NaslovnaForumKazinaScatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija

Scatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 11)

 od Fabi84
327.158 pregleda 1.852 odgovora |
1...10 11 12...93

Trenutno isplate idu odlično, još uvek imam otvorene, ali mislim da će biti isplaćene danas! U scatterhallu ide jako dobro i oni se jako trude da ugode svima!

Automatski prevedeno:

Dragi Casinoguru timu, želeo bih da vas pitam kako je moguće da sam pogrešno preusmeren nakon što sam napravio depozit na Scatterhall-u i pojavilo se: Bad Gatevai Vild Pharaoh. Nažalost, nisam napravio snimak ekrana, ali ovde sigurno ne pričam bajke. Takođe možete videti bonuse i vreme ćaskanja uživo, potpuno je isto kao u Vild Pharaoh! Pitao sam u ćaskanju da li su povezani sa Vild Pharaoh-om, ali sam odmah bio blokiran, ali nedugo zatim je šef podružnice August Berger napisao sri ovde, oni samo dobiju bonus od 50 evra i račun je ponovo otvoren. Samo ja ne pišem recenziju.....

Automatski prevedeno:

I dragi Casinoguru timu, kako kazino može dati 200% bonusa na svaki depozit? Nisam ni blizu toga doživeo za 8 godina onlajn igranja. Jer šta samo sa stvarima može poći po zlu. A gde je zaštita igrača u ovom kazinu. Da li sam moj nalog trajno zatvorio putem ćaskanja bez ponovnog otvaranja i mogao sam da ga ponovo otvorim odmah bez hlađenja. Ili se ograničenje depozita može odmah izbrisati bez hlađenja. Šef podružnice mi je napisao da ako želite bonus bez depozita, obrišite ograničenje depozita putem ćaskanja, a zatim zatražite bonus direktno u ćaskanju...bez reči

Automatski prevedeno:

I kao potonji, dragi Casinoguru tim, zašto Scatterhall uvek treba korisnička imena koja uvek traže ovde u niti? Kažem im da isplaćuju samo one koji se javno žale i koriste korisnička imena da ih lokalizuju. Ne bi vam trebala korisnička imena da je kazino samo isplatio svima. Kako vidite Casinoguru tim?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear TinoElina,

As Scatterhall, we are delighted to hear that our payouts are going great and that we are able to accommodate our users to the best of our abilities. We understand that timely and reliable payments are important to our users, and we always strive to process payments as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We would like to remind our users that payments are typically only processed on weekdays, Monday to Friday, and excluding bank holidays. Therefore, it's possible that payments may not be processed until the next business day if today happens to be a bank holiday in your location or in the location of the payment processor.

However, assuming that today is a regular business day, we are committed to processing payments as per our standard processing timelines. If you experience any issues or delays with your payment, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance. We appreciate your continued trust and support in Scatterhall.



Scatterhall Casino

Sve je super ☺ hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Dragi Casinoguru timu, želeo bih da vas pitam kako je moguće da sam pogrešno preusmeren nakon što sam napravio depozit na Scatterhall-u i pojavilo se: Bad Gatevai Vild Pharaoh. Nažalost, nisam napravio snimak ekrana, ali ovde sigurno ne pričam bajke. Takođe možete videti bonuse i vreme ćaskanja uživo, potpuno je isto kao u Vild Pharaoh! Pitao sam u ćaskanju da li su povezani sa Vild Pharaoh-om, ali sam odmah bio blokiran, ali nedugo zatim je šef podružnice August Berger napisao sri ovde, oni samo dobiju bonus od 50 evra i račun je ponovo otvoren. Samo ja ne pišem recenziju.....

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello yasin61

First, it would be good to present such a screenshot.

Additionally, as an independent company, we can't answer such a question. We review casinos we do not investigate payment options settings. If you present proof, the casino should explain instead. I guess it is obvious to all of us.

I'm not saying there are no similarities. We, same as you, do not have any proof saying the casino has anything to do with another. If you come across any - post it here or send it all as an update:


I kao potonji, dragi Casinoguru tim, zašto Scatterhall uvek treba korisnička imena koja uvek traže ovde u niti? Kažem im da isplaćuju samo one koji se javno žale i koriste korisnička imena da ih lokalizuju. Ne bi vam trebala korisnička imena da je kazino samo isplatio svima. Kako vidite Casinoguru tim?

Automatski prevedeno:

I see lots of satisfied players. Ask the casino about their motivations, but I think such a level of support is special. So far, there has not been such an active casino representative - as I can remember. Players benefit from such an approach, don't you think?

