Max. Pravilo opklade je standardno pravilo koje se primjenjuje na većinu bonusa. Vrlo je rijetko pronaći bonus koji nema ovo pravilo.
U svakom slučaju, mogu zamisliti situaciju u kojoj, iako igrač prekrši ovo pravilo, ne bi bilo pošteno poništiti sve dobitke. Pravilo postoji kako bi se osiguralo da igrač mora odigrati određenu količinu okretaja s bonusom prije nego što ispuni zahtjev za klađenje. Naravno, to smanjuje šanse igrača da ispune uslov klađenja i takođe smanjuje šansu da igrač dobije ogroman dobitak dok igra sa bonus novcem. Zbog toga je veličina opklada ograničena. Samo u slučaju da se to zaista dogodi i igrač dobije mnogo, onda dolazi na scenu još jedno pravilo - "maks. limit povlačenja iz bonusa"
S druge strane, sjećam se brojnih prilika kada smo favorizirali igrača kada je došlo do kršenja ovog pravila. Obično je to u slučaju kada igrač igra puno okretaja, ali prekorači maksimalnu vrijednost. kladite se jednom ili dva puta bez da ste dobili ništa od toga. U takvom slučaju, jasno je da je igrač upravo napravio grešku koja se može dogoditi kada se kladite na stotine ili hiljade okretaja u raznim igrama. Činjenica da igrač nije ostvario značajniju pobjedu od okretanja također pokazuje da igrač nije dobio nikakvu nepravednu prednost greškom.
Također tražimo od kazina da na ove slučajeve gledaju kao na pojedinačne slučajeve. Ne biste trebali samo poništiti dobitke jer maks. pravilo opklade je prekršeno. Potrebno je pogledati ostale opklade, ponašanje igrača itd.
The max. bet rule is a standard rule applied to most of bonuses. It's very rare to find a bonus that doesn't have this rule attached to it.
Anyway, I can imagine a situation where even though the player breaches this rule, it wouldn't be fair to void all winnings. The rule exists in order to make sure that the player needs to play a certain amount of spins with the bonus before they complete the wagering requirement. Of course, that decreases the players chances on completing the wagering requirement and it also reduces the chance that a player gets some huge winning while playing with bonus money. That's why the size of bets is capped. Just in case it actually happens and the player wins a lot, then another rule comes in play - the "max. withdrawal limit from a bonus"
On the other hand, I remember numerous occasions when we favoured the player when it came to breaching this rule. It's typically in a case when the player plays a lot of spins, but breaches the max. bet one or two times without winning anything from it. In such a case, it's clear that the player just did a mistake which can happen when you wager hundreds or thousands spins on various games. The fact the player didn't have any significant win from the spin also shows that the player didn't get any unfair advantage by doing the mistake.
We also ask casinos to look at these cases as individual cases. You shouldn't just void the winnings because the max. bet rule was breached. It's necessary to look at other bets, the player's behaviour etc.
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