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Snatch Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 14)

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pre 3 meseci

Akle izvini, ne mogu da nađem ništa sa kojim sam bonusom igrao

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pre 3 meseci

So you don't have anything in your history, do you? Then I guess I would ask how is it possible that they cap your money at a certain point and you can't withdraw any more even though you have completed a rollover that the casino told you to do. 

I find this quite strange and would probably resort to lodging a complaint as I announced to get our team to take a more in-depth look at the whole situation. 

What do you think? 

pre 3 meseci

Zdravo, juče posle posla sam ponovo pogledao celu istoriju celog meseca, tu nema ništa. Takođe sam mogao normalno da zatražim isplatu, inače to nije moguće ako bonus nije iskorišćen. Da, želeo bih da uložim žalbu, šta treba da uradim? Hvala za pomoć

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pre 3 meseci


pre 3 meseci

Već sam napisao mejlove Snatchcasinu, poslednji juče sa zahtevom za kopiju dobitaka jer ne mogu da ih pronađem. Nikada ne dobijam odgovor, sve je to čudno

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pre 3 meseci

Izvinite, zaboravio sam nešto, kada sam igrao sa bonusom osvojio sam skoro 400 evra i onda se stanje promenilo sa bonus novca na pravi novac. Onda sam pogledao svoj profil i da, igrao sam sa pravim novcem za oko 200 evra. Ne mogu tačno da kažem, ali i ove pobede nema nigde u istoriji. Sve je to veoma čudno

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pre 3 meseci

More and more is being added, so I'm starting to get quite confused. 

And that's why a complaint is probably the best step. 

If you are interested, just tap on this link and file it here. ⬅️

I would also add a guide which might be helpful as to what to expect from the complaint itself- Complaint Resolution Information and Instructions

I hope this will be resolved as quickly and fairly as possible. 

pre 3 meseci

OK, hvala puno, uradiću to posle kasne smene. Već sam zbunjen, ali znam šta se desilo. Ne očekujem odgovor od Snatchcasina, mislim da nisu zainteresovani da to razjasne. Vidimo se onda, hvala

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Sure, if you have time you can go for it. We'll see how they're going to handle it. From what I've seen, they're trying to resolve the complaints, so hopefully it'll turn out well. 🙂

pre 3 meseci

Nadam se da se to može razjasniti, jer kao što sam rekao, ne mogu da igram ovu igru sa bonusom i dobijem džekpot bez garancije. Mnogo vam hvala

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pre 2 meseci

I understand, let's see what our team will find out and where it will go. I'll keep my fingers crossed. 🤞

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, da, da vidimo. Nikada nisam imao nikakvih problema tamo, isplate su veoma brze i inače mi se sviđa. Nemam pojma zašto je sada ovako. Imao sam ovaj džekpot ranije, ali sam igrao bez bonusa i dobio dobitak. sačekaću i videti

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

That's probably the most sensible thing to do. I hope that everything will be sorted out soon when you say that the casino is basically cool and you can enjoy your time here.

pre 2 meseci

Juče sam ponovo pregledao sav svoj napredak. Imao sam nešto slično prošle godine, ali nisam ništa radio jer sam bio pod stresom na poslu. Nisam više ni razmišljao o tome i sada ću tako ostaviti. Ako ne dobijem novac, onda je to tako. Definitivno sam dobio svoj novac nazad, ali ne možeš tek tako da trpiš sve. Nadam se da ćete imati ugodan vikend.

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pre 2 meseci

I agree, you can't leave it just like that and maybe you have to fight a little bit. If the only thing you sacrifice is time, then I don't think it's so bad. We'll see what comes out of it in the end. I hope it turns out well. 

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, da i ja se nadam i čini se da se i drugi osećaju isto što i ja. Sačekaj i vidi, osmeh. ugodnu nedelju

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Thank you and I wish you an equally successful week with good news. 😉

pre 2 meseci

Zatražio sam povlačenje 11. jula. Dokumenti su verifikovani, ali KIC traži da pošaljem bankovni izvod sa adresom.

Ne dobijam izvod poštom ..... Već sam poslao izvod koji sam preuzeo sa aplikacije banke, snimak ekrana plaćanja, snimak ekrana izvoda, snimak ekrana mojih bankovnih podataka... , a ja sam već rekao u svom mejlu da nemam ovu izjavu sa adresom, ali njihov odgovor je uvek da moram da pošaljem ovaj dokument.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hello, I see you have a problem with fully verifying yourself in the casino. This problem has plagued many players and I understand that in some countries you don't have a chance to get such a document with all the information. 

However, have you tried calling the bank to see if it would be possible if you can't get it through the app ? 

Alternatively, if you can't verify and the casino keeps telling you the same thing, you can lodge a complaint with us and our team will try to help you.

If you are interested, just tap on this link. ⬅️

So do you think you'll try to resolve it or will you ask for help ?

pre 2 nedelja

Igrao sam u kazinu za hvatanje, uneo sam bonus, pobeđivao, okreti se nisu završili, ipak me je izbacilo i ponovo sam ušao i nisam imao ni novca ni bonusa

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