ForumKazinaRoyspins Casino - opšta diskusija

Royspins Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

pre 1 godinu od Jonny007
8270 pregleda 83 odgovora |
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pre 11 meseci

May I know what has caused the disappointment you've found in well-rated casinos?

If there is something serious, please submit a complaint about it. We seek honest feedback, preferably proven through complaints.

Just imagine how many players come here on the forum to share disastrous stories. They are almost accusing us of promoting casinos, yet if you ask to provide shreds of evidence or just ask to explain what was so wrong, you get literally nothing.

We are not protecting casinos, but we just can't change ratings solely based on user reviews or forum posts.

I just wanted to make this clear. Sorry for stepping in. 🙂

pre 11 meseci

Oni su iz nekoliko kazina u kojima sam igrao, tako da nemam konkretnu zamerku, ali nijedan nije bio dobar.

Katastrofa u svima njima, slotovi ne odgovaraju stvarnosti, igrač deponuje opkladu i gubi uzastopno, rekao bih prevara, da vidimo kako ova kazina ulažu u reklamiranje i onda prave prevaru, već znamo da kazina uvek dobijaju ali u ovaj slučaj kradu

Postoji razlika između zarađivanja novca i krađe, neću ovde da navodim još jedan sajt sličan vašem, ali mogu reći da sam kazina koje pratim iz njihovih recenzija dobro prošao u većini kazina u kojima sam igrao,

Zaista mi se dopada forum kazino gurua, ali njihove recenzije kazina su me razočaravajuće.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Fine, I see.

And by saying, "I can say that the casinos I follow from their reviews I did well in most of the casinos I played at" does it refer to winnings?

Because, as you know, casinos always win. I think that you also know that we aim to review the fairness casinos show to players, not the possibility of gaining money. Such a possibility can't be determined.

This is why I'm asking.

Anyway, thank you for your response, and good luck!

pre 11 meseci

Takođe za dobitke, naravno,

Niko uvek ne gubi i niko uvek ne pobeđuje,

Ali ta kazina sa ocenom gurua uvek gube,

Ova kazina zaboravljaju da igrači znaju slotove, znaju svoje rtps itd.

I misle da nam bacaju prljavštinu u oči izgovorima dobavljača i da ništa ne rade,

Znamo da je to laž 😉

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hmm, I get one side of what you're saying, but if you feel like you're going to lose in most casinos, no matter how they're rated, it would probably be a good idea to take a break. 

As for some reviews, just because some players have a good experience doesn't mean that all players will have a good experience. Unfortunately that is the case and we try to evaluate casinos objectively. 

So if you feel that any casino that is highly rated is not good for you, you probably don't need to choose another one and stick to the ones that haven't let you down yet. What do you say? 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
pre 11 meseci

Nisam rekao da sam mislio da ću izgubiti u svakom kazinu,

Izgubio sam u svim kazinima koje je pregledao kazino guru,

Osim jednog ili dva od 20 drugih koje sam igrao.

Međutim, predlog za pauzu je već u toku, previše sam vremena proveo igrajući slotove, sa pobedama i porazima, ali najvažnije su sati koje sam proveo igrajući, po meni je sve što je previše greška.

Ali neću prestati da dolazim na forum da vidim mišljenja i da dam svoje mišljenje itd.

Jednog dana bih želeo da otkrijem kako onlajn kazino zaista funkcioniše u smislu slotova, do tada ću uvek imati isto pitanje i niko neće moći da mi ga razjasni, jer bi to bilo kao bomba u svetu onlajn kazina 😉

Tajna je duša posla

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hello there.

I feel an urge to say that the term lost is also a great topic for debate. I say that because, as much as it is obvious, the same way it is ignored, we do not rate anyone's chances to win.

We rate the probability that you will be treated fairly when it comes to general experience - rules included.

Also, defining a win is a tricky part.

A win usually means a player leaves a certain casino with a higher balance than he had originally started with.

But, as we all know, the longer this player plays, the probability of losing the whole sum gets higher. Despite the fact that he may have gained certain winnings along the way, but also failed to stop in order to withdraw at least a portion. Such a situation is commonly described as losing.

