Dečko dečko, šta je sa njima!!!
NIŠTA se do sada nije desilo osim da pošaljem gomilu dokumenata!
Pa, pokušao sam da pošaljem celu stvar .
Vratilo se sledeće:
Ovu poruku je automatski kreirao softver za isporuku pošte.
Poruka koju ste poslali nije mogla biti isporučena jednom ili više njih
njenih primalaca. Ovo je trajna greška.
Sledeća adresa nije uspela:
nepostojeći domen
Sledeća adresa nije uspela: :
nepostojeći domen
Tako da ne mogu nigde da pošaljem svoja dokumenta!
Boy boy, what's going on with them!!!
NOTHING has happened so far except for me to send a bunch of documents!
Well, I tried to send the whole thing to
The following came back:
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
its recipients. This is a permanent error.
The following address failed:
non-existent domain
The following address failed:
non-existent domain
So I can't send my documents anywhere!
Junge Junge was bei denen los!!!
Es hat sich NICHTS getan bis jetzt ausser das ich etliche Dokumente senden soll!
Gut das ganze habe ich versucht an zu schicken.
Zurück kam folgendes:
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
its recipients. This is a permanent error.
The following address failed:
non-existent domain
The following address failed:
non-existent domain
Also kann ich meine Dokumente auch nirgends hinschicken!
Automatski prevedeno: