NaslovnaForumKazinaRoobet Casino - opšta diskusija

Roobet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Anonymized199
17.040 pregleda 73 odgovora |
1 2 34

Dobar dan, imam problem sa kazinom.

Blokirali su mi nalog jer imam ime mog sina u imejlu, što on nije uključen u stranicu i ja upravljam imejlom u celosti, pored toga što imam 2FA na nalogu, KIC je ispravno urađen (što su oni sami prihvatili prvog dana kada sam ušao na stranicu, jesam) i sada mi podrška uživo ne daje odgovore i imaju me u pripravnosti sa 233 dolara na računu.

Šta mi preporučujete?

Automatski prevedeno:


since the email address does not serve as any kind of proof of identity, I fail to understand what seems to be the problem. I feel that the casino's system must have found some sort of similarities with other accounts or accounts, and flagged you, but a similar address should be considered only as a hint. Kindly note that verification, as the name suggests is the only valid process that ensures it was you who registered, deposited, played, and won, so registration does not mean verification.

However, the casino is probably investigating the similarities, which is usual and you have to wait for the result. Normally, an ordinary chat operator is not involved in the procedure, meaning he or she can't provide relevant information just yet.

I recommend you wait, keep me posted with any updates, please.

Would not hurt to know the casino's name though.


Dobro jutro Raka!

Pre 4 sata su mi omogućili da podignem svoja sredstva nakon dugog čekanja od +30 sati bez odgovora.

Verovatno će moj nalog biti zatvoren iz razloga koji mi je dao agent: na mom imejlu je ime mog sina.

Ali nema problema, samo sam želeo da mi daju sredstva koja sam upravo zaradio. Uz sve ovo naučeno, mislim da se više nikada neću vratiti u taj kazino.

Kazino je Roobet.

Hvala vam puno na poruci.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello randyg,

I still like to understand what was wrong - though I'm of course happy that you got the winnings!

Do you mind sharing the casino's official explanation?

It's just a kind request, no pressure 😉


Zdravo Radka! Jasno

Čekam da mi odgovore, čim me jave reći ću vam.

Hvala vam!

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobar dan. Ja ću vas obaveštavati.

Blokirali su mi nalog i zatvorili ga bez navođenja razloga, nisu mi poslali mejl.

Takođe ne vidim da je podrška odgovorila u procenjenom vremenu koje mogu da pročitam pre nego što moj nalog bude blokiran.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello randyg,

Thank you for letting me know. This happens quite often, and I was hoping that you might be more informed, well, I guess that would be best to move on 🙂.

Enjoy the Sunday 👍

I don't have much experience with this casino, what about you?

Kladim se sa ovim lopovima, jarbol Milan-Halas Verona. Kladim se da će Verona zaraditi više od 2,5 ofsajda. Svi sajtovi pokazuju da su zaradili 3 ofsajda, čak i njihov sajt piše 3, zvanični sajt Serije A takođe 3, ali svuda 3. I oni su moju opkladu uradili kao gubitak. Samo prevare! filefilefile

Automatski prevedeno:

Regarding the recent complaint here for 131btc. I was on the site when this guy won the money and was speaking to him in chat.

The win was 100% legitimate. However it seems from his complaint that he isn’t getting his case across very well and missed many key details.

For one after he won the money the casino left it in his balance and let him keep playing with it for probably 5 days. It was only when he tried to withdraw that the casino confiscated the balance. If someone had illegitimately won $3 million I’m sure the casino would immediately void the funds not let the player keep it in their balance for multiple days.

Roobet also continued to show off the win in the ‘biggest wins’ section of their site for weeks. This is extremely strange if they had decided that the win was not legitimate.

Also as crash is an open lobby with hundreds of people playing at the same time surely if there was a malfunction everyone should have won millions not just one person?


You must be talking about this complaint. It's surely an interesting case and I'm really wondering if we manage to resolve it. When it comes to real money, it's one of the biggest cases we had so far.

