NaslovnaForumKazinaScatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija

Scatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 76)

 od Fabi84
326.179 pregleda 1.852 odgovora |
1...75 76 77...93

fileshows this when i log out too


ne prijavljujete se sa svojim IP-om koji inače koristite

zapamti ih

uzmi NEN drugi bez vifi i vidiš na šta mislim

Automatski prevedeno:

I’m sorry guys but you won’t get your money.

casino guru has seen this many many times before and their faux empathy is vomit inducing.

i would direct you to my previous post regarding taking legal action against casino guru under EU consumer law. It won’t cost you much and casinoguru (despite what some of their plant users in here say) are partially liable and you will get money back through them.

ask yourself this, casino guru can see who signed up through their site and link. If they really cared about the players would they not offer a partial refund or total refund of your deposits? (Other affiliates do this).

Sorry for all of you who got stung.


Znam mnogo strimera i niko ništa ne vraća!

na kraju, rizik uvek leži na igraču.

i ovo je platforma za ocenjivanje a ne smernica koja je obavezna.

oni imaju svoj način da rade stvari i drže ga se.

Ne možete loše oceniti novi kazino samo zato što postoje problemi. čak i ako se radi o kazinu koji je vodio prevaru.

dali su kazinu ultimatum, prekršili ga i zatim ih prema tome ocenili. ali na početku uvek postoji pretpostavka nevinosti!

Automatski prevedeno:

Damn yeah it shows up in chrome incognito. That’s crazy. I’ve never even written anything offensive in chat


Svuda pišeš isto.

Ako su guru timovi, da citiram vaše reči, 'đubre koje se ne poštuje', šta onda još uvek radite ovde?

Da ste tako lukavi ljudi, mogli bi da vas blokiraju da se prijavite ili kreirate nove naloge koristeći vašu IP adresu.

Još uvek ste ovde i dozvoljavaju vam da slobodno izrazite svoju frustraciju, a da vas oni ne vređaju.

Mislim da bi trebalo da ohladite svoj život i možda napravite pauzu od igranja jer vam se čini da vam to više ne koristi.

Mislim da je loše što tako kompulzivno želiš druge da učiniš lošima svojom greškom.

Niko vas ne tera da koristite Gurua i smatram da su vaše pretnje advokatima jednostavno smešne.

Da ste razgovarali sa advokatima, oni bi vam rekli potpuno istu stvar.

Ovde ne plaćate ni doprinos ni bilo šta drugo, pa ne očekujte ništa. ;)

Usput, guru ne mora ništa da radi.

Srećno sa tim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Maybe look abit closer at the pogg and other affiliates that offer a deposit guarantee. If you know a lot of affiliates and streamers you move in an awful crowd.

None of you Casino guru plants will be able to bombard with enough misinformation to distract from me exposing this site.

I hope people on here have taken note of what happens if you sign up through any casinos on casinoguru. I also hope people look into consumer law and take some action.


Bla bla bla

Automatski prevedeno:

Već godinama se registrujem kod kazino gurua, tražim ovde svoja kazina i skoro da nisam imao problema.

Niko ne želi da vas spreči u bilo čemu o čemu samo previše maštate 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Inače znam da smo svi "đubre" po tvojoj izjavi (ti si svetinja) već mesecima upozoravamo ljude.

Advokat i još neki upozoravaju ljude ovde od početka 😉

Ali, nažalost, ne funkcioniše onako kako vi to zamišljate.

Ako prihvatite stvarnost, neće se odvijati onako kako bismo svi želeli.

I prestanite da vređate timove i članove ovde kao pune idiota.

Ako se možete uvrediti, slobodno kažete šta želite.

Ali sve dok ljudi treba da govore s poštovanjem, govorite i vi, inače znate kako da se odjavite.

Automatski prevedeno:
Post od trudders was hidden
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj

wtf 😂😂😂 hahahahahahha


I have seen casinostreamer88 warning people about this casino on this forum for a long time, and also the official rating for this casino got lowered after most complaints turned out unsolved and you can tell it's a scam just by checking guru's review and even when the rating was something around 7, there were people on this same thread warning about this casino holding withdrawals and things looked bad from that very moment. I would say guru is at fault if they tried censoring users that warned about this casino months ago, but that was never the case. The casinos, both spinpirate and scatterhall and the conglomerate running them would be happy to see how you guys accuse and fight each other instead of pointing out who is the one stealing funds, which is none other than Zeus Lightning N.V.


