Ako je došlo do kašnjenja u odgovoru na vašu žalbu, to je možda zbog velikog obima pritužbi i zaista nam je žao zbog toga.
Vidim da je to sada prebačeno na vašeg rešavača žalbi i on će vam se javiti što je pre moguće.
Mogu da razumem da mora da je zaista stresno za vas da prođete kroz ovo; samo vas molim da znate da i mi dajemo sve od sebe da vam pomognemo.
If there has been some delay in responding to your complaint, it may be due to the high volume of complaints, and we are really sorry for that.
I can see that it was now transferred to your complaint resolver, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.
I can understand that it must be really stressful for you to go through this; just please know that we do our best to help you out as well.
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