I dragi Casinoguru timu, kako kazino može dati 200% bonusa na svaki depozit? Nisam ni blizu toga doživeo za 8 godina onlajn igranja. Jer šta samo sa stvarima može poći po zlu. A gde je zaštita igrača u ovom kazinu. Da li sam moj nalog trajno zatvorio putem ćaskanja bez ponovnog otvaranja i mogao sam da ga ponovo otvorim odmah bez hlađenja. Ili se ograničenje depozita može odmah izbrisati bez hlađenja. Šef podružnice mi je napisao da ako želite bonus bez depozita, obrišite ograničenje depozita putem ćaskanja, a zatim zatražite bonus direktno u ćaskanju...bez reči

Automatski prevedeno:

And how is it possible that you have not submitted the complaint yet, I wonder? Do that and we shall all see what was wrong and who is wrong. This is the same advice I give every complaining player.

Start right away, please:

Sledeća isplata je ponovo obrađena veoma brzo 👍 bez pitanja itd...

Takođe bih želeo da napomenem da nikada nisam morao da dam svoj nadimak - i moja povlačenja se sada obrađuju u roku od 2 dana!

još uvek od mene 👍 za Scatterhall - 100% preporuka od mene

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Marzi,

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your friendly and positive feedback. We really appreciate it when our players share their experiences with us, and we're thrilled to hear that you've had a great time on our platform.

In some cases, it is helpful for us to have a username associated with a player's account to assist them faster. We always strive to quickly identify and resolve any issues or problems our players may encounter on our platform, and having a username readily available can help us expedite the process. So, if you ever need our support team's assistance, please provide us with your username so we can locate your account and provide you with the best possible assistance.

If you ever need any further assistance or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help and are committed to providing the best possible experience for our players.

Thanks again for your feedback, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with a great gaming experience.

Best regards,


Za mene to traje duže. Poslednjih 500€ čeka na izdavanje. Svaki dan dobijam mejlove sa bonus ponudama, ali naravno ne uplaćujem sve dok se sve ne isplati. Ćaskanje uživo se odnosi samo na uslove i odredbe koje može potrajati duže od 1-2 dana. Ali uvek? Nadam se da sada sve ide dobro.

Automatski prevedeno:
Scatterhall Casino

To sa 27. verovatno nije tako ispalo, sačekaću da vidim da li će se još nešto desiti 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi Nero,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to inform you that your payment was processed and sent yesterday, and it should be with you this afternoon, as confirmed by our finance team.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay in processing your payment. Please rest assured that we are working to improve our processes to ensure timely payments in the future.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,



Dear asgard18,

We are pleased to inform you that your entire balance has been resolved and paid out in full. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay due to system issues in the past couple of weeks.

We understand that waiting for your funds to be processed can be frustrating, and we want to assure you that we take our responsibility to provide timely and efficient service very seriously. We are continually working to improve our systems to ensure that such issues do not arise in the future.

We would like to thank you for choosing our casino, and we hope that you will continue to enjoy the wide range of games and services we have to offer. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,



Podneo žalbu

Automatski prevedeno:

That's good. Now the complaint team will look into it and proceed further.

Thank you for being responsive.


Dear Guru and Complaint Team,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We have thoroughly investigated and can confirm that the player in question no longer has an account with either of our brands. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that no account will ever be opened again for this player in the future.

We would like to clarify that we provided the player with a bonus as a gesture of goodwill due to a failed bonus code. However, it appears that the player repeatedly requested for more and more bonuses, which we have provided on multiple occasions. We do not condone any attempt to blackmail us, and any such action by the player will be dealt with by our legal team.

We take our responsibility to provide a fair and transparent gaming experience seriously, and we will not tolerate any fraudulent or abusive behaviour from our players. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and remain committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and fairness in our operations.

Best regards,


Dobar dan,

Čekam uplate od po 500 evra od 16. februara 2023. i 27. februara 2023. Odobrene su putem e-pošte. Nažalost, nisam uknjižio novac na svoj bankovni račun. Moj profit je od januara 2023, od tada su samo 2 od 4 isplate funkcionisale i takođe su stigle na moj bankovni račun. Ovo je veoma dosadno. Pitam Scatter Hall da ovo proveri.

Korisničko ime: Ksarocks

Ažuriranje: jedna od 2 uplate je sada stigla na moj račun, još uvek nedostaje 500 evra

Automatski prevedeno:

Zahtevao sam 3 isplate u poslednjih 6 dana - danas sam dobio sve 3 isplate - Mislim da je sjajno što Scatterhall sada tako dobro radi sa isplatama 👍

Nadam se da će moji sledeći biti obrađeni tako brzo - definitivno ću vam ponovo javiti

i dalje za sve koji sumnjaju u Scatterhall - mislim da je to jedan od najboljih kazina koji su trenutno dostupni

Automatski prevedeno:
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