pre 7 meseci
OK, pa šta se sada dešava? Moram nekako doći do novca.
OK, so what happens now? I have to get the money somehow.
Ok gut wie geht's dann jetzt weiter? Irgendwie muss ich ja zu dem Geld kommen.
OK, pa šta se sada dešava? Moram nekako doći do novca.
OK, so what happens now? I have to get the money somehow.
Ok gut wie geht's dann jetzt weiter? Irgendwie muss ich ja zu dem Geld kommen.
Poštovani cjainter87,
Obavještavamo vas da poteškoće sa plaćanjem koje ste imali nisu na našoj strani.
Stoga, naš tim toplo preporučuje da kontaktirate način plaćanja direktno putem e-pošte za dalju pomoć u vezi sa vašim ograničenjima primanja uplata.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili nedoumica, slobodno kontaktirajte naš namenski tim za podršku.
Cenimo vaše razumevanje ovog pitanja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Rolling Slots kazino predstavnik.
Dear cjainter87,
We would like to inform that, the difficulties with payment you have experienced are not on our side.
Therefore, our team highly recommends contacting the payment method directly via email for further assistance regarding your limits of receiving payments.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our dedicated support team.
We appreciate your understanding with this matter.
Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative.
Dobio sam odgovor od paisafe-a. Upravo je rečeno da se detalji plaćanja za paisafe nalog ne poklapaju i da treba da ponovo unesem detalje. Priložiću imejl i takođe ću pisati vašem timu za podršku.
I received a reply from paysafe. It just said that the payment details for the paysafe account do not match and that I should please re-enter the details. I will attach the email and will also write to your support team.
Ich habe antwort erhalten von paysafe. Nur würde geschrieben das die auszahlungsdaten com paysafe Konto nicht übereinstimmen und ich soll bitte die Daten bei euch neu eintragen. Werde die email mitanhängen werde ihren support team auch schreiben.
Zdravo cjainter87,
Hvala vam što ste nas obavestili o ovom pitanju.
Sačekaćemo vašu e-poštu i postaraćemo se da je prosledimo našem finansijskom odeljenju radi daljeg pregleda ovog slučaja.
Cenimo vašu saradnju i strpljenje tokom ovog perioda.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Rolling Slots kazino predstavnik
Hello cjainter87,
Thank you for informing us regarding this matter.
We will wait for your email, and will make sure to forward it to our financial department for reviewing this case further.
We appreciate your cooperation and patience throughout this time.
Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
Čestitamo na popravljanju utora za 230+ obrtaja uz 3k šansu na nožnoj testeri da nas ispere! I drugi slotovi po tom pitanju! Ono što vaša kompanija ili šef ne shvataju je da nećete dobijati ponovljene kupce. Ja se, na primer, neću vratiti nakon što sam izgubio 600$ na smešnom rtp-u! Recite svom šefu da je uspeo! 😁
Congratulations on fixing slots to go for for 230+ spins on 3x chance on hacksaw to rinse us! And other slots for that matter! What your company or boss fails to realize is you wont be getting repeat customers. I for one will not come back after losing 600$ on ridiculous rtp! Tell your boss he/she made it! 😁
Dragi belloelton249,
Hvala na povratnim informacijama.
Želimo da vas uverimo da radimo samo sa legalnim i renomiranim provajderima. Nemamo nikakav uticaj na ishode igara, uključujući pobede ili poraze, jer ih određuju generatori slučajnih brojeva (RNG) dobavljača igara kako bi se obezbedila pravičnost i usklađenost sa regulatornim standardima.
Takođe želimo da vas podsetimo da igrate odgovorno i koristite samo sredstva koja ste spremni da izgubite. Ako niste imali sreće sa jednim provajderom ili u jednoj igri, imajte na umu da nudimo više od 3.000 igara kod različitih provajdera. Možda ćete pronaći bolje iskustvo sa drugom igrom ili provajderom.
Ako imate bilo kakvih nedoumica ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, ne ustručavajte se da se obratite našem timu za podršku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Rolling Slots kazino predstavnik
Dear belloelton249,
Thank you for your feedback.
