ForumKazinaSlottyway Casino - opšta diskusija

Slottyway Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

pre 2 godina od hellmamolli
7040 pregleda 85 odgovora |
12 3 45
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Hey there. It feels like the main question aims for the casino representative. Usually, the first withdrawal is the slowest due to the documents required for successful verification. Perhaps you should know this casino is not considered to be among the safest, so I would recommend checking its Safety Index 👈.

Given the information "High value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size," I would say you should reconsider whether 36 hours are actually that bad or whether you will see the winnings eventually - if you catch my meaning.

But don't let me scare you; be patient. We shall see how good they are at paying out. When it comes to the complaint, perhaps you've noticed there is a certain time frame for the action, hence, again, give it some time, and keep us posted, please.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 meseci
pre 2 meseci

Vidim da rejting kazina stalno raste 😱😱

Nažalost, sad vidim da je bio u pravu onaj koji je jednom napisao da sarađujete sa kazinom, teško je poverovati....stvarno.

Kazino ne isplaćuje toliki iznos i tako rejting raste

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pre 2 meseci

Nadam se da ste uspeli da dobijete platu...ali oni konfiskuju dobitke većine kockara...oni čine sve što mogu da nepravedno uzmu vaš novac...ako ste u prilici...klonite se Slottvai-a...Slottica ...Spinamba...od iste su mafije...pazi i budi na oprezu!!!

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pre 2 meseci

Zaista je tužno... umesto da nam se pomogne... mi smo na milosti lažnih kazina!!!

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pre 2 meseci

Da, nažalost, tako izgleda

Sajtove kao što je kazinoguru podržavaju kazina, tako da bi bilo čudno da to radi na njihovu štetu, sada to vidim kao sukob interesa

Nažalost, verovatno ne možemo ništa da uradimo, krajnje je vreme da odustanemo od igranja u kockarnicama, nemamo šanse sa njima, čak i ako uspemo nešto da osvojimo, opljačkaće nas i niko nam neće pomoći u tome

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pre 2 meseci

Tačno... od dana kada su me ovi kazina ukrali... nikad više nikoga nisam uputio na njih, naprotiv, upozoravam sve da ne koriste ova lažna kazina. Na kraju krajeva, izmišljaju mnogo nasumičnih stvari da nam zaplene novac... razmislite o tome. Kladio sam se normalno...i u kazinu i u sportskom klađenju...relativno mali ulozi...i konfiskovali su mi saldo jer sam se kladio na više od 209 reala nisam video u životu.. .bilo mi je to kap koja je prelila čašu...već sam izgubio novac na novibetu...Parimatch...slottvai...i slottica...svi su mi pazi prijatelji.. .i kazina...i kladionice samo kradu od naroda!!!

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pre 2 meseci

Vidim da rejting kazina stalno raste 😱😱

Nažalost, sad vidim da je bio u pravu onaj koji je jednom napisao da sarađujete sa kazinom, teško je poverovati....stvarno.

Kazino ne isplaćuje toliki iznos i tako rejting raste

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pre 2 meseci

There is not much left to say, though, if you choose to reject our explanations. All complaints are still available, and the casino's Safety Index remains at "Low." To be honest, though, your requested amount was actually fairly small, so the safety impact of 115 blackpoints, for example, was not that great.

I recognize that your point of view is strictly limited to the fact that the casino has not responded to your complaint, but that has never been the only aspect of it. By your reasoning, despite each deference, the score of every casino listed with at least one ignored complaint would be the same. Please, can you hear what I am trying to say?

Let me ask the Data Team again for you. This is the least I can do for you.

pre 2 meseci

Mówi pani że kwota 4900 PLN to niska kwota ? 😱😱😱Dla mnie to bardzo dużo pieniedzy 😞😞😞

Większość z tej kwoty są to moje depozyty jest to około 80 % tej kwoty także to nawet nie są wygrane ,tylko są to pieniądze które sam wplacilem

Kasyno nie ma prawa okradać swoich graczy z ich własnych pieniędzy 😞😞😱😱Rozumiem że można nie wypłacić wygranych no ale żeby okradać graczy z ich własnych pieniędzy to kasyno powinni mieć ocenę poniżej 2.0 a ocena kasyna cały czas rośnie w górę

Jeśli jest jaka kolwiek szansa to bardzo proszę o ponowne zapytanie w mojej sprawie , jestem już załamany ta cała sytuacja , już tyle kasyn mnie oszukało że mam naprawdę dość wszystkiego 😞😞

Jedyne co chciałbym odzyskać to środki które sam wplacilem, już nawet nie chce tych wygranych

pre 2 meseci

Rozumiem Cię przyjacielu,ja również zostałem oszukany przez kilka kasyn,

Slottyway,Richprize , BetNox

Także doskonale rozumiem co czujesz 😞😞😞

pre 2 meseci

I'm sorry, but I can't read your post because, under your current settings, the auto ranslator is not functional.