I hope the connection is clear.

This is the usual cause of misunderstandings when it comes to losing, at least this is my experience. 😀

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy a nice break. I'm happy you won't leave this forum for good, I'm certain you may put your great experiences into good use here.

I'm extremely tempted to engage in discussion about slots and this soul of the gambling industry, yet this is not the proper thread, and I'm certain we won't see eye to eye. 😊

Thus, feel free to start your own thread, or perhaps, you want to ask Jelena about secrets in Pregmatic's slots:

See you around!

pre 11 meseci

Pošteno tretiranje takođe podrazumeva pravi RTP slotova.

Ovo se mora proceniti.

Ne radi se samo o licenci, ćaskanju uživo itd.

Nema šta više da se kaže, jer svako ima svoje mišljenje.

Baš kao što imam svoje igračko iskustvo i znam o čemu pričam.

Ne želim ni na koji način da optužujem kazino gurua ili bilo koga posebno.

To je samo moje mišljenje.

Treba ga poštovati kao što poštujem i mišljenja drugih. 😉

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

That's OK.

I really appreciate you here on the forum; your opinions are welcome. As I said, I just expressed the common friction surfaces a bit - nothing more.

Speaking about RTP, I was expecting that however 🙂.

By the way, do you know how it works nowadays? I'd say it is quite an interesting concept, based on trust - if you ask me. 😀

The game provider has a license, which means his products (games) meet certain requirements for certain markets. A casino has the license, which means the licensed game providers will appreciate the collaboration - providing the games. Theoretically, an unlicensed casino will most likely not acquire games from a licensed provider. Basically, this is it. I told myself that one day I would find out more about those provider licenses in order to understand how the legitimacy of the RNG concept is guaranteed.

Do you perhaps know more about this?

Still, I have to add that your discussion got far from Royspins Casino. Shall we turn back, please?

I would prefer if you started a new thread, as suggested.

pre 11 meseci

Tako je, razgovor je napustio temu roispins-a, pa možda jednog dana možemo da pričamo o ovim temama u nekoj drugoj temi.


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

I think I can say I'll be here.

So, for now, have a nice Friday! ✨

pre 11 meseci

Hvala i jednako

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Izgubio sam više od 6000 evra u ovom kazinu. Povrat novca je bio 5 evra.

ne poštuju odgovorno igranje i kontrolne igre.

U ovom kazinu možete samo izgubiti. Pažljivo

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Dobar dan,

ovaj kazino je u osnovi uzeo više od 6000 evra od mene ne poštujući zakon i sve što bi trebalo da obezbede.

Da li se desilo još nekome?


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hello, I moved your post under the casino you are talking about and I see that you also managed to write here. 

Nevertheless, what happened and what was the situation in the casino when they took your 6000 ? You say they don't respect responsible gambling, does that mean the casino didn't want to close your account or something like that ? 

However, I noticed that you have already filed a complaint, so our team will try to help you. I hope that everything will be sorted out in the end and turn out well. 

pre 9 meseci

Da, već sam prijavio žalbu, ali je potrebno dosta vremena da dobijem odgovor od vas.

RoiSpins mi stalno šalje poruke da igram

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Our team also handles a lot of complaints from other players and that's why there is always a timer on the right corner of the complaint, which gives the parties a timeframe to respond. We try to do everything we can to get an answer as soon as possible, but it is not always possible, because it is necessary for our team to look at the evidence, evaluate it and determine the next course of action. So I think it will be necessary to be patient and definitely not play in the casino until this problem is solved. 

I hope it will be as soon as possible and everything will be fine. Fingers crossed.🤞

pre 9 meseci

Smatram da je neverovatno, s obzirom na ono što sam već poslao, da nastavljaju da promovišu RoiSpins. To te čak ne poštuje, čak ti ne odgovara…

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

If you mean that we promote casinos, I rather think that we give information about them, which is quite a difference. 

However, as far as the casino's answer is concerned, I am curious because I have seen your complaint and therefore Joseph will deal with it further. He will contact the casino and so we will wait to see how it all develops and whether they will respond. Let's be patient for a while. I hope that everything will be resolved. 

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