We want to assure you that we only work with legal and reputable providers. We do not have any influence over the outcomes of games, including wins or losses, as these are determined by the game providers' random number generators (RNG) to ensure fairness and compliance with regulatory standards.
We also want to remind you to play responsibly and only use funds that you are prepared to lose. If you were unlucky with one provider or in one game, please remember that we offer more than 3,000 games across various providers. You might find a better experience with a different game or provider.
If you have any concerns or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
Da, da, znam liniju stranke; igram slotove svaki dan tako da znam šta je sreća a šta nije; ipak, to je vaš gubitak: izgubićete ponovljene kupce; GL!
Yea yea, i know the party line; i play slots daily so I know what luck is and isnt; nevertheless, its your loss: you will lose repeat customers; GL!
Poštovani belloelton249,
Hvala što ste nam se vratili. Razumemo vašu frustraciju i cenimo vaše povratne informacije. Zaista želimo da se lepo provedete ovde.
Imamo gomilu različitih igara i provajdera, pa bi vam možda bilo prijatnije isprobati nešto drugo. Uvek tražimo da se poboljšamo, tako da je vaš doprinos izuzetno dragocen.
Ako ikada budete imali više misli ili vam je potrebna pomoć u bilo čemu, samo nam javite. Hvala još jednom na povratnim informacijama.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Rolling Slots kazino predstavnik
Dear belloelton249,
Thanks for getting back to us. We understand your frustration and appreciate your feedback. We really want you to have a great time here.
We have a ton of different games and providers, so maybe trying something else could be more enjoyable for you. We're always looking to improve, so your input is super valuable.
If you ever have more thoughts or need help with anything, just let us know. Thanks again for your feedback.
Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
Zdravo. Do danas nisam dobio nikakav odgovor od podrške. Vidi šta sam našao. Da li je i tamo kazino funkcionisao legalno? Ne smete da radite u Nemačkoj i to vrlo dobro znate. Srdačan pozdrav
Hello. To date, I have not received any response from support. See what I found. Was the casino operating legally there too? You are not allowed to operate in Germany and you know that very well. Best regards
Hallo. Bis heute habe ich keine Antwort vom Support erhalten. Sehen Sie, was ich gefunden habe. Dort war das Casino auch legal tätig? In Deutschland dürfen Sie Ihre Tätigkeit nicht ausüben und das wissen Sie gut. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Pitam se kako će Rollingslots kazino izaći iz ove situacije. U svojim uslovima i odredbama pišu da posluju legalno i da imaju sve potrebne dozvole za svoju delatnost. Međutim, ovo pismo kaže drugačije. Nestrpljivo očekujem brz odgovor. Srdačan pozdrav
I wonder how Rollingslots casino will get out of this situation. In their terms and conditions they write that they operate legally and have all the necessary licenses for their activities. However, this letter says otherwise. I am eagerly awaiting a quick response. Best regards
Ich frage mich, wie sich das Rollingslots-Casino aus dieser Situation herausreden wird. In ihren Geschäftsbedingungen schreiben sie, dass sie legal arbeiten und alle notwendigen Lizenzen für ihre Tätigkeit haben. Aus diesem Schreiben geht jedoch etwas anderes hervor. Ich warte gespannt auf eine schnelle Antwort. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lol bolje ti je bez njih. Njihovi slotovi su užasni. Igram u svim kockarnicama svuda i mogu vam reći čak i za kripto kazina, nemojte imati tako užasne slotove. Klonite se ako ste igrač slotova 😁
Lol you better off without them. Their slots are horrible. I play all casinos everywhere and I can tell you even crypto casinos, dont have such horrible slots. Stay away if you are a slots player 😁
Pitam se kako će Rollingslots kazino izaći iz ove situacije. U svojim uslovima i odredbama pišu da posluju legalno i da imaju sve potrebne dozvole za svoju delatnost. Međutim, ovo pismo kaže drugačije. Nestrpljivo očekujem brz odgovor. Srdačan pozdrav
I wonder how Rollingslots casino will get out of this situation. In their terms and conditions they write that they operate legally and have all the necessary licenses for their activities. However, this letter says otherwise. I am eagerly awaiting a quick response. Best regards
Ich frage mich, wie sich das Rollingslots-Casino aus dieser Situation herausreden wird. In ihren Geschäftsbedingungen schreiben sie, dass sie legal arbeiten und alle notwendigen Lizenzen für ihre Tätigkeit haben. Aus diesem Schreiben geht jedoch etwas anderes hervor. Ich warte gespannt auf eine schnelle Antwort. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kao što vidim iz naših informacija, oni rade pod Curacao (ANT) .
