NaslovnaForumKazinaSlots Ventura Casino - opšta diskusija

Slots Ventura Casino - opšta diskusija

 od ayllamota25
6.288 pregleda 27 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Slots Ventura Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Budite oprezni momci, ovaj sajt se ne plaća.

Napravio sam iznos sa bonusom, zatražio povlačenje, a zatim odmah poslao dokumente e-poštom, a prošlo je više od 5 dana i ništa za plaćanje. Uvek nađe izgovore da ne plati

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, napravio sam iznos sa bonusom za registraciju, izvršio povlačenje i poslao dokumente e-poštom.

Ali prošlo je više od 5 dana, a do sada nema verifikacije, i moje povlačenje, javite se, uvek dođu sa izgovorima, da ne plaćaju

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, could you also please tell me what casino you are writing about ? 

However, I would like to point out that we give casinos 14 days to complete the withdrawal and the account verification process, so there is no need to be skeptical and think negatively yet. As far as the verification is concerned, the casino takes care of such a procedure. You haven't received any reply yet ? You will have to go through this step first in order to be able to make a withdrawal, so try to be patient and keep us updated on how things are going. Would that be possible ?  

Naziv kazina i slotova Ventura,

Upravo sam pogledao mejl ovde, i poništili su moje povlačenje i vratili na moj račun samo iznos od 30$ iznosa koji sam deponovao da bih oslobodio povlačenje, to je šala, zar ne?

To otežava,

Kazino poput njih ne bi trebalo ni da bude na tržištu, nedostatak poštovanja prema korisnicima,

Molim vas pomozite mi da rešim ovaj problem,

Automatski prevedeno:



Thanks for the information and I've put your posts under the casino in question. 

Regarding your withdrawal and the fact that it was cancelled and the casino only gave you $30, did they tell you the reason ? Did you play with the bonus or not ? 


That's an unpleasant situation. Anyway, it is good that you have shared your experience. I can see that you have already described your issue in another thread and filed a complaint. I am sure Kristina will try to help you out and do her best as always.

Fingers crossed for the bests outcome.


Da, poslali su mi mejl, rekavši se da se registrujem, i ja sam osvojio 50 besplatnih okretaja, kada sam prihvatio i osvojio iznos sa ovih 50 okretaja, i ispunio rolover od skoro 2 hiljade kada sam otišao da izvršim povlačenje tražili su minimalac depozit. , da otpustim isplatu, izvršio sam depozit, zatim sam izvršio povlačenje, a dokumente sam poslao mejlom jer znam da će mi trebati, ali posle skoro 4 dana i toliko insistiranja, odlučili su da urade ovaj trik.

Automatski prevedeno:

In this case, it looks like you will first need to successfully complete the account verification to be able to withdraw. Basically, what you described is the normal procedure as it usually happens in most casinos. I would also like to add that there is no need to be skeptical when it only takes a couple of days, because we give casinos 14 days to resolve this process. 

However, are you in contact with the casino to inform yourself how your verification is going ? Could you let us know when it is successful or if there are any problems ? I will be waiting. 


fileinda nao


Rekli su mi onog dana kada sam izvršio povlačenje, da je u roku od 24 sata provera dokumenata vršena danima i ništa do sada

Automatski prevedeno:

I see you haven't moved anywhere yet in the context of verification. Have any documents been rejected or are you still waiting for the result ? I understand that this is not the most pleasant, but the casino has 14 days for this process as mentioned above, so if nothing is resolved and the casino is not able to verify you, our team will try to help you, since you have a complaint already filed. In the meantime, we will have to wait. 

Dakle, samo želim da dobijem novac koji sam zaradio, a nisu mi platili

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand that you want to get your money, but unless you're verified it's probably not going to work. That's why it's wise to be patient and maybe even answer questions. 

So do you only have the documents in a state of verification or have there been some rejections? Has the casino still not responded in the context of account verification? 

Samo sam ih kontaktirao, rekli su da moja dokumenta nisu dobra, a poslao sam dokumente sa najboljim slikama i ispravnim dokumentima koje su tražili i da mi neće platiti jer sam napravio nepravilnost, to je laž.

Prošlo je više od 5 radnih dana od kada sam poslao ova dokumenta, sada piše da nije odobreno,

Automatski prevedeno:

Did you also ask why they were not approved and what specific problem occurred when you provided them ?

I would also like to know what does it mean that you committed "an irregularity" is it something specific why the casino said that it will not pay you ? 


Rekli su da su slike loše, a ja sam pogledao mejl koji sam im poslao, slike su bile odlične, a za povlačenje kažu da kršenje pravila, znači da nisam ništa prekršio, samo da ne platim ,

Automatski prevedeno:

When they said that documents were wrong, did they mean some kind of resolution that they are not well visible or something else ? 

Anyway, how long has this whole situation been going on ? I think that slowly the 14th day will be approaching and our team will try to help you in your situation if nothing moves on by then.

Rekli su da fotografije imaju loše slike, da, prošlo je oko 15 dana.

Automatski prevedeno:
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