Prilično sam iznenađen što je uspostavljeno partnerstvo sa MiFiniti iako ne možete ili ne želite da platite i sajt se uskoro završava. Ali kontaktirao sam MiFiniti i rekli su da je prosleđeno pravom odeljenju. Hajde da vidimo šta se dešava. Ne mogu da se nosim sa onim što se ovde dešava.

@CasinoStreamer88 da li znaš da li je tako nešto bilo u VildPharao-u?

Automatski prevedeno:

i ja sam primetio. 🤦🏻

Čisto maltretiranje igrača!

Poslao sam poruku ćaskanju jutros pitajući upravo ovo, ali nisam dobio odgovor.

Rekao sam "Svi ste vi kukavice paraziti" na šta su mi odgovorili "Hvala, trudimo se" 🤦🏻😂

Scatterhall "Mogu li vam još nešto pomoći?"

Da jebite se svi (odgovor) "Hvala i vama" 😂

Šta drugo ima da se kaže 😂

Nikada nisam doživeo ovako nešto 😂

Nisam doživeo ovaj nečuven način skoro 20 godina, osim Divljeg faraona.

Nisam siguran, ali mislim da je Divlji faraon imao Mifinti od samog početka.

Neverovatno lako, stvarno više ne znaš šta da kažeš.

Žao mi je svih igrača koji su čekali večno i bezveze...

Nadam se da će se nešto desiti i da će ovi ljudi koji stoje iza ovoga završiti u kanalizaciji gde će jadno nestati.

Takve svinje su neverovatne.

Iskreno se nadam da ćete biti pošteđeni takvog sranja u budućnosti.

Neka kazina su nepravedna, ali ono što ovde naplaćuju je samo neverovatna sramota.

Nikoga ne treba tako zavaravati.

Automatski prevedeno:

I’ve registered at probably hundreds of casinos through casinoguru to get welcome bonuses and this is the first one I have a real problem with. Well 2nd, I deposited at zetcasino once and my money just disappeared, they said they didn’t receive the money while it definitely left my bank account, I had the confirmation and everything. But it was just 20€ so I didn’t care enough to make a complaint and stuff


i also emailed them and they sent me the same. If you think about it they’re probably the last ones who were in contact with scatterhall. Maybe they could provide a communication channel if they care enough.


Nažalost, u poslednje vreme je bilo više prevara i moram da kažem da sam retko mogao da regulišem bilo šta preko Casino Gurua. Sada je izašao novi kazino i jednostavno ne kreditiraju moj depozit putem transfera u realnom vremenu .... već čeka 4. dan .....

Ali da li je VIldPharao takođe imao partnerstvo sa MiFiniti?

Automatski prevedeno:

Have no clue what the matter is. Next time use the "quote" button instead, please.

I’m sorry guys but you won’t get your money.

casino guru has seen this many many times before and their faux empathy is vomit inducing.

i would direct you to my previous post regarding taking legal action against casino guru under EU consumer law. It won’t cost you much and casinoguru (despite what some of their plant users in here say) are partially liable and you will get money back through them.

ask yourself this, casino guru can see who signed up through their site and link. If they really cared about the players would they not offer a partial refund or total refund of your deposits? (Other affiliates do this).

Sorry for all of you who got stung.

How could you lure people by saying they will get their money from Casino Guru? Can't you realize that now you're literally acting like a scam yourself?

"ask yourself this, casino guru can see who signed up through their site and link. If they really cared about the players would they not offer a partial refund or total refund of your deposits? (Other affiliates do this)."

I certainly doubt it works like this anywhere - care to present some proof? We can track who visited the casino, but we can't track who made the deposit. For that, we would need a casino's cooperation which is not possible for almost nobody now. Since we applied pressure on the casino to resolve complaints, we are not in any contact with them - no affiliates fees.

You should really focus on what you're writing.

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