Nadamo se da ćete ovde dobiti odgovor iz kazina. Vidim da ovde imaju prilično aktivnog predstavnika.
Na šta tačno čekate odgovor, ako smem da pitam?
As I can see from our information, they operate under the Curaçao (ANT).
Hopefully, you will get a response from the casino here. I can see that they have a pretty active representative here.
What exactly are you awaiting a response to, if I may ask?
Voleo bih da mi odgovore zašto pišu neistine u propisima, navodeći da imaju sve potrebne dozvole i da mogu da posluju bilo gde. Molim vas, crno-belo sam predstavio formalni dokument upozorenja iz Australije. Ispostavilo se da su tamo ilegalno radili svoje usluge. Isto važi i za Nemačku. Oni registruju igrače koji borave u Nemačkoj i prihvataju depozite od njih. Napišu neistine u pravilnik, a ako igrač zatraži povraćaj novca, zatvori račun. Pozdravi.
I would like them to answer why they write falsehoods in the regulations, stating that they have all the necessary permits and can operate their business anywhere. Please, I have presented a formal warning document from Australia in black and white. It turns out that they were operating their services there illegally. The same applies to Germany. They register players residing in Germany and accept deposits from them. They write falsehoods in the regulations, and if a player requests a refund, they close the account. Regards.
U ovom slučaju, biće lepo ako dobijete neke odgovore na svoja pitanja.
In this case, it will be nice if you get some answers to your questions.
Ovom pitanju, želeo bih da dodam neku vrstu opštije optike.
Vi i mnogi drugi igrači u zemljama sa strogim propisima ste svesni, koliko mogu da kažem, da mnoga kazina još uvek nisu regulisana od strane lokalne vlasti. Ovo, po mom mišljenju, ukazuje na to da su igrači sve više zabrinuti za minimiziranje rizika i, na primer, da postupaju u skladu sa GGL.
Iz tog razloga, smatram da je od suštinske važnosti voditi ovakve diskusije.
Nasuprot tome, kazino ne mora nužno biti nepravedan uprkos onome što smatrate „ilegalnim" praksama.
Da li ste znali da kazina sa GGL licencom, pored mnogih drugih „međunarodno licenciranih", primenjuju porez na svaku opkladu koju napravite? Još više snižavate svoje šanse za dobitak, kao da prednost kuće nije dovoljna.
Želim da istaknem da ovo nije crno-belo pitanje, naravno.
Takođe mi se čini da su mnogi nemački igrači zbog toga izbegavali ta kazina.
U svakom slučaju, Casino Guru pokušava da naglasi da, iako je odsustvo lokalne licence vredno pažnje, po našem mišljenju, to nije dovoljan razlog da se svim igračima da povraćaj novca. Nažalost, igrači su smislili kako da iskoriste ovo, tvrdeći da kazino pruža nezakonite usluge i zahtevaju povraćaj novca u slučaju da izgube. Zanimljivo je primetiti da, na primer, mnogi od ovih igrača kažu isto kada pobede.
Advokati, naravno, imaju svoje profesionalno mišljenje o tome, i slobodno se može reći da i kazina i igrači uvek treba da se ponašaju časno.
Zaista cenim što ste izneli ovu stvar ovde. Možda bi vas zanimala tema fokusirana na međunarodna kazina i lokalne zakone i tužbe. Pregledajte ga ovde 👈 ako želite.
To this matter, I would like to add a sort of more general optics.
