope Kristina will be able to help you. I wish you a good luck. 🤞


sorry to step into this, but according to the other player's concern, I'd like to know, whether you are in contact with the casino. Are you?

Ask the support about the address if you have the chance, so you don't have to worry.

What seems to be wrong with the address anyway?

I find it very interesting that now there are 4 players from Portugal complaining about the verification and withdrawal. Is it a coincidence? Keeping the details in mind, I would speculate that there are some local issues with payments - well, my guess.


Lokalni problemi od 28.11.2022. S obzirom na to da ovog datuma čekam povlačenje i verifikovanog računa, nema smisla, osim toga, nedostatak poštovanja prema korisnicima kazina koji im daju novac ne odgovaraju ni na šta od tog datuma, a ja još uvek ne mogu ni da pitam ništa u ćaskanju za podršku što mi se čak ne otvara. Ovaj kazino je prevara i čak sam pročitao u prethodnom postu da je neko iz Roku kazina rekao da je zadovoljstvo korisnika prioritet, to može biti samo anegdota.

Nikada nisam imao ovaj problem ni u jednom drugom kazinu i ako sam imao problem razgovarao sam sa podrškom koja je rešila situaciju. U ovom slučaju Roku kazino ne odgovara na mejlove, ako dovedete u pitanje moju situaciju u ćaskanju za podršku, oni će isključiti ćaskanje, a mi smo na ovome od 28-11-2022 čekajući da dobijemo mojih 1000€.

Uzgred, deponovanje ništa ne komplikuje...

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I'm afraid we need to wait for how you complaint is going to develop. I only hope we'll be able to help and you'll eventually get your winnings even after the long waiting period.

Hey, I'm having issues with Roku verifying my documents and proceeding with the withdraw.

Is there anything we can do to accelerate this process? It has been more than 72h without an answer. They have declined my first documents but the support answers look like an automated bot as they do not make sense.

I have deposited more than 500€ but have 6000€ pending.. I guess they will just ignore me. Any similar experience?


Hello ricardoleite, I am afraid we are not able to make the process faster. Be aware that Casino Guru gives casinos 14 days to verify player's account and proceed the withdrawal before we intervene in the case. In case you struggle longer than two weeks, then we are here happy to help. I would stay patient now and try to finish the KYC first. Please keep us informed . Thank you

Sounds good, I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for the help!


You are welcome.

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