NaslovnaForumKazinaScatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija

Scatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 29)

 od Fabi84
325.980 pregleda 1.852 odgovora |
1...28 29 30...93

Just tried to register but never got an email to verify my account. Support told me thanks for stopping by but they can't help me.. nice customer service

ofc the email with special bonus offers i got immediately

Hi there. I can the most trouble cased IceCasino and Vulkan Vegas. Use these names in the CG browser to filter all relevant threads or start with the general discussions:

Mind the related threads list as well:



I count 5 complaints regarding delayed payments for both casinos. And both casinos are rather big with thousands of players. Scattehall and Spinpirate show more than double the figure. I dont really see the connection here.

This thread has blown up in the last few days for a reason.

Despite, at no point the casino communicated with me and adressed a specific ongoing problem with their payment provider.

I would be happy to accept crypto as well as ewallet withdrawals which they did not offer to me as alternative payment method.

All in all this casino group just shows a lack of professionalism in regards to financial transactions.

Hello PrinceNaseem,

I understand that you had an issue with the response time and the payment processing. I'm sorry to hear that you experienced delays and inconvenience. I want to ensure that your concerns are addressed appropriately.

Please note that the processing time for bank transfers can vary depending on several factors, including the location and bank policies. Therefore, it's possible that the transfer may take longer than expected.

I hope this information helps, and I apologise again for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,



in fact this information does not help at all. Firstly my bank conducts instant transfers, so the only reason for delayed payments is your payment provider you chose to work with.

If there are lasting payment problems then please inform the players who are waiting for their withdrawals to be processed.

Secondly, I would be more than happy to accept an alternative method for my withdrawals.

I see that you are the PR representative of the casino and as such only the messanger. However, thousands of apologies will not help once the customer lost trust in your company.

To avoid further damage to the casinos reputation I recommend to enhance communication protocols with players and speed up the financial transactions.


Svima: Da li su vaša povlačenja koja nedostaju stigla na vaš račun danas ili juče?


Automatski prevedeno:

Većina da. Nažalost još nisam :C

Automatski prevedeno:


Novac je stigao, ali novac od Spinpirate-a, gde ga čekam 2 nedelje, još nije stigao. Možete li to ponovo proveriti?

Korisničko ime: Kralj

Automatski prevedeno:
Scatterhall Casino

Već sam ti dao nagoveštaj o korisničkom imenu, možda ga mogu napisati i ovde: nousutcom . U čemu je problem sa obradom, dobro u već navedenim vremenima.

Automatski prevedeno:

U pravu si 😀 nodapai mi je u međuvremenu postao nesimpatičan 😂

Automatski prevedeno:

da li si razumeo ? 😊

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa, nažalost 😀 Odustao sam od ove nedelje - siguran sam da se ništa neće desiti ni tokom vikenda

Automatski prevedeno:
Scatterhall Casino

zdravo, da, uplata je već bila na računu sinoć, pa sam mislio da su druge dve uplate trebalo odmah da budu na njemu! Zato sam pitao da li su i ostale uplate ponovo prebačene, jer još nisu primljene! Možda to morate ponovo da proverite jer je ovo već trebalo da stigne na račun! Samo nedostaju 2 uplate!

Sa poštovanjem

Natalia / Korisničko ime: TinoElina

Automatski prevedeno:

Nisam još ništa dobio, pa mislim da će stići u ponedeljak

Automatski prevedeno:

da, moglo bi se zamisliti da bi druge dve uplate uskoro bile na vašem računu 😶🤔

Obaveštavajte nas

Automatski prevedeno:

koliko vam je zapravo vremena prošlo od vaše prve uplate do 14.? 😅 sve ove godine?

Naša nit je sada broj 1 trenutnih vrućih tema 😂

Automatski prevedeno:

Možda i danas dolazi - držite palčeve 👍

inače sigurno u ponedeljak 👌

Automatski prevedeno:

Poslednjih nekoliko nedelja je bilo sjajno, imao sam do 3 isplate nedeljno - pre toga je bilo dosadno, a sada opet traje duže...

da sve ove godine ☺

Automatski prevedeno:

To zvuči lepo 🙂 2 isplate nedeljno takođe ne bi bilo loše. da li planiraš da nastaviš da igraš tamo?

Automatski prevedeno:

Da, sviđa mi se sam sajt - i bonus - stvar sa isplatom je malo dosadna...

Igrao sam dosta na N1, ali nažalost više ne postoje u Austriji...

imate li preporuku?

Automatski prevedeno:

First withdrawl took 18 days, other more then 10 days.

Now the withdrawl is pending again for 5 businessdays, this is way to long at this rate it takes ages certainly if you have a bigger ammount that gets paid in parts of 500

Scatterhall please speed up the process and make your costumers happy


Da, ni ja ne razumem - tako nervirate svoje mušterije i šteta za ovaj kazino...

s jedne strane moraš biti srećan što dobijaš novac...

Automatski prevedeno:
1...28 29 30...93
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