You and many other players in countries with strict regulations are aware, as far as I can tell, that many casinos are still unregulated by the local government. This, in my opinion, indicates that players are growing increasingly concerned with minimizing risk and, for example, acting in compliance with GGL.
For this reason, I believe it is essential to have these kinds of discussions.
Conversely, the casino may not necessarily be unfair despite what you may consider to be "illegal" practices.
Did you know that GGL-licensed casinos, aside from many others "internationally licensed," apply a tax on every bet you make? Lowering your odds of winnings even more, like if the house edge is not enough.
I would like to emphasize that this is not a black-and-white issue, of course.
It also seems to me that many German players avoided those casinos because of this.
In any event, Casino Guru tries to make the point that while the absence of a local license is noteworthy, in our opinion, it is insufficient reason to give all players a refund. Unfortunately, players have figured out how to take advantage of this, claiming the casino provides illicit services and demanding refunds in the event that they lose. It is interesting to note that, for example, not many of these players say the same when they win.
Lawyers, of course, have their professional opinions on the matter, and it is safe to say that both casinos and players should always behave honorably.
I really appreciate you bringing this matter up here. Perhaps you would be interested in the thread focused on international casinos and the local laws and lawsuits. Inspect it here 👈 if you like.
Evo kako ja to vidim. Većina ljudi koji igraju u kockarnicama su zavisni od kockanja (mislim oko 60% ili čak više). Nemačke vlasti su svesne da je to veliki problem. Zavisni igrači gube novac i još mnogo toga. Uzimaju bankarske kredite i ne vraćaju ih. To stvara probleme i bankama. Zato su nemačke vlasti uvele svoje propise. U kazinu možete uplatiti najviše 1.000 evra mesečno, a maksimalna opklada po igri je 1 evro.
Strani kazina vrlo dobro znaju da im je za rad u Nemačkoj potrebna interna GGL licenca. Uprkos tome, oni registruju naloge sa nemačkim adresama. Ljudi gube svoje bogatstvo (znam za slučaj gde je prijatelj stavio svoju kuću pod hipoteku i izgubio je). Strani kazina su fokusirani na maksimalan profit. Po mom mišljenju, kazina koji registruju igrače iz Nemačke trebalo bi da se suoče sa strogim kaznama. Sa ovim nemačkim GGL propisima, igrač ne može izgubiti čitavo bogatstvo. Tako ja to vidim. Nemački igrači imaju pravo da zahtevaju svoj novac nazad jer je kazino bez GGL licence nezakonit, što znači da je sporazum između igrača i kazina nevažeći.
Srdačan pozdrav.
Here’s how I see it. Most people who play in casinos are addicted to gambling (I think around 60% or even more). The German authorities are aware that this is a big problem. Addicted players lose their money and more. They take out bank loans and fail to repay them. This creates problems for the banks as well. That's why the German authorities introduced their own regulations. You can deposit a maximum of 1,000 euros per month in a casino, and the maximum bet per game is 1 euro.
Foreign casinos know very well that to operate in Germany, they need an internal GGL license. Despite this, they register accounts with German addresses. People lose their fortunes (I know of a case where a friend mortgaged his house and lost it). Foreign casinos are focused on maximum profit. In my opinion, casinos that register players from Germany should face severe penalties. With these German GGL regulations, a player is not able to lose their entire fortune. That’s how I see it. German players are right to demand their money back since a casino without a GGL license is illegal, meaning the agreement between the player and the casino is invalid.
Best regards.
Ako bih pretpostavio da je 60% igrača zapravo zavisnik, verovatno bih drugačije gledao na ove propise.
Koliko mogu da procenim, nikada nisam čuo da se iznosi toliki iznos. Mogu li da znam odakle dolazi kalkulacija? Po mom mišljenju, Šimon - naš voditelj održivog i sigurnijeg kockanja , bi bio zainteresovan da sazna više.
Zvuči kao velika korist, posebno za zavisne igrače, i iako verujem da kazina nisu odgovorna za igrače koji gube svoje bogatstvo, sve dok igrači imaju slobodu da postavljaju granice kockanja ili da se isključe kad god žele, iz onoga što ste spomenuli Razumem da je GGL spreman da preuzme veliki deo odgovornosti igrača na svoja pleća.
