ForumKazinaRoyspins Casino - opšta diskusija

Royspins Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

pre 1 godinu od Jonny007
8297 pregleda 83 odgovora |
12 3 45
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pre 9 meseci

Ovaj kazino je lagao i falsifikovao podatke u odgovoru na moju žalbu.

Govorili su o vrednosti povlačenja, ali ne i o vrednosti depozita i o tome koliko oni rade da bi zavisni igrači vratili svoj novac tamo.

Kazino Guru na RoiSpins-u nije ozbiljan, svima je vidljiv. Dajte mu nisku ocenu i izvucite nas sa vrha.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hi, I see your complaint has been pending for two weeks. 

Anyway, just to give me an overview of the situation, what is this case about ? Did you try to self-exclude in this casino and failed ? Did the casino encourage you to play or was it somehow different ?

Can you please describe the situation a little more ? 

pre 9 meseci

Izbrisao me nekoliko puta.

Ovaj kazino mi je uvek slao poruke da igram.

Nažalost, zbog moje bolesti, zavisnost je uvek izmakla kontroli i dovodila me do kockanja.

Ovaj kazino mi je uvek dozvoljavao da otvaram nove naloge zbog zavisnosti, sa istim dokumentom.

Kada sam pobedio i ustao, odmah su došli sa porukama da dobijem više i sve sam izgubio.

Ovaj kazino ne poštuje zakon, a još manje odgovorno igranje.

Štaviše, daju lažne izjave. Po mom mišljenju, trebalo bi da se zatvori.

Budite oprezni, nemojte se zavaravati. I dalje ga promoviše Casino Guru, ali u tome nema ništa ozbiljno pouzdano.

Zaštitite svoj novac i ne stavljajte ga u ovaj kazino, oni nisu ozbiljni!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Thank you for describing the situation. I would say that this is not the right approach for the casino to take if they knew you had a gambling problem. I don't think it's right to encourage a player to keep playing but to close his account. As for the problem itself, I would like to share with you a guide on responsible gambling that might be helpful to you. 

However, have you requested self-exclusion as required or in accordance with the Terms and Conditions ? 

Also, I see that your complaint is still open and our team will try to help you in this case. We'll see how it all turns out and I wish you a fair resolution. If you have anything new, be sure to let me know.

pre 9 meseci

Da, uvek sam zahtevao samoisključivanje preko korisničke podrške.

Oni znaju šta rade! Iskorišćavaju igrače zavisnike.

Zašto ne pokažu ukupan deponovani iznos?

Oni nisu ozbiljni.

Casino Guru treba da promeni rejting ovog kazina na veoma loš, Casino Guru promoviše odgovorno kockanje, ovaj kazino radi suprotno.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

No deposit bonus working, I like it

pre 8 meseci

Perfect. Did you also manage to win something from this bonus ? What were the requirements for this bonus ? 🙂

pre 8 meseci

U mom slučaju, Casino Guru ne odlučuje ništa uprkos tome što ima sve dokaze.

niste nepristrasni.

i zadrži ovaj kazino na vrhu!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

Thinking and reading should come first, in my opinion. Please start with his explanation 👈

We are really here to help you for free while you're acting, at least ungratefully. Wouldn't you say?

You're not being fair because you don't waste time learning about the process. 🤷‍♂️

pre 8 meseci

Radka prestaje da me juri.

Da li sam slobodan da dam svoje mišljenje ili ne?

besplatno? Zar ne primaju provizije od kazina? Javno reci ne i sad ću da ćutim 😂

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

I'm not chasing you, but you need to understand that such an approach will logically result in a proper response. To be honest, you are willingly trying to dishonor our efforts on our own forum. Ignoring basic facts and making fun of us. I'm not going to stay silent.

If you don't like what we do, let's have a proper debate or leave this site. Now, you just keep dancing around the fact that we get commissions from the casino we investigated and believe they are honest with players. Other sides simply motivate players to play in every casino they can handle a deal with. We are doing quite the opposite.

So, as long as you keep saying what you do, there will always be a response. Simple as that.

pre 8 meseci

Već imate sve dokaze da RoiSpins nije ozbiljan i da radi mimo zakona i da ostaje u vašem TOP-u, to je sve rečeno...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

Please note that the complaint has not closed yet. I already explained that this is the first step to changing the safety index. Read first if you aim to tutor us. 🙏

"If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date."

There are steps we need to follow to maintain reasonable and fair calculations. No result = no changes.

pre 8 meseci

Jozef radi užasan posao! Već je prekoračio sve rokove i daje bezazlene odgovore.

Ako ovde imate ljude koji nemaju vremena, nemojte im dodeljivati slučajeve.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

I'm sorry, we are not interested in your recommendations. When he sees the possibility of helping players, he just won't backup.

Have a great weekend. I'll be off.

pre 8 meseci

Ne podržavam te?

Već sam sve poslao! Gubio sam dane slajući sve.

Jozef šalje i nalazi se u svojoj istoriji najviše tri mejla dnevno za sve slučajeve!!!

Ovo nije posao, to je dokolica!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

I didn't say you don't support us - where does this one come from?

It's actually a lot of work. If you don't need our help anymore, just say that to Jozef, because others need our support too. It is no surprise we have the highest number of submitted complaints because the community relies on us more than on anyone else. Think about that for a second.

pre 8 meseci

Jozef nikome ne odgovara! Uzmi moj slučaj i reši ga danas

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

This is a forum, not a marketplace, where your demands will be considered. I'm sorry; you need to wait. There is nothing more I can say.

pre 8 meseci

U pravu ste, tržište nije tako neorganizovano

Automatski prevedeno:
12 3 45

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