zdravo sammy1,
Čestitam ti. Ovo što si opisao je sasvim normalno, bojim se.
Iskreno, ako dobijete veliku dobit, obično pokrećete još jednu provjeru. To je normalno. Ako osvojite nacionalnu lutriju, također vam neće biti plaćeno odmah. Dakle, kazino vjerovatno trenutno provjerava vašu historiju igara. Također se moraju uvjeriti da nije bilo tehničkog kvara ili greške u igri jer u skladu sa Uvjetima u takvom slučaju kazino nije dužan isplatiti dobitke. Zbog toga se čak i od dobavljača igara može tražiti neke tehničke detalje povezane s vašim igranjem. Samo provjerite pravila sami da biste bili sigurni u to. Bio bih veoma iznenađen da ova izjava nedostaje.
Ono što nije normalno je način na koji kazino dijeli informacije s vama.
Ne razumijem zašto jednostavno ne mogu reći: Hej, čestitam! Dozvolite nam nekoliko sedmica da provjerimo vašu historiju igara kod dobavljača igara i moramo se pridržavati naših Odredbi i uslova. Obavijestit ćemo vas kada dođe do bilo kakvog razvoja događaja." - ili nešto slično umjesto: "Vaš račun je suspendovan
jer smo otkrili sumnjive aktivnosti."
Ovo nije dobar pristup. 🙁
Hello sammy1,
Congratulations to you. What you described is quite normal, I'm afraid.
Frankly, if you win big you usually trigger a further check. It's normal. If you win a national lottery you are also not paid immediately. So, the casino is probably checking your gaming history at the moment. They also need to make sure that there was no technical glitch or bug in the game because in accordance with the Terms and Conditions in such a case casino is not obliged to pay out the winnings. Due to this, even the game provider can be asked for some technical details associated with your gameplay. Just check the rules yourself to be sure about it. I'd be very surprised if this statement is missing.
What is not normal is the way how the casino share information with you.
I do not understand why they just can't say: Hey, congratulations! Allow us a few weeks to check your gaming history with the game provider we must stick with our Terms and Conditions as well. We will inform you when any development occurs." - or something similar instead of: "Your account has been suspended
because we have detected suspicious activities."
This is not a good approach. 🙁
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