Zdravo, otvorio sam račun za igre na Roobet-u pre nekoliko dana iz čiste radoznalosti i želeo sam da isprobam Cripto kazino. Ne želeći da dam lične podatke, pokušao sam da igram ubacivanjem nasumičnih e-mailova i korišćenjem VPN-a, nakon deponovanja sam pokušao i sa nekim uspešnim isplatama, nažalost situacija mi je izmakla kontroli pa sam izgubio preko 50.000 evra, što bih želeo želim da osporim da li je potpuno odsustvo KIC provera i potpuno odsustvo zaštite od zavisnosti od kockanja, s obzirom na nedostatak odgovarajućih provera identiteta, da li postoje uslovi za traženje povraćaja novca? Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, that's a lot of money. 

But it's certainly not the wisest thing to do what you did. If it came to a choice, how would you want to withdraw if you provided fake information? Did you mention to the casino that you have a gambling addiction while playing ? I feel that this is a pretty big mistake but I will wait for your answer because it may be very difficult to help or get your money back under such circumstances. 


Greškom sam napisao da je lažna informacija, mislio sam neprovereno, danas su mi zatvorili nalog i samo sam poslao ličnu kartu koja odgovara podacima unetim prilikom registracije.

Automatski prevedeno:

Just to exclude any possible misunderstanding, how should I understand the term "unverified" in the context of the whole account issue, please?

You know, I probably still fail to understand the lack of KYC checks and total absence of protection on Gambling Addiction, given the lack of appropriate identity checks - you were referring to.

If I'm not mistaken, you have never played in any crypto casino, specifically in this casino, ever before; this was your first account, am I correct?

How, in your opinion, could possibly KYC (which is by the way quite optional for crypto casinos; I'll get back to that later if you want me to) or any kind of verification save you from losing all the funds? Does it mean it took so long, so you just kept playing, perhaps? Please, help me understand the way you see it.

For now, I feel it won't help to speculate, so if you don't mind, I would wait for your response.

Thank you.


Ovo je moj prvi nalog kod njih, tačno, mislim da kontrole i Kic mogu dovesti do ograničavanja momenta rođenja igrača tako što će ga ograničiti dok čeka potrebne provere i dati vremena da se smiri i eventualno postavi potrebna ograničenja ili privremene blokade radi zaštite, ovo nije urađeno uprkos tome što je količina i učestalost depozita bila ogromna, čak i da nije bilo detalja za traženje povraćaja, bar bih voleo da ponovo otvorim svoj nalog da povratim nedeljne i mesečne bonuse koji bi bili veoma značajan

Automatski prevedeno:

I now understand the point much better. The KYC procedure seemed to take a long time from your perspective. Could you tell me how long you have been confirming your account? Because of continuous verification, you were unable to control your passion and lost the balance before you could withdraw it. Let us put bonuses aside for the moment. Instead, is it possible for you to set limits at this casino whenever you need to? You are aware that casinos have the right to impose these restrictions, but only after receiving your prior request. Although these are available, I believe that casinos require the player's initial impulse. Let's see what Tomas brings next through the complaint, though.

There is another thing I do not yet understand. Who closed your account, and why? Can you share details regarding the account closure, please?

I'll be here.


U ovom kazinu nemate meni koji vam omogućava da se brzo isključite ili postavite limite depozita, moj nalog je zatvoren jer sam nakon gubitka velike sume slao mejlove sa molbom da dobijem neke bonuse i da mi pomognete, ne samo da nisu pomogli mene ali su zbog pogrešnog prevoda mislili da sam izjavio da sam uneo netačne podatke i direktno su mi zatvorili nalog! U tom trenutku sam poslao dokumentaciju u kojoj tražim hitno ponovno otvaranje, ali mi od tada niko nije odgovorio

Automatski prevedeno:

So your account was closed by mistake, we could say. Is that right?🤔

Now we really need to wait for your complaint to progress any further so we can see how and if our team will be able to help.

If you have any updates, we surely would like to know about them.


Trenutno sam dobio kredit za nagrade koje sam akumulirao, plus stari povraćaj novca, ali verujem da postoje uslovi da zahtevam povraćaj novca zbog propuštenih čekova ili dodatnih VIP bonusa za lojalnost, šta mislite?

Automatski prevedeno:
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