Dobre vesti. Podrška mi se konačno javila ove nedelje i izvinila se što sam napravila grešku na 1099-MISC. Nakon što su pregledali moju istoriju, složili su se da je sve što sam povukao bilo 4500 dolara, a ne 15 700 dolara. Bio sam tako srećan i laknulo mi je. Mislim da ću napraviti pauzu na par meseci, osim toga, primećujem da trenutno uopšte ne pobeđujem. Samo sam hteo da vas obavestim o krajnjem rezultatu. Nisam pitao kako je došlo do greške, pitaću kasnije kada ponovo počnem da igram. Zato hvala Zena5755 i Radka za svu vašu pomoć. Svi ste ODLIČNI!!!!!
Good news. Support finally got back to me this week and apologized for making a mistake on the 1099-MISC. After they reviewed my history , they agreed that all I withdrew was $4500 and not $15,700. I was so happy and relieved. I think Im going to take a break for a couple of months, Besides I notice I'm not winning at all right now. So just wanted to let you guys know the end result. I didnt ask how the mistake happened, I'll ask later when I start playing again. So thank you Zena5755 and Radka for all your help. You all are AWESOME!!!!!
- Social Media & Community Specialist