Po mom mišljenju, normalni igrači bi trebalo da budu slobodni da igraju gde god žele bez mešanja vlade. Međutim, shvatam da bi igrači koji imaju poteškoća verovatno cenili stroge smernice.
Fair enough.
If I were to presume that 60% of players are actually addicted, I would probably view these regulations differently.
As far as I can tell, I have never heard of such an amount being presented. May I know where the calculation comes from? In my opinion, Šimon - our Sustainable & Safer Gambling Lead, would be interested in finding out more.
It sounds like a great benefit, especially for addicted players, and even though I believe that casinos are not accountable for players losing their fortune, as long as players are free to set gambling limits or self-exclude whenever they want, from what you mentioned I understand GGL seems ready to take a large share of the player's responsibility on their shoulders.
In my opinion, normal players ought to be free to play wherever they choose without interference from the government. However, I recognize that players who are having difficulty would likely value strict guidelines.
Zdravo, pitam se zašto niko iz Rollingslots-a nije odgovorio na moje pitanje. Prošlo je dosta vremena. Da, u pravu ste, igrač ne bi trebalo da ima ograničenja, ali šta je sa igračima koji su zavisni? Nažalost, ako se takvi ljudi registruju u kazinu bez ikakvih ograničenja i ograničenja, mogu izgubiti svo svoje bogatstvo. GGL je dobro učinio što je uveo ograničenja i ograničenja. Kazina to znaju, a ipak nastavljaju da registruju igrače iz Nemačke. Takođe ne razumem zašto ste na strani onlajn kazina. Ako kazino nema licencu za određenu državu, pa je nezakonit, treba da vrati sva deponovana sredstva, i obrnuto, vrati se i dobitak. Srdačan pozdrav
Hi, I wonder why no one from Rollingslots has responded to my question. A lot of time has passed. Yes, you are right, a player should not have any restrictions, but what about the players who are addicted? Unfortunately, if such people register in a casino without any limits and restrictions, they can lose all their fortune. The GGL did well to introduce restrictions and limits. The casinos know this, and yet they continue to register players from Germany. I also don't understand why you are on the side of online casinos. If a casino does not have a license for a certain country, so it is illegal, it should return all deposited funds, and vice versa, the winnings should also be returned. Best regards
Hallo, ich frage mich, warum keiner von Rollingslots auf meine Frage geantwortet hat. Es ist viel Zeit vergangen. Ja, du hast recht, ein Spieler sollte keine Einschränkungen haben, aber was ist mit den Spielern, die süchtig sind? Wenn sich solche Menschen in einem Casino ohne jegliche Limits und Beschränkungen anmelden, können sie leider ihr ganzes Vermögen verlieren. Die GGL hat gut daran getan, Beschränkungen und Limits einzuführen. Die Casinos wissen das, und trotzdem registrieren sie weiterhin Spieler aus Deutschland. Ich verstehe auch nicht, warum ihr auf der Seite der Online-Casinos steht. Wenn ein Casino keine Lizenz für ein bestimmtes Land hat, also illegal ist, sollte es alle eingezahlten Gelder zurückerstatten, und umgekehrt sollten auch die Gewinne zurückgezahlt werden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ne znam zašto vam kazino ne odgovara, mislio sam da ako koristite odgovor da će pokušati da odgovore na ono što želite da znate.
Takođe bih dodao da nismo na strani kazina, ali se trudimo da budemo objektivni. Što se tiče zakonitosti, mislim da je to već objašnjeno i mi se time ne bavimo jer nismo pravnici.
Međutim, rekao bih da ako vi to vidite na taj način, onda bismo mogli da vidimo i obrnuto, a to je da ako igrači znaju da kazino nema licencu za njihovu zemlju, onda ne treba da idu tamo igrati. Na taj način su svi mogli da dobiju povraćaj novca, a igrači nikada ništa ne bi izgubili. Valjda neće tako.