Anyway, this is a Google version:

"Are you saying that PLN 4,900 is a low amount? 😱😱😱For me it's a lot of money 😞😞😞

Most of this amount is my deposits, it's about 80% of this amount, so it's not even winnings, it's just money that I deposited myself

The casino has no right to rob its players of their own money 😞😞😱😱I understand that you can not pay out your winnings, but in order to rob players of their own money, the casino should have a rating below 2.0 and the casino's rating is constantly increasing.

If there is any chance, please inquire about my case again, I'm already devastated by this whole situation, so many casinos have already deceived me that I'm really fed up with everything 😞😞

The only thing I would like to get back is the money I deposited, I don't even want the winnings anymore"

My response:

Please note the mount of the back points:



I understand the amount is recognizable to you, but we consider points.

And yes, I agree that what you have experienced was totally unfair. Therefore, the Safety Index remains "low".

I asked the Data Team, and they said that, let us say, a change in ownership was the reason for the small increase. The casino is now part of a larger group, which may potentially mean they will be willing to address previously unresolved issues.

pre 2 meseci

Dakle, postoji li šansa da se žalba ponovo otvori?

Kao što sam pomenuo, želeo bih da vratim samo sredstva koja sam položio, a to je oko 80% od ukupnog iznosa, što je mnogo.

Kazino nema pravo da pljačka svoje mušterije posedovanjem licence za igre, razumem da se dobici poništavaju, ali ne i da oduzimaju sredstva igračima koji su sami uplatili depozit

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pre 2 meseci

Nadam se da ćeš dobiti nešto nazad druže! 🙏🙏

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pre 2 meseci

Prijatelju, ne možemo ovo tako lako da pustimo, opisaću ovu situaciju gde god mogu, učiniću sve da sprečim bilo koga da uloži svoja sredstva u ova kazina

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pre 2 meseci

Dakle, postoji li šansa da se žalba ponovo otvori?

Kao što sam pomenuo, želeo bih da vratim samo sredstva koja sam položio, a to je oko 80% od ukupnog iznosa, što je mnogo.

Kazino nema pravo da pljačka svoje mušterije posedovanjem licence za igre, razumem da se dobici poništavaju, ali ne i da oduzimaju sredstva igračima koji su sami uplatili depozit

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pre 2 meseci


I meant to say that it is a guess when I said "potentially." As I already explained to you in the past, such impulses should come from the casino's side. The future will tell whether the management wishes to get rid of past sins. This principle remains the same, I'm afraid.

The reopening request will not do you much good in these circumstances, I am pretty sure. After all, your circumstances are nothing new.

I have some bad news for you after looking up a few details about this group. Not a single indication suggests that someone from the group would start taking care of unresolved cases right away, given that other casinos within this new formation are of the same type.

Have you tried to chargeback your deposits? There might be a way to at least get something back.

pre 2 meseci

Ne razumem te? Postoji li način da vratite svoje depozite?

Po mom mišljenju, ako postoji novo rukovodstvo, trebalo bi da preispitaju moju pritužbu i barem da mi isplate depozite jer kazino nema pravo da ljudima otima njihove depozite

Možda ako ponovo uložimo žalbu, kazino će na neki način odgovoriti i barem mi isplatiti moje depozite

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pre 2 meseci

You are right in your assessment. Honestly, there is not much more to say after what I have already explained.

Try to ask your bank for cashback if your deposit option supports this feature.

This is something you may try to find out to get your deposits back.

"A chargeback is a credit or debit card charge that is forcibly reversed by an issuing bank. This typically happens after a cardholder claims a transaction was the result of fraud or abuse. Chargebacks are the primary tool banks use to resolve credit card payment disputes."

Are you familiar with this feature?

pre 2 meseci

Gospođo Radko, ali kazino ne želi da mi deblokira račun da bih mogao da podignem svoj depozit,

Kazino takođe nema pravo da uzima depozite, da li znate način da vratite svoj depozit?

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pre 2 meseci

Radka wrote about the chargeback process that is sometimes used by players. She also described what it is. Have you ever done it or not ? Most of the time the bank is involved and basically you can get your money back by chargeback if your bank deems it possible. But it is not always preferred, because in casinos then players can have problems and may not be allowed to play in some of them. 

pre 2 meseci

Ne znam šta je, prvi put čujem za tako nešto

Možete li mi, molim vas, reći šta to uključuje ako sam napravio depozit u junu koristeći Jeton novčanik?

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pre 2 meseci

Možete li mi, molim vas, pomoći i reći koji razlog da navedem u takvoj reklamaciji da bi je banka prihvatila?

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12 3 45

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