Pored toga, ako imate problem i zavisnik ste, imamo novu inicijativu i grupu sa kojom smo počeli da radimo. Više možete pročitati u nastavku:
Kao deo naše Globalne inicijative za samoisključivanje, udružili smo se sa BetBlocker-om, dobrotvornom organizacijom registrovanom u UK koja pruža besplatnu uslugu za podršku ljudima širom sveta. Više informacija o našoj inicijativi možete pronaći ovde ( ) i o BetBlocker- u ovde ( ).
BetBlocker se brzo i lako instalira na više uređaja, za samo 2 minuta. Jednom instaliran, blokira pristup preko 84.200 veb lokacija za kockanje i radi tiho u pozadini. Usluga se može koristiti anonimno i pomaže pojedincima da bezbedno i na odgovarajući način upravljaju svojim pristupom kockanju, bilo da to znači potpuno ograničenje ili ograničavanje pristupa tokom ranjivih perioda.
Štaviše, BetBlocker uključuje listu od 824 informacionih sajtova o kockanju. Ovi sajtovi prvenstveno informišu korisnike o uslugama kockanja i reklamiraju ih. Možete izabrati da uključite ove sajtove u svoje ograničenje tako što ćete označiti polje za potvrdu. Međutim, ako imate stalnu žalbu protiv operatera kockanja, nemojte označiti ovo polje, jer će vas to sprečiti da pristupite i veb lokaciji Casino.Guru.
Dakle, ako će vam biti od pomoći, samo pokušajte da obavestite o tome i možete ga koristiti u budućnosti.
I don't know why the casino doesn't reply to you, I thought if you used reply they would try to answer what you wanted to know.
I would also like to add that we are not on the side of the casinos, but we try to be objective. As far as legality is concerned, I think that has already been explained and we don't deal with that because we are not lawyers.
However, I would say that if you see it that way, then we could also see it the other way round, and that is that if the players know that the casino does not have a license for their country, then they should not go there to play. That way everyone could get refunds and the players would never lose anything. I guess it won't work like that.
Additionally, if you have a problem and you're addicted, we have a new initiative and group that we've started working with. You can read more below:
As part of our Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, we've partnered with BetBlocker, a UK-registered charity providing a free service to support people worldwide. You can find more information about our initiative here ( and about BetBlocker here (
BetBlocker is quick and easy to install on multiple devices, taking just 2 minutes. Once installed, it blocks access to over 84,200 gambling websites and runs quietly in the background. The service can be used anonymously and helps individuals manage their access to gambling safely and appropriately, whether that means complete restriction or limiting access during vulnerable periods.
Moreover, BetBlocker includes a list of 824 gambling information sites. These sites primarily inform users about and advertise gambling services. You can choose to include these sites in your restriction by ticking a box. However, if you have an ongoing complaint against a gambling operator, do not check this box, as it will prevent you from accessing the Casino.Guru website as well.
So if it will be helpful for you, just try to inform about it and you can use it in the future.
Registrovao sam se na roling slotovima i na moje iznenađenje nakon nekoliko depozita imam 600 evra dobitka. Prošlo je 4 radna dana i kazino se ne isplati. Kontaktirao sam ih nekoliko puta putem e-pošte i ćaskanja, a da nisam dobio nikakav konkretan odgovor. Jednostavno kažu da kazino ima svoja pravila i da ću biti obavešten kada obrade iznos. Može li mi neko pomoći da ovo rešim?
I registered at roling slots and to my amazement after making several deposits I have 600 euros in winnings. It's been 4 working days and the casino doesn't pay out. I've contacted them several times by email and chat without getting any kind of concrete answer. They simply say that the casino has its own rules and that I will be notified when they process the amount. Can anyone help me resolve this?
Registei me no roling slots e para meu espanto depois de fazer vários depósitos tenho um montante de 600 euros de ganhos já vão 4 dias úteis e o casino não paga já contactei varias vezes por email e por chat sem obter qualquer tipo de resposta concreta simplesmente dizem que o casino tem as próprias regras e que serei notificado quando processarem o valor alguém me ajuda a resolver?
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
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